MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > The Critical Drinker sums up PERFECTLY w...

The Critical Drinker sums up PERFECTLY why Tolkien fans are PISSED OFF

Basically, if you want diversity and all of that stuff in your epic fantasy TV series, CREATE YOUR OWN instead of bastardising an established classic!!


Tolkien already tainted his own World by including tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, Muslim-influenced warfare, salt, Algebra, etc. into a mythic landscape


How was that tainting his own world? If HE wants to feature that stuff, LET him! I and others can't stand the thought of these idiots changing the established ethnicity of Tolkien's own world just to suit their agenda!


Well, with that logic Prime Video / Amazon owns the rights. So, if they want those things to be included, LET THEM!

If Tolkien (or his wife, or his son, or whoever) doesn't want anyone that HAS the rights mucking around with his oh-so-precious creation then he shouldn't SELL the rights in the first place. But all that green money looking so nice, wasn't it?

Can't have a cake AND eat it too!


CriticalWanker thrives on being a White victim. His schtick is getting very old and tired.


I'M a "white victim", too! What race are you, BourbonKing?


Like him or not. It is actually one of the best described videos of why fans are complaing and outraged by what they are doing.

He is right in every respect.


It's his universe to include whatever he wants.

Make your own if you're not creatively bankrupt.


Salt ?


It's a mineral. Tastes like Esmeralda's tears.


But that's not important right now.


It's pronounced PO-TAY-TOES! Boil em up mash em up put em in a stew!


Exactly what I have been trying to point out in another thread. The fact it is fictional is not a valid reason to drastically change major elements of characters, races and story just to push a modern day agenda. Nobody watches Lord of the Rings to be reminded about about what is going on today. It is fantasy for a reason.

I of course have met with name calling, doesn't suprise me.

Lord of the Rings is literally based on Anglo Saxon Medieval people, you know white people. The shire is the english countryside. It has norse myhthology and folklore. But that is ok, european culture doesn't matter to americans and there miniscule narrow minded view of race. All they see is black and white nothing else, whoopi goldberg being a prime example.

I even said the same thing. You want your multicultural fantasy world then go and make one.

If lord of the rings was originally an all black cast do you imagine for one second they would change any of that to be more inclusive or diverse, not a fking chance.


Woke programming is not done to fight racism but to widen the audience. Again, it's all just commercial decision-making.
But there is no "correct" way to do an interpretation because you just can't please everyone. Don't keep thinking it is about racism, you seem to miss the point. But you are trying, so that is something.


Wanting a piece of literature to be adapted correctly to the screen isn't racist no matter how much you want it to be.

Nice fail but I give you a C for effort


Woke programming is done to widen the audience !? Do you sincerely believe that ?


I think that money plays a bigger part than politics.

People want to see people who look like them represented in film.

Are politics involved? Yes, but I don't think that's it's the big conspiracy which so many "woke" alarmists claim it is.


People want to see people who look like them represented in film

Sounds like a bunch of narcissistic egomaniacs. If that’s really how they feel, then they should watch some movies and shows from their ancestral homes, and/or make their own. If they’re gonna live in another country where they’re the minority, expect to not be represented that much, if at all. They’re not entitled to any special treatment or privilege.


So how many generations do you have to be in a country for it to be your home? I mean I'm 3rd generation, should I be looking to Europe for my movies? Or would that only apply if I were a third generation Asian? Or maybe if I was black and could trace my family back to the 16th century would that be far enough back or would I have to do find African films? Fuck.

I also didn't say that anyone is entitled to anything. I said that I think that money is a driving force more than politics. Why not add another 5% of the population who now wants to see a movie who might have previously not watched it? I also don't understand why it is so triggering for so many people on here to see people of colour in their movies? Do they live in an all white place? That is not the majority of places.


You're a world citizen, just like us all. We should upvote the UN and make it the world government already. I want flying fucking cars goddammit!


It doesn’t matter how many generations your family lived somewhere. If you’re in the minority, and you’re wasting time complaining about representation, then look to the place where people like you are the majority and watch their media.

I’m a minority, but I don’t bitch about Hollywood not catering to me specifically or people like me. I just want to be entertained, and if I really felt race-sick (as opposed to homesick), my ancestral home’s got that covered. The global success of Squid Game and anime/manga should prove that POCs are perfectly capable of representing themselves, and that fictional characters don’t need to resemble the audience to be relatable and likable. It should also be clear by now that seeing people of color in movies doesn’t trigger anyone; what pisses people off, including POCs, is wokeness, which isn’t the same as diversity and representation.

