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why is the world so freaked out about sex?

why is the world so freaked out about sex?

there is obviously bad sides to everything, like sex trafficking - which maybe also wouldn't even exist if we weren't so freaked out about sex - but there is a million good things about sex, and it will keep happening.... I don't understand where all this freak out comes from?

people tossing out all these "bad" things:
- misogyny: what? men hate women because men want to have sex with them???
- harassment: men whoop and hollar and cat call is SOOOO TERRIBLE because they want to have sex with them? so and so said naughty things and touched my leg and tried to kiss me, because he wants to have sex with me
- "toxic" masculinity: you should NOT act like a male designed and built to want to have sex with everything... except that is exactly what we are

then table turning:
- women compete in the game space against other women to get men to have sex with them with makeup, clothing, location, flirting, and even the touching, grinding, twerking etc...
- women over drink to reach around to their inbred, repressed desire to have children

Someone pinches someone's butt or grabs some junk, then has to apologize. Oh SHOCKING.
Someone uses someone else to get ahead in business - I'll let YOU decide the sexes in that scenario. Oh SHOCKING!
Someone with obvious history banged someone and years later calls it rape. Oh SHOCKING.

And yet....

I have known plenty of women... PLENTY of women... who crave and chase sex just as much. I'm not saying that is wrong, just saying this is all normal.

Sex is anything you want it to be these days: monogomous, polyamours, threesomes, ninesomes, golden showers, cosplay, porn, dolls, rape fantasy, foods, toys, whips, chains, maybe just dirty talk, or just cuddling.
People even make up their own sex, and sexlives, moving their lines around whenever and however they wish.
LITERALLY no rules, anything goes, hopefully as long as no one is getting hurt.

Meanwhile, people are seeming more prude than ever and at the same time get worse and worse about it than ever....
strippers becoming pop stars, dressing worse than whores and singing about their Wet Ass Pussy....
Movies are all CLEANER of it now, yet 1/5 of the top 10 websites accessed in the world... this is a FULL FIFTH, mind you, are PORN websites. ONE FIFTH! Search sites, news, shopping, and PORN

So.... things don't really add up.

We talk against sex, yet still crave and pursue it 100% and always will.

So, WHO are we kidding?

Someone jerks off in a public bathroom and the world has a meltdown.
Someone slept their way into a job, and is NOW "abused" long after the fact.
Someone grabbed someone at a drunken party (ooh that NEVER happens in reality - except all the time!) then loses their career, faces public shaming, has to apologize...

Thousands of homes are built every month to house more people that have sex to start a family. Look around. All that expansion is sex based. If it was just single people, porking, then dying off, everything could be re-useable rentals for the next childless couple. But, no, housing popping up all over the world with room for kids - proof of constant sex.

Magazines: 15 fabulous sex tips for your lover - Oh, but don't actually DO any of this because you could end up in prison now.

Best selling movies have HOT (IE sexy) women in them, not ugly ones.
Advertising: Sex sells, does sell, and always will sell. Look at most online credit card ads: some smiling girl with super white teeth, perfect skin, and a twinkle in her eye. Why? duh. Why ask why.

So, we continue to pursue sex - look in ANY night club or bar, enjoy sex, want sex, get sex, why does it seem like every headline that mentions it, makes it seem like everyone is so shocked??
I've seen drunk women (their CHOICE to get drunk) hitting on, feeling up, chasing, and leaving with guys to get sex. They need their inhibitions dropped by alcohol to get down to the truth of who they are. Why? Why not just seek sex? it's okay.

"Oh lordy! That 22 year old slept with a 17 year old!" Yeah, she was fuckin hot, begging for it too! Ever been to any college party ever??? NEVER went to one that didn't have law breaking high school girls there for exactly ONE purpose, and it was not to "learn to drink" or "hang out with friends". They know exactly why they wanted to be there. So do all the guys. OH OH SO WRONG!

Is it?? Then why are their bodies DESIGNED to be able to produce children outside the time frame some laws state, hmmm? It's natural.

29 year old teacher caught with 16 year old "non stop" boy. Oh so shocking. Really? REALLY? I've never known any 16 year old friends that would not want to be in that position. Every guy on here, with 1 single functioning sperm knows he thought about it also in his lifetime.

So, again, I ask, WHY are we so freaked out about the most wonderful amazing thing we all get to enjoy in this life?
Nothing ads up. It makes no sense!


The problem with your writing is, you're bringing up at least 5 or 6 subjects that are all over the place, whose only connection is sex, and not looking at them in context at all.

First off, the entire world is not freaked out about sex. Only certain Countries with a Christian background seem to have issues with it, particularly America. Most people these days don't have issues talking about it, but you have to be in the right setting to do it, because our society still has rules and taboos. Like, you don't talk about it in front of prepubescent children, you only talk about it with people you trust, and you only bring up the subject if you know the other person is okay with it, or they bring it up first and it's a subject you can relate to.

