MovieChat Forums > Zoltan > Replies
Zoltan's Replies
I watched Mean Girls 2 on a whim the other day.
It was not great.
Watching it now and I have absolutely no idea. I guess she is some type of forest spirit that inhabited Cadi's body. My best hypothesis is that this spirt was some how "awoken" when they started mining the land, but they specifically said they hadn't mined anything in "The Rise" yet, which is why they were trying to convince Mair and her husband to lease out their land, so I'm not sure if even that makes sense.
Bizarre flick.
Not really bloody, but this is what you're looking for.
He would be an even more unlikable Billy Graham.
A charlatan. But with long hippie hair and a weak physique.
This place is full of 75 year olds. There is not a single young man (under 55) on earth who would look at Kate McKinnon and Amber Heard and even assume they are the same species.
Ummmmm.... no.
I just want to know..are there no fish in that lake? I would assume there are if bears are just hanging around. Seems like that would be a pretty obvious food source.
Another gripe I have is that they were all supposedly "starving", but none of them acted like that at all besides saying "I'm hungry" on occasion. They seemed to have plenty of energy to run around and argue with each other every 5 minutes. Nobody really even looked fatigued.
He looks about 70.
I'm watching it on AMC right now and it's still as good as I remember it being.
I love when Danny Glover kills the 2 guys with the nail gun. Good stuff.
He looks like a wrestler from the 80's..
Neither of them are hot IMO, but they are both great at acting.
I'll choose Anya, I suppose.
Nope. She just shows back up and gets to do her runway presentation thing. I'm assuming quite a bit of time had passed before that scene, so maybe she got suspended and had to do counseling or something..I dont know.
Or maybe they just cut her some slack for accidentally solving however many murders that was.
It is exactly what you said..Dances With Wolves set in Star Wars universe. He gets captured, learns their ways and gains their trust. They teach him a new fighting style and he teaches them how to use modern battle tactics. In the end, he saves their primitive tribe and they officially accept him as one of their own. Usually, the hero falls in love with a girl or takes mentorship of a kid(Avatar, The Road Warrior, Last Samurai, etc..) We've seen this countless times before. This stuff goes waaay back.
I don't even care that it's a complete rip-off of a backstory, just don't spend 2 episodes trying to explain it. Everyone knew where it was going, so just give us a few quick flashbacks and get the damn show going already.
I guess that's my biggest complaint.
Also, some of the training scenes with the sticks were just laughable. They were so awkward and just terribly choreographed. It actually looked like some of the lightsaber scenes in the older movies. Maybe that's what they were going for, but it didn't do the characters any favors.
Boba Fett just looks old and slow, and has zero range of movement. Not only that, but this dude is supposed to be some badass intergalactic bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe, and he's never learned how to fight with a staff or sword? He keeps getting completely mopped by everyone he fights. He almost got choked out by some random fighter guy on the train and had to be saved at the last second..
It all just ends up being sad.. This dude looks about 70 years old and I'm supposed to believe he's training in the desert and learning stick fighting techniques?
Jason Statham turned this into a nice career.
You know exactly what you're getting when you see one of his movies. I guess you can say this about most action stars. Arnie, Sly Stallone, JCVD..
Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis also come to mind.
"..when she recently announced that she makes more than $50,000 a week selling her farts."
Is anyone else ever just tired of being alive?
I just had KFC for the first time in years because I wanted to try their new chicken sandwich.
It was just absolutely mediocre. I've always liked their spice blend on their fried chicken, but that's not worth going out of my way for.
I'll stick with Popeye's and Chic-Fil-A when I get the craving.
Which is still a huge jump from him telling his brother how stupid and out of control he was when he first suggested going after Bullock's character.
That all changes when they meet and she says "Life moves on." At that point he just decided ok, well I guess I have it in me to MURDER A CHILD NOW... It was just a bit over the top.
I don't know.. Idiocracy was pretty good.