MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

this doesn't really discuss the questions in this topic how does this apply here? explain? I don't really want to join this segement.... but... Woke and attentive to FACTS is oxymoronic hahaha this was a great, classic "who's on first?" back and forth! Loved it! :D You feel they will really succeed at demonizing "sex"? I don't think that will ever ever never ever be the case. So, it won't work for them, for obvious reasons. Based in TODAYS designed society, yes. We have no stats on a society based on tighter family, young marriage.... except maybe ancient past? Remember modern society is based on royals designing it to keep masses enslaved keeping themselves wealthy. Not family oriented lifestyles yes, there are lots of parts to all of this, but I am trying to keep it large and general: people say one thing and DO the other of the gender hierarchy, I have seen and heard many, many, MANY a women or group of ladies cat call men just as bad. I've seen women do exactly the same things things as men - the legal, public stuff - and be no different. far as glass ceiling income, that's a completely different topic. want to stay on sex here. Cultural - yup and yup! See that all the time and I feel sorry for women that have to suffer behind that. And I've watched them climb around it with alcohol as "an excuse" to be okay with their sexuality. Maybe they wouldn't need that excuse if they could just be free. I was thinking the sexual revolution in the 60s (? or whenever that was) freed up women to be open and free? Whatever happened to that?? Agreed 16 year old boys, 14 year old girls are not mature IN OUR SOCIETY for parenting and all the financial balls and chains designed with that, but why are they curious, interested, and even physically CAPABLE of creating children if it's wrong? Please understand I am never defending teen pregnancy, or pedo-whaters, just pointing out the reality doesn't match our society and law structure.... hmmmmm maybe that is the biggest part of the problem: our society is programmed wrong. Instead of embracing family at whatever age, we embrace money above all to pay rich people and live. If people hooked up sooner in life, the bond might be tighter, longer lasting, more family oriented? Provided the society around that supported that instead of scoffed at it for bucking the profitable life. Perhaps that would could eliminate the business and clients of sex trafficking also. hmmmmmm I guess that is a possibility, but we are the ones water cooling it to death: "Can you believe this happened?!?!" I'm always like, "yes. yes, I can easily believe that happened... why can't you? it's kind of very obvious" People talk like we are going to create laws eliminating sex.... can't do this or that or even talk about whatever or someone is offended and it is a law you pay for.... I mean who really gives a fluck? we will never outlaw nature. but, because the earth is flat, and the moon is really smaller and fake, it would burn up in the part of the dome that is highest :D but what kind of cheese?? they have different melting points, you know I'd read this a lot too. Maybe he got tired/bored with everything that goes in to film making. People can change. It's a shame for us, because he was good at it, and an attraction for being entertaining. Now, I just see him in something and know it is garbage to avoid. Weird, but, it is his life to live. :) plus, lots of people involved, lots of timed planning... they got ONE bus, maybe they got all 3 or more in on it just ran across a poll on some other weird movie site that asks Will you see it? 409 yes, 50 no and I'll be the only one in the huge theater, enjoying the ride, going down with that ship, smiling happily, with popcorn... Never forget all movies are a business designed to make profit. They found a rich and successful vein with super hero comic book action and are going for it. It may not be my interest but people are buying tickets. Until some more masterful movies come out, this is what we get. L It's astounding isn't it? With all this instant free information online, people eat up the garbage instead and get stupider. Just look at advertising to see how well un sexy sells. Case closed. And women will always revert back to sexy when it is mating time. You can't change the realities of life. "People drink the sand, because they don't know the difference." There is literally nothing else out there, especially right now. Kids films, niche drama, documentary crap.... They don't know what real life peril films feel like after all the cgi films. They can't miss what they don't know. Plus, it's just a forgettable, fast food popcorn flick, serving its purpose: entertainment. Yes, morons breed faster than smart people Sadly I suspect it is the future as generations that did grow up playing HD video games think this is the best action possible: silly, over the top, plastic, cartoon based, soon to be dated graphics.... just like the games. They didn't grow up with the real world understanding and excitement behind real life stunts, especially when cgi can go so much further. Realistic cartoons. Oh well.