MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
Not really. Wonder Woman might have two solo movies, but the second one sucked, and while Gal Gadot might be adored, her acting is still bad. Birds of Prey was a terrible movie, Harley Quinn is annoying and I never found Margot Robbie that attractive, and Amanda Waller was a joke in both Suicide Squad movies despite being perfectly cast. Mera was alright, not bad but not great.
Black Widow was a cool character, but her movie sucked. Captain Marvel, don’t even get me started. WandaVision, however, was actually a good show, and Wanda herself is a good, despite the fake accent. Gamora was alright at first but she got cool as time went on, same with Nebula. Wasp was more likable in Ant Man 2. I even liked Kate Bishop more then I thought I would.
For the most part, Marvel has handled its female characters quite well (other than Captain Marvel), better than DC so far. DC might have more female-centric movies, but that doesn’t mean they’re treating their female characters better, especially since most of those movies sucked. If anyone should take notes, it’s DC.
With that said, the rise of the M-she-U and the D-she-EU has left me little hope that we’ll be seeing likable and well-written female characters (or male characters for that matter) from either company for the foreseeable future.
Yes, they traveled with him from 2014. They were in the ship. It makes perfect sense.
Glad to see someone else point that out. It’s rather annoying seeing people ask for a TASM 3 when the first two sucked. And let’s not forget Andrew wanted Spider-Man to be bi so that he could date a black male MJ, which is an even worse idea than Zendaya’s Michelle Jones. If he wanted to come out, that’s fine, but he shouldn’t use Spider-Man to do it.
We get it, Andrew was actually pretty good in No Way Home. The thing is, he wasn’t the main Spider-Man, or even the most popular Spider-Man. With the bar set so low for him, it’s really not that big of a surprise that he managed to perform well in someone else’s superior movie.
lol, only a few loud people want him back. They clearly forgot how bad his films were, and that he wanted to play a gay (technically bi) Spider-Man who dated an "MJ" that was a black guy.
No, they're both about biology, the "behavior and cultural norms" thing is a recent phenomena invented by delusional people - and enabled by their "allies" - who'd rather stay in denial instead of getting treatment. Anyone that plays along with those people are just fooling themselves and adding to the problem.
They are the same thing. People today are just pretending they’re not in order to cope. They can change the dictionary as many times as they want, and invent as many buzzwords as they want, it doesn't matter.
<b>Sex and gender are the same thing</b> which is the male or female division of a species as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.
Gender and sex are the same thing. The majority of the medical and scientific community still treat them as such.
Only fringe “scientists” and “doctors”, along with the woke crowd, pretend they’re different to please trans people.
Most conservatives I’ve seen didn’t call her based or one of their own, other than sarcastically.
They agreed with her when she said trans-women/men aren’t women/men, and mildly praised her for at least sticking to her beliefs (until this recent tweet where she back-peddled, because of course she did), but otherwise the conservatives said that she brought this hate on herself when she tried so hard to please the woke crowd, who will never ever be pleased.
Anime dub voice actors must be sweating right now. Most of them are white (or otherwise non-Japanese), and normally they support this kind of stuff, until they remembered that most of their income is from voicing Japanese characters.
There have also been POC actors that voiced white roles, are they gonna apologize too?
I realize this post was before Detective Pikachu, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Castlevania came out, so I’ll just mention them without comparing.
I enjoyed this movie, but I’d rate it below the Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider movies, the 2006 Silent Hill movie, and the Warcraft movie.
Prince of Persia is about as good as the 90s Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter movies.
And all the other black actors that played non-black roles.
2021 had its fair share of movies like this. Fast and Furious 9, Godzilla vs Kong, Suicide Squad, etc. One could argue Spider-Man as well.
So it’s not like we don’t have them anymore, we’re just appreciating them even more now due to the prevalence of woke movies.
Imagine if it wasn't trash, though. Imagine if the DCEU and MCU were both producing quality movies side-by-side. Imagine if we got both Avengers and Justice League movies in the same year, both ending with some massive 2-part event against Thanos and Darkseid. Imagine Dick Grayson finally getting the recognition he deserves, both as Robin and as Nightwing. Imagine if both didn't go woke and instead continued to make stories that fans actually want to see, while featuring the already-diverse cast that's been around this whole time, despite wokeists pretending otherwise.
Wasn’t she fired for saying something “controversial”? While her Mandolorian costar (among other people) got to keep his job for saying something equally controversial? All while we live in a time where women are put on a pedestal for men to worship?
If anyone’s above reproach, it’s those with liberal values, as long as they’re not convicted of something serious like murder or pedophilia.
It's a shame, but I didn't think it was a good idea for them to use kids as the main characters. They should've used adults. This is why I consider the 2009 video game as the true Ghostbusters 3.
That said, it was still better than the 2016 movie, it didn't lose money like the 2016 movie, and Sony included it in an ultimate collection box set without the 2016 movie (although Sony caved and included 2016 as a digital code, which I doubt anyone will use).
In addition to what MovieChatUser497 said, T-16 Skyhoppers are airspeeders, not landspeeders. They were known to have similar controls to X-Wings, and were used as training vehicles to prepare new X-Wing pilots. This is true for both the Legends Canon and Disney Canon. A quick search will prove this.
Flying airspeeders to simulate space-flight is not that much different than real-life astronauts using diving suits and moving under-water to simulate space movement.
So yes, Luke does have experience and training, and he has flown before. We have on-screen dialogue and lore to confirm that. It's naive to assume that the only time he spent training was onscreen, for flying or for Jedi stuff, when evidence allows us to infer otherwise. The OT spans 3-4 years, he's definitely spent more than just a few minutes Jedi-training with Obi-Wan and Yoda, and clearly he's trained as a pilot before the Battle of Yavin.
Rey, on the other hand, was shown starting with a limited skill set, without even so much as throw-away dialogue to suggest she learned various skills before Force Awakens started. There was no reason to infer that she could do most of the things she did without prior set-up first, especially when she admitted that she hadn't flown much before and knew nothing about the force. Therefore, she's a Mary Sue.
I listed merch sales as one example others have mentioned when they prefer the Prequels over the Sequels. I also listed plenty of other previously-mentioned examples that you seem to have ignored.
Again, why are you obsessed with defending the Sequels? What's it to you?
Why do you say they've been moved? Why are you going out of your way to defend the Sequels? Is it something personal for you?
He couldn’t become a Jedi until after he beat Vader, that's what Yoda said. Luke lost miserably in their first fight, and it wasn't until after that that Luke started taking Yoda's training regimen seriously, on top of the rudimentary training Obi-Wan left for him after A New Hope.
Obi-Wan was guiding him, while Han was getting Vader off his back. Without either of them, Luke would've been shot down and killed before he got a chance to fire the missiles.
Luke didn't become a lead fighter pilot of the <i>Rebel Alliance</i> overnight. He's flown before on Tatooine and was training to become a pilot along with his friends, and his skills were average at best during the Battle of Yavin. And throughout the OT, the Rebel's ace pilot was Wedge Antilles, not Luke.
You sure you watched the same Star Wars movies as everyone else?
Huh? Luke, a Mary Sue? The guy that needed Obi-Wan and Han's help to blow up the Death Star? The guy that took years of training and three movies before he could even stand up to Vader, let alone beat him? Only to have to rely on Vader to kill Palpatine anyway? That Luke?