There are certain things that are okay to do in America, but having sex in public, or masturbating in public is not okay for anyone because it's supposed to be private, is not meant for children to see, and it's gross to watch.

The sex trafficking is not okay because it often involves taking people (mostly women and children) against their will, imprisoning them in underground brothels, chaining them to beds, drugging them up, and having them get raped by customers all day long. Prostitution is somewhat controversial in this regard, because sometimes the women are consenting to working the job, but others are coerced into it due to poverty and desperation. It's one thing that's controversial in the Netherlands, because they made it legal, but it's heavily regulated, and the women working in that sphere are now protected and get the medical care they need. But people still look down on them.

Our country was started on very strong Christian values, rules of what's right and what's wrong, and it's constantly at war with human nature. Those values corroded over the past 200 years, but some of the values of right and wrong still remain, even in today's post-Christian society.

The thing about the houses is a population thing, and the only way the human race goes on, is if men and women have sex together and make babies.

You're also talking about how women can get away with a lot of things that men can't, which has been a subject since the start of human civilization, the "battle of the sexes," if you will. Being a man is a lot harder than a lot of people realize, and a lot of women aren't aware of it because feminists kept toting that men had that "privilege" for so long, not caring about the crap men have had to deal with in the process.

Sex sells, so what? Just think about the audience those companies are advertising for, and you'll understand why they use sex when trying to sell a product.

There are many different types of Americans. We are not a monolithic people. Some people were brought up in a very relaxed society that's very open about sex, others were raised with strong religious values about sexual relations. Some don't care one way or another. You can't just lump us all together and expect to get the same result every time.

We have very distinct laws about underage sex. It's not okay, it's taboo because it is considered a form of pedophilia, and is looked down upon, even in prisons. Just because you've got sick fucks who claim it's perfectly normal and natural, doesn't mean they speak for the majority of Americans.

It makes perfect sense if you don't throw all those subjects into the wood-chipper like that. You're essentially taking about 9 different subjects, tossing them into a blender, and trying to make sense of it without using any context at all. Try studying some history and American culture from the past if you want to understand where we got to today.




Speaking of that male privilege I’m still waiting to experience it.

And I agree it’s difficult being male. A while ago a feminist tried living as a man and she could not handle it. The way she was seen as opposed to the way she was seen as a woman was too different and cold.


I heard about that book just this morning on Quora! :O I was so shocked at what I read, and she had to be institutionalized after spending time as a "man." Now I'm starting to understand why there are so many MtF trans compared to FtM trans. They think it will be "easier" being a "woman," and find out otherwise when people aren't buying the act.


I chatted to a MtF trans once, they started bitching and moaning about how tough it is to be a woman. So I asked them why did they chop their dick off if that was the case?

It just struck me as hilarious, you change your gender and then try the victim spiel.

A lot trans people end up regretting it and want to reverse the surgeries. In Australia due to propaganda at school Doctors are getting more and more kids presenting with Gender identity issues. They are manufacturing the problem now.


I was horrified at an article I read about a woman who discovered her daughter had been manipulated by her schoolteachers into thinking she was not female, and they did it behind the mother's back, because they had read in their manuals that the student might be disowned and tossed out on the street. The daughter was starting to feel confused, claim she was male and asking for different pronouns to be used, and was being allowed to use the boy's restroom.

The mother confronted her child's teachers at the PTA meeting and she ripped them all new anuses. She told them it was not their job to be the parent instead of her, it was not their job to talk kids into deciding their different sexual orientations, and it was not their job to be doing things without parental consent. They only have one job, and it doesn't involve any of that BS.

She then took her daughter out of that school, had her de-programmed, and now the girl is happy being a girl, and going to a Christian school where they don't push that shit.

It finally proves something I've known for years: being gay (or trans in this case) is a learned behavior and a CHOICE. It would never occur to a kid to become either unless they had people or society in general manipulating them into joining the cult.


Down here we have "Safe Schools Program" which is all about that. They discuss sex with students and I don't just mean birds and the bees I mean full on stuff. They talk about how being straight is wrong etc.

A lot of teachers have complained or resigned over this bullshit.

Then you have TV Shows that promote the same crap. It is definitely learned now.


And you wonder why I refuse to send my kids to public school?


yes, I mentioned many parts - there ARE many parts surrounding and effecting this topic - I tried to keep it narrowed down and relevent to the topic and have failed you. sorry, not sorry. :)

I spoke with large sweeping generalizations about the world because it is impossible to break down each individual country's perspectives in one commonized post and hold a discussion about it. sorry, not sorry. :)

I said in my 2nd sentence there ARE bad things about it....
perhaps trafficking and prostitution would not be in business, if sex in our society were aligned closer to our nature? obviously, there is enough of a need not getting filled that a business has spring up around it. bad as it may be, SOMEONE is supporting it.