If money really was the driving factor, then they wouldn’t be excluding the majority where it’s most profitable, and pandering to the monitory where they’re losing money. Adding another 5% might sound good, but you can’t please everyone, so you gotta stick with your core audience. What’s driving representation these days is politics, nothing more. Lately it’s cool and trendy to hate on capitalism, and they have plenty of money to lose, so all they care about now is saving face and not appearing as racist and sexist.


Sounds like a bunch of narcissistic egomaniacs. If that’s really how they feel, then they should watch some movies and shows from their ancestral homes, and/or make their own
So....even if one's family has been in a location much longer than the majority they should still look elsewhere? I'm sorry, but this comment just speaks to me of fragile white man syndrome.

Again, I have stated that this is more about money than it is about politics. This is my opinion. If I am not interested in a movie, or a tv show, I simply don't watch it.

Like my comment below in regards to Squid game. In Korea, the population of internationally born individuals are 2.3%. From a money standpoint it makes sense to cater to the 97.7% of the intended audience. In the US the "white" population is 60%. Why would a studio choose to exclude 40% of people? It makes no sense financially.

I have not said that there is no political agenda in some casting. I absolutely think that there is. Some.

I think that a lot of other casting is authentic, and people still get upset because it's not a white man saving the day 100% of the time. If you want a white man saving the day you have tons of Marvel movies to choose from.


I'm sorry, but this comment just speaks to me of fragile white man syndrome

Except it’s not just whites that say this. Plenty of colored people like myself didn’t catch fragile POC disease so we’re not crying for muh representation. If it’s just some dumb action movie like Fast & Furious, then they can diversify it all they want, they can have diversity coming out the ass if it makes them feel better. But if it’s a story that’s clearly rooted in culture and mythology like Lord of the Rings, or a character was a certain race to begin with regardless if their race has any bearing on their characterization, then leave the characters’ races alone. There are non-white characters in LOTR, but they’re not enough for woke Hollywood today.

In the US the "white" population is 60%. Why would a studio choose to exclude 40% of people? It makes no sense financially

More like 65%, or 75% if you include white-Hispanics, but I digress. Who says the 40% are being ignored? It’s quite the opposite, Hollywood is this going out of their way to ignore the 60-75%, and being dicks about it. How does THAT make financial sense? Unless it’s no longer about money…

people still get upset because it's not a white man saving the day 100% of the time.

Considering the global success of anime and Squid Game, that’s clearly not the case. That’s an over-used strawman argument with no basis whatsoever. What they’re upset about is the anti-white propaganda, as any self-respecting white person and non-racist POC would be.


First of all I didn't say that anyone was crying over not having representation. I am saying that people are more likely to spend money when they see representation. I'm not talking about studios wanting to feel better, I'm talking about studios like Disney seeing a wider group of people they can sell their merchandise to.

I haven't said that anyone was being ignored, but historically having all white American movies and tv shows was common. I'm not saying that that is right or wrong. I'm not talking ethics. I'm simply talking about what studios think will sell.

I assure you that there are plenty of people on this site who are upset when a white man isn't a hero. I clearly don't watch the same movies as you do to see anti-white propaganda. Anti-white propaganda isn't good business for a movie studio either, but just because a movie has a white male villain and a non white or a non male protagonist, it doesn't mean that it's anti-white or anti-male.


I am saying that people are more likely to spend money when they see representation.

And I'm saying that people are actually more likely to spend money if the media is good, representation or not. Diversity is nice, but it's pointless and worthless if done badly.

I haven't said that anyone was being ignored, but historically having all white American movies and tv shows was common.

In a white-dominant country like America, sure, especially back then when the POC population was negligible. It also depends if the movie was based on a specific white culture, mythology, or history. Go to Africa and you'll see mostly black representation, despite having a fair share of Arabs and whites living there too. Same thing with Hispanic countries, Asian countries, Indian countries, etc. If people really are asking for representation, there's a whole world full of different races and cultures that are perfectly capable of representing themselves without relying on color-washing. POCs in America can also use the resources available to represent their race and culture without disrespecting and color-washing white culture, mythology, and history in the process.

I assure you that there are plenty of people on this site who are upset when a white man isn't a hero.

If you say so. You sure they aren't just trolls? There's a lot of those, and their only purpose is to stoke fires. I myself haven't seen any genuine people like that, and I've been around since IMDb. I've only seen trolls, and people who rely on strawman arguments and unsubstantiated claims like that.

Anti-white propaganda isn't good business for a movie studio either

Agreed, since they're losing money over it, but they don't seem to care.

just because a movie has a white male villain and a non white or a non male protagonist, it doesn't mean that it's anti-white or anti-male.

