MovieChat Forums > Zoltan > Replies

Zoltan's Replies

Don't know her political leanings, but I agree. She got her shit together. I think the press was pretty hard on her to begin with. I used to party just as much as her, I just wasn't born rich with cameras following me around. Fair enough. Just sounded a bit bloodthirsty, is all. It's pretty impressive. There was a guy on here who claimed to have broken every bone in his body by getting into street fights. Moviechat really is a badass group of cinephiles. Dude, you are super scary. Probably the scariest person on all of movie chat. Well this McMurican has a bidet. My arsehole is protected. Wait.. what? Are you saying you favor Psaki over Kayleigh based on looks alone? Or did I read that wrong..? This is my fundamental issue with this movie. It's impossible for me to care about this dumbass and his dumbass family. None of them use any type of foresight or common sense whatsoever. I suppose there wouldn't be much movie if they just had a panic room, but if that's the case, write a better fucking plot. She has a special place in my middle school memories. I met Crusher Kowalski at my best friend's wedding. He was like 80 years old at the time, and I was an athletic 24 year old dude. He was playing around and shook my hand really hard, and I swear to God it was like being grabbed by an elephant trunk. I have no doubt OJ could mop the floor with a "karate expert" if he really wanted to. The dude was strong as fuck. 47 isn't even that old. Lol Why would I have to? I'm not from some shit country like Argentina. You're not a very smart guy, are you? Actually, that wasn't a dream. Sorry I missed your reply somehow. And thank you. I'm surprised anyone actually got that reference. I can't understand exactly why this is blowing my mind. We've come full circle. Amanda Seyfried is cute and all, but Megan Fox was burning up in this movie. Not even close IMO She still gave birth to Maya so all is forgiven. Check out Reynolds in "Buried" or "The Voices".. dude can act his ass off when he needs to. I think he just found his niche and stuck to it. He doesn't have massive range, but he's great at what he does in my opinion. I like Gosling too, man. I get it. I'm pretty sure Gosling will never fuck you, but I respect the effort.