MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

did it recreate several iconic scenes from the first movie? I missed seeing those. was Sarah without a baby and got impregnated by a human from the future to give birth to the leader of the resistance? I guess I missed to recreating parts, other than character were from the firs movie which happens in sequels everyone is different. I thought it was just okay. I honestly don't even remember it - watched on youtube - it was okay. at least they used a car with bullets and smoke, and not just a computer APP the shuts off the other cars or some stupid tech shit that has ruined bond as of late see? It's not just me. not sure why they thought doing same movie, just new, would have the same magic as the original. we were all just so happy to get a new big budget star wars in theater again, we flooded theaters making them think we thought it was good. oh well. maybe the newest generation can redo SW again and have it staring Doge, and Manga Japanese school girls battling a potato and generate new interest. ya true will never understand our new acceptance of unhealthy, over weight, fatness being sexy. big fat ass, sexy? how and why? I've been with an over weight girl, and my "size" is above average, and it was still hard to reach certain places if you understand what I am saying. Sexually. because of the big fat ass. Not to mention all the hundreds of obvious health implications like diabetes, heart issues, bone and joint issues, muscles, clothes, mental self perception.... enough with worrying about "fat shaming", let's discuss the strain on the person and the health care system. women now are compete for the fat ass category, trying to beat the next one for the look. Why? it's insane its good to see this honesty out there still yep. very solid point. and it IS a business, and if that's what the people's want, so be it. it ain't roclet science. I had an open mind for this M4 movie.... at the start. Seeing the trailers RE-DEUXing many parts, I am saddened by the weak attempt now. I'm sure it will LOOK COOL with decent action, and maybe the plot will be interesting, but losing a 1/4 of the film to flashbacks, redos, whatevers, is very dissapointing. No matter what the plot is. Feels like they are going to $#!T all over the 1st 3 movies. have you seen the first 3 matrix movies.... did you watch these new trailers? Sounds like I didn't see it? How could I make the comparison if I had not seen it? I need to stop talking on forums with people that simply want to peck fights. Again, have you SEEN the original Star Wars movie, and did you watch Force Awakens? Was it in English or your native language to understand it? I did see it, I went day one, and watch a weak REMAKE of the original, and wondered "WTF? Why did they make this?" I'm not the only one thinking that if you have ever been on this thing called the internet ever. true. with streamers on every street corner, and more in the shadows, it has become a game of fill the air time, instead of make something interesting. hook them with a series that goes nowhere ever, or movies with never ending sequels.... standout single IPs are done for. with rare exceptions, of course. welllll.... 63 million was not low budget back in 1999. ;) But I get what you mean: these silly 150 to 300 million movies, that cater to one and all. but THIS movie is just wasting our time by the looks of it: oooh a nod here, a nod there, then more nods to previous films. One of the most original movies in the last few decades was The Matrix. :) no worries. they'll be gone at Phase 5 I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? higher.... taxes..... on studio owners who don't force equality???? I LOVE IT!! Call your congress-person! No. the synopsis of this "Theory" shown in that 30 minute video is: at the dawn of the modern, public internet, it was filled with PEOPLE making pages, commenting, talking. Now, the people are mostly gone, and it is filled with bots, ads, algoriithms, shoveling info at you. sooooo... Star Wars I can say "space battles to save a resistance, beating the bad guys at the end" and Dune "a couple of royal familes squabble control over some magic dust.... and it ends with no resolve" hmmmmm your posts make no sense. why would anyone waste so much time from their life, typing out so much stuff about a movie so old, that will never get fixed? Makes no sense No demands, just process. It's great to remain focused on vaccines and numbers as a fast form of misdirection. The later mutations will run their course when safety has been proven secure in phase 4. The end game is on schedule and working as designed. phase 1 was design, planning, creation phase 2 release, and guide undesirables toward political stances such as loss of freedom. note the wealthy (a symptom of intelligence) don't waste time arguing the politics and took the dna marker (call it vaccine) asap phase 3 taking time to ensure we all got the dna markers needed for phase 5 phase 4 is final testing of dna marker protections but using advanced stage mutations not here yet, and also weed out the undesirables that also got the marker, using a system so simple and clever, I shant reveal it here. you'll know it when it's done, it's already in process now. phase 5 the final mutations to take out all missing the dna markers, and clean up, although not fully decided yet, will most likely involve oceanic breakdown Tis better to fill a world with intelligent builders, thinkers, creators, not warring, fighting, breeders who pop out more kids without considering the consequences. The beauty is this will all end up looking natural.