MovieChat Forums > LanceDance > Replies
LanceDance's Replies
I was pretty young when I saw the Jackson trilogy, and I had no problem distinguishing the humans and elves. The movies did a good job at making the elves stand out.
You’re the first person I’ve seen to make that complaint.
The first game wasn’t that bad with its wokeness. This game looks like it’ll double down on it, they even made Aloy’s face fat and ugly.
I hope I’m wrong.
The third season came out on 2019. Season 4 is coming out in 2022, and they also said that season 5 will be the last.
lol it's a show about left-wing POCs bitching about white people for things they didn't do. Who are the triggered ones here? 😄
<blockquote>Seriously, the Fantasy genre as a whole is left-leaning, because the demographics demand it.</blockquote>
lol the fantasy genre is quite heavy in right-wing/conservative values, but ok bud.
<blockquote>The typical Fantasy reader is a female who believes in goodness and common decency, who sympathizes with the downtrodden and who believes that everyone should get a fair deal regardless of race, sex, nationality, and (frequently) sexual/gender orientation, so stuff that appeals to the typical reader is what gets published.</blockquote>
If it was a romantic fantasy story, then sure, the typical reader would be female. Otherwise it's as I said, fantasy leans heavy on the right, which has always been about equality and tolerance; as opposed to the left, which is about supremacy and intolerance. Thanks for proving my point. That last part about sexuality/gender orientation might apply more to leftist stories, especially these days, but hey, "don't ask, don't tell". The LGBT can do their thing as long as they're not forcing others to like them.
<blockquote>If you want stories that celebrate white men, monocultures, alpha males, or the correctness of respecting authority, forget out of Fantasy. The fandoms won't miss you.</blockquote>
Not sure what fantasies you were reading/watching before 2010, but that's how it's always been, the only difference is that the race of the characters is based on who's telling the story. Whether it's white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, etc, that's how the fantasy genre is, until 2010-2015 anyway, when the Obama years brought out the woke writers. Even in fantasies where different cultures clashed, they never portrayed each culture as being multi-racial/ethnic. One culture was one race, and another culture was another race. That's how you show diversity, not shoving a bunch of people into one area with no sense of identity.
I’d rather they give that a try instead of woke-washing pre-existing material. They can adapt Children of Blood and Bone or something and see how it goes. If it’s successful, then it proves there’s a market for original woke fantasy stories after all and it opens the door for other genres that are heavily woke. The far-left crowd can have their media, while everyone else can enjoy their woke-free media again.
If not, well, most things that have gotten woke went broke, and Hollywood refuses to admit it, they care more about The Message than making money.
Ummm, are you really that naive? Of course they'd make up their own numbers and data, they'd be out of a job and irrelevant otherwise. And with a name like that, why <b>wouldn't</b> you suspect them? There’s no way for us to see, let alone verify, that their claims are true, where as we can see for ourselves that successful franchises, including those starring a mostly mono-racial cast (white or non-white) have attracted a diverse fanbase, proving that diversity isn’t nearly as big of a factor in profits and popularity as Hollywood and the media are claiming. Race-washing is not answer, no matter the context.
I never denied that China is a source of income for them. China is also what the Left thinks America is: a largely racist nation with a particular hatred for black people. As for whether Hollywood wants all whites dead and wants China to be their new masters, many celebrities, even white celebrities, have gone on record stating their hatred for whites, and have either supported China or otherwise ignored China's racist and inhumane actions.
<blockquote>Okay, so you aren't actually providing examples.</blockquote>
Except I did 🤨 I could provide <b>more</b> examples if you let me in on your definition of one.
<blockquote> The 2021 <i>Hollywood</i> <b>Diversity</b> Report states</blockquote>
Alright, lemme stop you right there 😄 Do you see what you did wrong?
Then like I said, the problem is on your end, not ours. Whether it's major blockbusters like Star Wars and superhero movies, or oscar-bait films, Hollywood has doubled and tripled down on its representation, which to them means the less whites the better, and if there are whites, make them bad, dumb, or both. Unless they're white women, in which case make them overly strong, smart, masculine, and/or unattractive. And if they're villains, make them sympathetic.
<blockquote>I am saying that people are more likely to spend money when they see representation.</blockquote>
And I'm saying that people are actually more likely to spend money if the media is good, representation or not. Diversity is nice, but it's pointless and worthless if done badly.
<blockquote>I haven't said that anyone was being ignored, but historically having all white American movies and tv shows was common.</blockquote>
In a white-dominant country like America, sure, especially back then when the POC population was negligible. It also depends if the movie was based on a specific white culture, mythology, or history. Go to Africa and you'll see mostly black representation, despite having a fair share of Arabs and whites living there too. Same thing with Hispanic countries, Asian countries, Indian countries, etc. If people really are asking for representation, there's a whole world full of different races and cultures that are perfectly capable of representing themselves without relying on color-washing. POCs in America can also use the resources available to represent their race and culture without disrespecting and color-washing white culture, mythology, and history in the process.
