MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

at the end of the day, box office money will tell the truth.... that you are correct. and this will always be the case. but whiney SJW feminists think someone wants to see kick ass women. I know! Lets put Stallone, Van Damme, Swazznegger, Neeson, in "The yup yup brother hood of the traveling jock strap" feel good, emotional, touchy feeling, crying emotions movie. Makes as much sense. I feel there were a few unexpected chuckles in this. For that I was happy. I thought it would be completely boring, but it had a couple laughs in it. Depending on your style of humor, of course Stealing is a normal biological function since the dawn of time? Wut??? i don't think you are tracking my meanings and usage here, but that's fine Gah! I can not will not tolerate that kind of language! YOU ARE CANCELED!!!!!! I'm serious here!! Innocent children will watch this, and that should not be allowed because my tolerance is as weak as a melting snowflake! hahahaha Truth and facts are not of interest to some here. it's so neat when you qualified virologists pass judgement on your own kind, wishing to murder. so wholesome and warm!! :) bet it tastes like shit I have been told I should teach that class. It's TRUE! Men would get so much more out of it with just a little learning. I'm talking delivering multiples, quivvering, yalping, uncontrolled shaking, crying, clinging. Just got to put in the time. Am I right, ladies?? Realistically, maybe women giving in too easily and fighting each other over the fertilization rights is ruining the curve? I feel sticking with ONE, instead of swiping the field, makes boths sides much, much, MUCH happier. Alas, that seems to be a time gone by the way side with bumble, tinder, etc fast food "Dating" eh... he's got better planets to manage. we already failed. :) is that imbalance unfixable? any ideas for a solution to that? is that imbalance causing all of these issues? yeah, I get it. Aren't they being hypocrites to themselves? Want to be socially correct (to not offend) but succumbing to their true instinctive nature in the end? The panting is normal. The denying the panting is normal, is not normal. :) mmeeeehhhhh.... ima say those things are more related that we care to recognize. terms are now so blurred, we can't even look them up to make sense of them because this or that person CHOOSES the think it means something in a different way. Sex case in point: MAN and WOMAN are now blurred and can be which ever way your choose your wind to blow. It's all becoming like that.... so, my example of misogyny may differ from yours, as dumb as that is. But, yes, I was covering far too much ground, trying to point out the over all arc of all this: we are all hypocrits, will never admit it, and continue doing things BOTH ways: criticize it publically, then get back to PornHUB Prude was perhaps used as a poor example here. To many, I could be called a prude too for my monogamy. My version of prude was just example made for running down public opinions of sex stuff, and, although I admit to not being a professional debater or even good at discussing anything, maybe I could have choosen words better there, but, that is not my way, whilst flinging away to get down a stream of consciousness. Respect for sex is a fantastic thing. if anything, I wish there was a lot more of it. alas, that is not the world we live in. if it was, whores singing about wet ass pussy would not exist for 11 year old girls to listen to on YouTube and act out, maybe not even comprehending what it is about. :( only gays say that :D sorry, had to this self driven/socially driven hypocrisy is what is causing all the problems. I WANT to be able to cat call a hot looking girl who is dressed in a way - ON PURPOSE, HER CHOICE, mind you - to illicit a sexual response from me, as is the nature of how that works, without me being penalized or beaten down by self hypocritic feminists, for doing a reaction that was being sought after. Lighten up, Francis! :D OH YEAH?!?!?!!? I mean... good for you! :D yes, I mentioned many parts - there ARE many parts surrounding and effecting this topic - I tried to keep it narrowed down and relevent to the topic and have failed you. sorry, not sorry. :) I spoke with large sweeping generalizations about the world because it is impossible to break down each individual country's perspectives in one commonized post and hold a discussion about it. sorry, not sorry. :) I said in my 2nd sentence there ARE bad things about it.... perhaps trafficking and prostitution would not be in business, if sex in our society were aligned closer to our nature? obviously, there is enough of a need not getting filled that a business has spring up around it. bad as it may be, SOMEONE is supporting it. Houses... yes, you get it. People are still having sex. Like, all the time. Still. Requiring more housing. Good job! :) SEX SELLS goes to my point of "Oh gosh that's WRONG! But, here... let me use it to sell". Just more of our self confusing hypocrisy. different types. of course. one can not discuss 95,000 itemized situations with any sort of effectiveness. I would welcome your version of trying to narrow down this discussion of why people are so punchy about sex, yet really not, in a more concise way if you could. Great post BTW. Enjoyed reading your perspectives :) "You want to have sex with children? a 17 year old is a child!" there's always one with a "jump to conclusions" matt! :D Why are people talking prudes while they are DOING the exact opposite? That is the question.