MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I don't believe OJ Simpson committed the...

I don't believe OJ Simpson committed the murders.

At the time of the murders, he was almost 47 years old with crippling football injuries and suffered from arthritis. Yet we're expected to believe that he had the stealth-like capacity to kill 2 young people in quick succession. Ron Goldman was a fit 25 year old black belt Karate expert.

That's a stretch. I don't believe it. I believe it was his son, Jason, who had a history of violence with knives, mental issues and had an obsession with Nicole.


I met Crusher Kowalski at my best friend's wedding. He was like 80 years old at the time, and I was an athletic 24 year old dude.

He was playing around and shook my hand really hard, and I swear to God it was like being grabbed by an elephant trunk.

I have no doubt OJ could mop the floor with a "karate expert" if he really wanted to. The dude was strong as fuck.

47 isn't even that old. Lol


only one person was angry enough to almost decapitate nicole brown simpson