<blockquote>I assure you that there are plenty of people on this site who are upset when a white man isn't a hero.</blockquote>
If you say so. You sure they aren't just trolls? There's a lot of those, and their only purpose is to stoke fires. I myself haven't seen any genuine people like that, and I've been around since IMDb. I've only seen trolls, and people who rely on strawman arguments and unsubstantiated claims like that.
<blockquote>Anti-white propaganda isn't good business for a movie studio either</blockquote>
Agreed, since they're losing money over it, but they don't seem to care.
<blockquote>just because a movie has a white male villain and a non white or a non male protagonist, it doesn't mean that it's anti-white or anti-male.</blockquote>
Never said it did. Plenty of movies before 2010 had white male antagonists and non-white/male leads. The difference is they didn't have an agenda back then. Many movies today do. You may claim to not see that, but we do, both whites and POCs. It's not even that hard to see since Hollywood has gotten more and more brazen about it. So the problem is on your end.
<blockquote> I'm sorry, but this comment just speaks to me of fragile white man syndrome</blockquote>
Except it’s not just whites that say this. Plenty of colored people like myself didn’t catch fragile POC disease so we’re not crying for muh representation. If it’s just some dumb action movie like Fast & Furious, then they can diversify it all they want, they can have diversity coming out the ass if it makes them feel better. But if it’s a story that’s clearly rooted in culture and mythology like Lord of the Rings, or a character was a certain race to begin with regardless if their race has any bearing on their characterization, then leave the characters’ races alone. There are non-white characters in LOTR, but they’re not enough for woke Hollywood today.
<blockquote>In the US the "white" population is 60%. Why would a studio choose to exclude 40% of people? It makes no sense financially</blockquote>
More like 65%, or 75% if you include white-Hispanics, but I digress. Who says the 40% are being ignored? It’s quite the opposite, Hollywood is this going out of their way to ignore the 60-75%, and being dicks about it. How does THAT make financial sense? Unless it’s no longer about money…
<blockquote> people still get upset because it's not a white man saving the day 100% of the time.</blockquote>
Considering the global success of anime and Squid Game, that’s clearly not the case. That’s an over-used strawman argument with no basis whatsoever. What they’re upset about is the anti-white propaganda, as any self-respecting white person and non-racist POC would be.
It doesn’t matter how many generations your family lived somewhere. If you’re in the minority, and you’re wasting time complaining about representation, then look to the place where people like you are the majority and watch their media.
I’m a minority, but I don’t bitch about Hollywood not catering to me specifically or people like me. I just want to be entertained, and if I really felt race-sick (as opposed to homesick), my ancestral home’s got that covered. The global success of Squid Game and anime/manga should prove that POCs are perfectly capable of representing themselves, and that fictional characters don’t need to resemble the audience to be relatable and likable. It should also be clear by now that seeing people of color in movies doesn’t trigger anyone; what pisses people off, including POCs, is wokeness, which isn’t the same as diversity and representation.
If money really was the driving factor, then they wouldn’t be excluding the majority where it’s most profitable, and pandering to the monitory where they’re losing money. Adding another 5% might sound good, but you can’t please everyone, so you gotta stick with your core audience. What’s driving representation these days is politics, nothing more. Lately it’s cool and trendy to hate on capitalism, and they have plenty of money to lose, so all they care about now is saving face and not appearing as racist and sexist.
<blockquote>People want to see people who look like them represented in film</blockquote>
Sounds like a bunch of narcissistic egomaniacs. If that’s really how they feel, then they should watch some movies and shows from their ancestral homes, and/or make their own. If they’re gonna live in another country where they’re the minority, expect to not be represented that much, if at all. They’re not entitled to any special treatment or privilege.
Aww, they weren’t that small.
Her thighs though… I’d say they made up for it.
Someone watched the Robot Chicken sketch and either took it way too seriously or thought he was being original.
It’s only a flop if it doesn’t make a profit. With a budget of $100 million, and maybe an extra $50 million in marketing, $750 million worldwide isn’t bad at all.
I was only half paying attention and even I knew it was Timothy Olyphant’s character.
Choosing that as their after-credits scene to lead into their next show was rather lame. I like him, but not that much.
The fans decide what's canon with their wallets. The copyright holders can push whatever they want, it won't matter if fans aren't buying it.
Still gaslighting I see, and doubling down too. I know the definition, and I explained how it applies here.
They didn’t play Selina Kyle, though even if they did, I mentioned how dumb it still was.
I was using the royal “you”, though you specifically broke down at the end and whined too, so there’s your answer.
Gaslighting and projecting, big surprise.
That’s what you guys do after you whine that there’s too many white characters, you pretend you didn’t whine at all and say we’re whining instead. Nice try, not really.