Never said it did. Plenty of movies before 2010 had white male antagonists and non-white/male leads. The difference is they didn't have an agenda back then. Many movies today do. You may claim to not see that, but we do, both whites and POCs. It's not even that hard to see since Hollywood has gotten more and more brazen about it. So the problem is on your end.


First of all, no where did I say that there wasn't politics involved. In fact, I said that there is. I just don't think that politically motivated casting choices are as prevalent as so many people think they are. Please point out where this is the majority? All I've said is that I'm not seeing it outside of a couple of cases.


Then like I said, the problem is on your end, not ours. Whether it's major blockbusters like Star Wars and superhero movies, or oscar-bait films, Hollywood has doubled and tripled down on its representation, which to them means the less whites the better, and if there are whites, make them bad, dumb, or both. Unless they're white women, in which case make them overly strong, smart, masculine, and/or unattractive. And if they're villains, make them sympathetic.


Okay, so you aren't actually providing examples.

If you don't believe me that it's money, that's fine. I have no agenda here. I just don't care.

The 2021 Hollywood Diversity Report states

Of the top 185 films of 2020, more than half were released via streaming platforms only.

Of the films that had a theatrical release, minority audiences accounted for the bulk of ticket purchases.

Films with casts that were at least 21% minority enjoyed the highest online viewing ratings among all racial groups in the all-important 18–49 age category.

Women and people of color gained ground in all job categories tracked by the report: lead actors, total cast, writers and directors.

People of color and women are still underrepresented as film writers and directors and typically helmed lower-budget films.

If this is the trend, why would they change it?


Okay, so you aren't actually providing examples.

Except I did 🤨 I could provide more examples if you let me in on your definition of one.

The 2021 Hollywood Diversity Report states

Alright, lemme stop you right there 😄 Do you see what you did wrong?


Ummm. We are talking about Hollywood movies, are we not? Just because the report has diversity in the title you think they are making up the numbers?

Fine. The numbers are made up. Hollywood wants all whites dead and replaced by China. The pandering to China has nothing to do with the billion plus people there who like to watch movies and everything to do with replacing the US government with Communist Chinese one.


Ummm, are you really that naive? Of course they'd make up their own numbers and data, they'd be out of a job and irrelevant otherwise. And with a name like that, why wouldn't you suspect them? There’s no way for us to see, let alone verify, that their claims are true, where as we can see for ourselves that successful franchises, including those starring a mostly mono-racial cast (white or non-white) have attracted a diverse fanbase, proving that diversity isn’t nearly as big of a factor in profits and popularity as Hollywood and the media are claiming. Race-washing is not answer, no matter the context.

I never denied that China is a source of income for them. China is also what the Left thinks America is: a largely racist nation with a particular hatred for black people. As for whether Hollywood wants all whites dead and wants China to be their new masters, many celebrities, even white celebrities, have gone on record stating their hatred for whites, and have either supported China or otherwise ignored China's racist and inhumane actions.


“People want to see people who look like them represented in film”

Exactly! That is why Squid Game was such a huge success worldwide - because all possible ethnicities and nationalities were represented in the cast.


Yeah, and Crazy Rich Asians was a huge success too. Squid Game was not a western production and Asian societies tend to be more homogeneous. (Foreign born residents in Korea is 2.3 %). Same with Eastern European countries. The west, is not.

The US is only 60% white these days. As a business, why would you only want to target 60% when you could include more people and aim for 90%?


I agree - money is the sole motivator for studios. And as for the politics side of it, all the outrage does is generate interest so loads of these alarmists are hate-watching, which is the same as watch-watching for the guys who make the money.


This is a ridiculous claim. Unless you are a racist who thinks that minorities have no imagination.
When I read Ramayana as a kid I didn't imagine the characters as Western knights.
When I read Romance of the Three Kingdoms I can perfectly well imagine a world populated by only Asian people.

There is absolutely no scientific reason an African or a South American can't do the same. In fact I know they do because the internet is filled with posts and video of Black, Asian and Latino fans being just as angry as the "inherently racist" "whites".


Let's stop the pretend differences and embrace the proven similarities already! One world to either fuck up or save. Together. Choose wisely...


Absolutely. In real life.
In art, however, let's be just as high-principled and respect the source material.


Woke programming is nothing about widening the audience and everything to do with widening the diversity of the cast. I've yet to see a single example of any story that has been improved by making it 'woke'.

"But there is no "correct" way to do an interpretation because you just can't please everyone."

Well don't interpret it then. Film it as it is.


I can't think of a time when I've ever disagreed with what that guy has said in any of his videos. He just has an excellent common sense approach to pop culture.


You took the words right out of my mouth, he's also a successful author, known for the Ryan Drake books.
