MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
What a moronic comparison.
Totally gloss over the sexuality of the 70s Charlies angels.... did they notice the recent non sexy version tanked??? Duh. Idiot missing the entire point: guys have zero interest in women acting like men. It's proven in box office over and over. Men liking sexy is never going to change, no matter how much they wish it in their PC, inclusive, woke playbook. Never going to happen.
being as the first movie was clever and game changing in many ways, one could expect this one to be half decent, and not just meta, forth wall, self slaps and pointless. oh well.
I guess lightening only strikes once. I have not liked ANY of their productions post matrix, although V was kinda decent, so I should have guess, kinda did, and was right.
hahahaha I know, right???
yeah..... friend wanted to see it in a big theater, so we did. looked okay there, but was just... meh...
The Matrix Re-I'mNotGonnaSpendAnyMoneyWatchingThisAnymore
Your perspective of your reality EXACTLY mimics this movie: completely ignoring the other side by not looking up.
Still trying to find who actually believes and supports the trans stupidity. Just random nobodies on the internet?
I support do want you want, but you sex is what it is.
Did you see that Tran swimmer guy that was a lap ahead of all the girls? Hilarious.
Remember next time there is a ladies night with free beer, you can say you are a woman and demand you rights. After you leave, you can believe you are really a male. No one is allowed to stop you.
I don't think this movie shows any evidence in either way. Just showing the outcome of whatever they were doing.
Spinning and hive spiders were not in this movie. So we don't know.
was it aliens, or was it gods? are they exactly the same? aliens are small, living, mortal creatures with advanced tech, gods might be huge, omnious, spirit beings dabbling with the petri dish of our universe.
EVERYTHING depends on what someone likes.
It could be your favorite movie. Others could hate it. Neither is wrong.
I am deep and like pondering life, so it was interesting to me. Yet, many scenes felt like attempts at oscars rather than delivering a solidly formed story.
And with modern movie ASL decreasing for the ever shortening attention span, I do not think large modern audiences would get in to this almost 30 year old movie.
Just my opinions.
exactly! I hear/see/read "OFFENSIVE" things every day too, but I understand life on Earth and how to get along with everyone.
I want her to have the FREEDOM to say whatever she wants to say or think, as opposed to the opposite of that, which is silencing/cancelling/censoring things.... EVERYTHING could be cancelled eventually. It's so dumb.
Always puzzles me when people say this is wrong or that is wrong in movies. Jeez, movies are FICTION! MADE UP. Not real.
Are we trying to cancel fiction now?
Hahaha what a time waste of a post.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Hoping you reached them because they might have almost thought for themselves and we don't want more of that.
don't listen to videos.
we now live in a world where people can make up and match up shit about anything and everything, then put it in a video for all the world to see. use your FREE WILL and your own mind to think and feel about it how YOU do, not how other's videos tell you to.
500 hours... 500 HOURS - that's 20 DAYS!!!!! - of video are uploaded to youtube every minute. EVERY MINUTE!!!! Everyone wants to be heard AND get money for that.
I could pop out a 60 minute video in excruciating about how the matrix represents a misdirection to turn your life over to Satan, or how it is really a 2 hour long commercial paid for by a Leather company, or that is is about Jesus, or that it is about reincarnation, or milk duds, or whatever... doesn't matter if it is true or not.
snatch back your brain, zombie, snatch it back and hold it
Still puzzled over why what people think or say affects anybody else anyway. Who gives a shite?
We're so dumb.
Stereotypes exist because STEREOTYPES exist.
Maybe Pfizer can make a pill to reduce or eliminate our own self reinforced stupidity.
isn't the answer completely subjective? depending on the viewer's interests?
Although it is very slow paced, by design to cover what it does, HOW it does, it is a very amazing movie and worth watching once in your life, to see how they rolled in 1968 as far as accurate science fiction worked with no computer graphics. Adding, it is probably best to experience it on the largest screen you can find, rather than a SmartPhone or laptop.
I still really enjoy watching it now and then, when the mood strikes, and the latest HD and 4K versions, we are able to see it better than it ever was being projected in the past.
If you need high paced action, this is the polar opposite.
The definition of an "Odyssey" sums up this film really well:
odyssey - a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience.
money / entertainment / fun
Yes, it is not amazing to any degree, but I enjoy Arnie, and the real stunts action, and even appreciated the dull ending where they do their thing.
I know this is a troll, but still....
we are so stupid accepting this INCEL stuff.
Is there also InBroke, InUgly, InShy, In[insert any thing you might be missing here]
When did everything in life become some disorder?
You want woman/sex, stand up and work at it just like ALL THE REST OF US HAVE ALWAYS DONE.
Stupid entitled fucks
I'm always on board with "people are allowed to enjoy whatever they enjoy" some dont like it, some do. I really liked this fun/silly/action romp, and bought the disk.
Marketing: I didn't even hear about it when it was in theaters. maybe saw one commercial, then nothing. Years later, I thought, "Hmmm I thought I saw Cruise in some action comedy" and hunted it down. they could have pushed marketing more.