OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Joe Corso Shassie The Looker The Silver Man Buns Hooligan Good answer! Yes, but they should have made a more unlikely character transgender. This is not a good message to tell girls that merely because they don't match the gender stereotype for females, that they are automatically transgender. What's wrong with a "tomboy" who knows she's a girl, is disgusted by genital mutilation, but just prefers to be butch and aggressive, not like a girly girl? The liberal establishment is confusing the hell out of kids. Why can't a tomboy say "I am who I am, and I don't want some mad doctor messing with my body and my genitals! F**k off. I'm a tomboy! I'm a girl!" With Ann Coulter you never know. Maybe she did marry the brat. Lol. That's some wacky stuff there though. Is it a joke? Or is it just a very sloppy mistake? Yeah, that's why I don't eat it either. But I wish I could. Hey Sophie. Now that I'm not on filmboards anymore I guess I can post here now. Lol. I don't worry about calories because I don't easily gain weight. But I worry about cholesterol and clogged arteries. I would love to eat a pile of greasy bacon though. It's something I never eat anymore. 7/10 It's not my favorite Madonna song by far but it's catchy.