OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Agreed. I was wondering if that was Ellen DeGeneres's new girlfriend or WTF? Right after the Rittenhouse verdict his bio was altered to include the claim that he had married Ann Coulter. I was like WTF? But it was very unprofessional of IMDb or MovieChat or whoever wrote it. https://moviechat.org/nm11848475/Kyle-Rittenhouse/619cb9c2b7f88f0212466fbd/Huh Both Russia and Ukraine are rather barbaric states held over from the old Soviet Union. The U.S. has no business backing either side and turn this into a global conflict with a Russia which has nukes. Vietnam was not our fight. Afghanistan was not our fight. Iraq was not our fight. Ukraine is not our fight. Neutrality. No yet another war to benefit the arms dealers. First, let me say again, I support abortion rights for every woman regardless of her reason. I'm saying that like anything, just because it's her legal option, that doesn't make her decision to abort an ethical one. If a woman is economically strapped and cannot afford a child, does that mean that ending a possible human life is ethical? There are options like adoption or government financial support. So yes, I confess, "inconvenience" makes light of a very anguished decision on the part of the mother. But we're talking about the difference between life and non-existence for her potential offspring. I don't know about anyone else, but I enjoy my life and I am glad my mother gave me this one-and-only opportunity to live. Dude, you are arguing that reproduction makes heterosexuality superior. How is "breeder" not the perfect term to describe those who believe the only purpose of sex is reproduction? Is that not what you're arguing? So you admit your bias is religious, based on faith, not science. As I said, that's fine and dandy. But there's no logical basis to say men can only have sex with women. Bisexuals have sex with both males and females. So is there something wrong with bisexuality, outside of your Christian moralism, in terms of science? Couples where the wife is past menopause have only non-reproductive sex. Is that "wrong"? What's the point if sex is only for reproduction? 👍 lol I agree that's a legitimate ethical reason for abortion. It falls under "life of the mother" since pregnancy would cause major threats to her sanity. However, most abortions are sought by adult women who had consensual sex and just believe a child is inconvenient at this time in their life. That may be practical, but it's not ethical. Thank you. I was going to do the same thing and come up with an approximate number. I saw the 30-60 guess on another thread and knew it was way off. Based on your numbers for 16 hours, it's safe to say there are 300+ daily users. Of course some of those are socks. But since MovieChat has email verification, that amount is not large. So that's 300 daily. If we go back a week we would catch all the occasional users which must be pushing a thousand. Damn, it took this guy 9 years to get a reply! Kudos. The sex drive is necessary. Hunger is necessary. Thirst is necessary. But what you fuck, eat and drink is a matter of personal choice. Christianity says homosexuality is a sin. But science says it's just a variation of human behavior. Science does not show that homosexuals and bisexuals fail at life in general. We are often more successful than the average breeder. So yeah, we're "normal" as in there is no evidence where we put our dick causes any dysfunction in our general behavior. Just realize you're falling back on Biblical prohibitions on homosexuality. And that's fine and dandy. But don't tell me there's any rational scientific reason not to have non-reproductive sex. All sex is not reproductive. That's like saying every act other than the missionary positions is sin. Homosexuality really boils down to sex acts which anyone can perform. There's no morality or rightness attached to consensual sex acts. What does make-up have to do with this? We LGB just accept the T as part of an alliance. Transgender is a separate issue. Thank you so much. I love MovieChat and it is superior in every way to that other joint. What underlying "science"? Good that you put "science" is quotes. 🤣 No, the jury is not "out on that one". Homosexuality and bisexuality are not mental illness. Medical professionals do not believe that and it flies in the face of common sense. And gender identification has nothing to do with sexual orientation. And I believe the roof of you trailer is covered in tinfoil to stop leaks. When I was a kid we had an old dog which went blind, and she would bark at everything and nothing. As much as I love dogs, they can also be the most annoying creatures on earth. I'm defending a lovable Jack Nicholson character. McMurphy didn't act like a pedophile in the film. If that's your objection to him, you miss the whole point of the story. The point here was to show the dehumanization of psychiatric patients. McMurphy was a free spirit who was lobotomized to crush him. Do you not see that angle? It's been said on this thread there are 30 to 50 regulars. I beg to differ. I think there are hundreds if you count all the individual boards. When I was Admin on filmboards I counted our total and eliminated all the socks. There were about 80 weekly regulars, but about 30 daily. But filmboards only has fools on it's General Discussion. The movie boards are dead compared to MovieChat. 50 is far too low. There wouldn't even be advertizing here if that was the case. Gun nuts. 🤣 I'm a middle class LGBT man and I live in Hollywood. You're the one who thinks calling something a "clump of cells" means it's ethical to kill it. It's a silly analogy and it means nothing. You were once a zygote. Do you enjoy being alive? Okay, when you start comparing me to a mass murderer, you've lost the argument. As I've said, bulls are warriors. For myself, I'm a warrior. I would rather die fighting, even if that involves pain. It's superior to dying like a sheep with a blow to the head. Not everyone thinks like you. Bulls certainly don't. Bottom line, either we stop eating beef and ban bullfights. Or we eat beef and watch bull fights. You're making an assessment with a cultural bias. http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/mcdonalds/images/cows.gif No, if I hock a loogie on the floor it ain't gonna grow into nothing. Don't be silly. And of course I'm judging the rapist. He belongs in prison. But the crimes of the father are not passed on down to the child. Stop blaming the child. Humans are technically a clump of cells, if you want to be so crass about it. The dog next door is a bother to me. He's made my life miserable for the past 6 months with his barking all night. Is it okay if I shoot him in the head?