MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

aren't all the women showing up for this? thought thats who it was for. guys are not all that interested, usually come on, women! Quit your bitching about equality in cinema and start supporting your shit that you think is so worthy. dont blame the men. we support things we like. not triggered or complaining. just don't see the need for a 15-ish% of coupling to be in now 99% of all movies. why not just 15-ish% of movies? that's like, lets say if only 4% of humanity was gay, but people demand one gay be in EVERY movie. why not just 4% of the movies? I know hard numbers are not best, but it matches reality better. $10 says she gets paid more for viral clicks from others than if you and I ignore her. and the many others that ignore her. its why all those TABLOID papers and sites make so much money. someone out there is falling for her "entertainment", beit musically, or soap opera seemingly garbage fire life. people can live off controversy had he not been horrible, 5000 passengers would be dead. yes, it's all dumb luck of fate, but that was where things were going. it's fun discussing movies, and pondering "what ifs", but in the end, we can't rewrite a movie, it is what is filmed and done, and our thoughts about making it different or better are moot. gah... yer right, I forgot that stipulation. :) With each reply, you and I are virally advertising her brand. ...For free. I'd call that very successful, even with quantifiable results. Thus, proof. Maybe SHE does see aliens, I don't know. Isn't everyone allowed to be offended by any words they choose these days? Friends and family in on it. They have private get togethers and laugh about how gullible we are. Back in 1977 when the original was released, I read about 9 movies total he was planning for and writing. It started with episode four, as we all know. I doubt the new stuff was his ideas but he had ideas. They're just mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Literally. ;) You guys understand how entertainment works now, right? ACT as ducked up as possible, get more money. The end. She s totally normal but good at keeping people "entertained" Proof of success: the existence of this thread oh, come now. you know with the new common core math, that 15% of real world interracial coupling means its entitled to exist in 100% of media now, right? because 2+2=5 in our new fucktard society of moronic stupidity why are you asking about/comparing with others? there's a downfall right there who cares how come? everyone's life is different. picture this: parents CREATED this shit pile of a generation.... parents: "my parents didn't give me everything, made me work for it, told me 'no' a lot. Now that I have a lot (thanks to the way those parents raised them) I will spoil my child and give him everything I lacked as a child. We'll celebrate every tiny event in life, like it is the best thing ever, so my kids can enjoy life where I didn't. celebrate graduating kindergarten, then 1st grade, every grade... .parties, fun, toys, EVERYTHING!!!" kids: "I have zero work ethic because my parents constantly gave me everything. now, i don't even know how to earn anything. but I am entitled. i don't understand how or why, but it is how it has always been. money grows on trees, right?" I can't wait for the 180 flip when kids from that generation realize THIER parents are fucking morons, and turn it all around by ignoring them and learning to work for it and earn life again. every generation flip flops doing the exact opposite of their "bad parents"... back and forth, back and forth. Wtf? This is a joke right? Pretending to be entitled to anything? Grow a sack and make your own way like all the rest of us do. We had troubles too. If this is real, you are one ducked up person will the bigger, taller, stronger, smarter people ever stop picking on the lessers? nope. welcome to Earth. Deal with it. ridley blames millenials.... I'm no where near millenial age and I thought it was a waste of time. glad it was free on HBO and I didn't fund it yes! once I figured out they were going to show us THREE FRICKIN TIMES, I skipped to the end. wow. that could have been everything. - she said she LOVED that one section of land,could have been a big plot point about keeping your youthful memories alive, where she set up a circle of deceit where you don't know where it would end up. - damon fighting for his right to get that to her, his ability to man up and take back his rightful heir - driver maybe a plot WITH the girl to get him killed so driver could get all the land AND the girl etc etc instead it was nothing. man, writing sucks these days! I know it was sort of based on some real event... did you see those large people gathering shots around the dual? do we really beleive that 100,000 people would stop their lives and fill the country side to be near a dual they have no way of seeing, and probably barely know those dueling??? Stupid cgi fests.... I think they needed a better story, but instead relied on star power, blood and CGI