Fat people make no sense
Why would a computer, efficient machine, design a simulation where 'fat people' are possible?
Just to remind non-programmers (i.e. stupid people) that when you program something, ONLY what you program can happen in your program. So 'being fat' had to be specifically, especially, deliberately programmed in.
Why would a machine or A.I. do that? It serves no purpose, it doesn't do anything useful, it just makes many people slow, disgusting blobs that do not fit airplane seats, etc., and others that can't even move.
Now, there can be many rationalizations for this, like 'adding problems' for people like in Sim City, so it's more fun for the player, and makes people more controllable or something. But there's got to be just as many BETTER ways of doing all and any of that.
Wouldn't it be more efficient if everyone was the same size and shape? The incarnated people wouldn't notice anything missing, because they don't have the experience of living in ACTUAL 1999, so why painstakingly program 'ability to gain weight' for millions and millions of avatars completely needlessly?
Also, the explanation of why you can be injured for REAL if you are injured in the simulation (one of the stupidest things in this whole movie), would demand that the fat people in the simulation are ALSO fat in real life!
I mean, if a bullet to your virtual body can create you to spurt blood, wouldn't a double-chin on your virtual body ALSO manifest as double chin in your physical body you are not aware of?
You can't have it both ways, that all the physical bodies are slim and only the virtual bodies can be fat, and at the same time have a bullet make your body spurt blood in real life. Therefore, every fatso in the simulation is ALSO a fatso in the physical world.
This means more expense and energy consumed just for building the pods to be STURDY enough, but also LARGE enough. Not that they are placed efficiently anyway, they should be stacked WAY more effectively and have no 'open top' (why is this even allowed, when the machines should know a physical body can easily get sick from bacteria, and thus the water should not be in contact with the air outside).
Also, how are the pods and the bodies cleaned? What about 'wet dreams', are the pods full of sperm at some point, or do the machines collect it by some kind of masturbative tube (kinda disgusting when you think about it)? How about getting women pregnant - .. yeah, better not even think about THAT.
By the way, when Morpheus says 'we are not born, we are grown', then WHY does he backpedal almost immediately when he says "There was a man born inside"? He should've said, "There was a man grown inside", or something..
Also, 'born inside'? Was he really born only on the inside? Wasn't he born BOTH outside and inside?
Here's where it gets so tricky when you think about it, and nothing seems to make sense anymore. If humans are 'grown', then how was that man born, exactly? When do they get their 'digital projections of the mental selves' (which is what Morpheus SHOULD have said instead of the nonsensical reverse)? Immediately at birth? It's like.. when a fetus is just a fetus, is it already being fed the world it can't even understand, and the 'experience of being in a vaginal canal' while SIMULTANEOUSLY synchronizing this with some female adult pod human having the same, exact experience but being the mother instead of the child?
I mean, HOW do they even synchronize something like that? Can the baby and the mother be 1000 kilometers away, for example? What if there's a network error or similar problem, does the baby avatar just vanish or what if there's LAG and some kind of delay, so the baby experiences the 'birth' and being in the 'birth canal' much earlier than the mother, so then the events might be de-synchronized?
I am putting WAY too much thought into this movie, I wish I could SOME day say the same about some hollywood hack writer.