The Snyder-verse or the Hamada-verse, we're screwed either way.
Between Snyder's "dark and edgy" superhero movies and Hamada's "girl power" activism, DC fans just can't catch a break. If the persisting rumors are true at all, then Superman and Batman are gonna get replaced by Supergirl and Batgirl. WB/DC actually think that's what fans want, that that's how they're gonna compete with the MCU. I like Supergirl (Kara Zoe-El, not the Hispanic-washed Injustice character they’re using) and Batgirl, but not enough to have them replace two of the most popular comicbook heroes of all time, and especially not unceremoniously like this. If anyone's gonna replace Superman, it should be his son Jon, without being all woke about it; if anyone's gonna replace Batman, it should be Terry McGinnis, and both should be after 10 years of successful DCEU movies.
And it's not like we can still rely on the MCU to fill the void. Aside from Spider-Man: No Way Home and WandaVision, the Phase 4 movies and Disney+ shows have been a bust. Other than Doctor Strange 2, I don't really care for their slate of movies, especially since Disney/Marvel will likely triple down on the wokeness, which means I won't even bother with Fantastic Four and X-Men unless they somehow surprise all of us with respectful adaptations.