Houses... yes, you get it. People are still having sex. Like, all the time. Still. Requiring more housing. Good job! :)

SEX SELLS goes to my point of "Oh gosh that's WRONG! But, here... let me use it to sell". Just more of our self confusing hypocrisy.

different types. of course. one can not discuss 95,000 itemized situations with any sort of effectiveness.

I would welcome your version of trying to narrow down this discussion of why people are so punchy about sex, yet really not, in a more concise way if you could.

Great post BTW. Enjoyed reading your perspectives :)


I think what's confusing you is why our society has some people with strong morals being touted, but not everyone follows them, or outright defies them in the name of animal instincts. Basically, you've got human beings who have developed a system of rules governing "right" and "wrong," and the weaker among them don't want to listen or like to rebel and do all the stuff they're told not to by their parents as kids. One of those things is sleep around, talk about sex all the time, cheat on boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses, exploit people sexually to sell stuff, and essentially break the "rules." They want to give into their lust instead of letting their higher brain function (many have zero to none) that says "no, I won't do this because it's wrong." Not everyone has the strength to do that.

If you look into America's cultural history, the first colonists were very prudish, but each succeeding generation was a teensy bit more liberal than the previous one (it was very gradual), with the new generation often breaking the rules and changing society more radically as they became adults. A testament to that was the Sexual Revolution that took place after the 1950s. A lot of what had been hidden behind closed doors was brought out into the open by rebellious teenagers.

But there's still an element of society today that still tries to teach traditional values to their kids, such as not having sex until marriage, don't cheat, use protection, don't exploit people with sex, and don't take advantage of people; and often that is at odds with the parts of society that throws all that out the window.


I am not kidding anyone


OH YEAH?!?!?!!?

I mean... good for you! :D


And why do sex themed threads get THIS many responses like 80 plus or so?


Also, is one of the reasons our sexual organs are given quite a lot of importance as well as the privacy and intimacy concepts and we have so many rules and laws placed on them is because, outside of sexual intercourse also, intimate as that matter is and to many sacred one way or another, we, in an everyday life, also use our reproductive sex organs to pee? Or has all those matters related to hype, controversy, laws, rules etc etc have overall almost NOTHING to do with that at all?

Not even theoretically speaking, per se?


Because men probably think our intelligent, witty, and thoughtful posts will get a woman from this place to come over and share our life together forever.


And what about the "to pee" part, never a concern for anyone, not even in pure theory?


A lot of people play this weird game where they say it’s just sex and it’s no big deal.

But they are the same people who will crane their necks if a woman’s skirt gets blown up in the wind or nearly crash their cars if they see a good looking woman.

They will go to great lengths to try and get laid.


Great lenghts... get laid.

Well done. Hahaha


It can be a rather hard topic to have a position on....


It IS a very touchy subject


this self driven/socially driven hypocrisy is what is causing all the problems.

I WANT to be able to cat call a hot looking girl who is dressed in a way - ON PURPOSE, HER CHOICE, mind you - to illicit a sexual response from me, as is the nature of how that works, without me being penalized or beaten down by self hypocritic feminists, for doing a reaction that was being sought after.

Lighten up, Francis! :D


Sure but you seem to be honest and upfront about it. It means something to you, great. I was referring to people who say "It's just sex" as if it's nothing but than pant like a dog on heat when they see a good looking person. If it's no big deal than they shouldn't be behaving that way.

If that makes sense?


yeah, I get it.
Aren't they being hypocrites to themselves? Want to be socially correct (to not offend) but succumbing to their true instinctive nature in the end?

The panting is normal. The denying the panting is normal, is not normal. :)


Because sex can be dangerous!💥


People complicate life for no fucking reason... Personally, I'm staying away from the madness of society and spending it now with you all!


You're shoving unreleated things together. here. Misogyny in your argument would be that men don't respect women as anything other than cum buckets.

prudish doesn't create harassment, harassment is the fact that not everyone wants to have sex with you even though you want to have sex with anything that has two legs and a vagina.

Prudish doesn't create toxic masculinity, toxic masculinity is the fear that men have around men who aren't fitting the societal definition of masculine and the resulting bullying that happens because of that fear. There was a time when people legit thought they could catch the gay.

THe world isn't freaked out, it's just that most people respect other people for more than their sexual abilities.


There's still people here on these very boards that believe you can catch teh gay


only gays say that

:D sorry, had to


Troof :D


mmeeeehhhhh.... ima say those things are more related that we care to recognize. terms are now so blurred, we can't even look them up to make sense of them because this or that person CHOOSES the think it means something in a different way.
Sex case in point: MAN and WOMAN are now blurred and can be which ever way your choose your wind to blow. It's all becoming like that.... so, my example of misogyny may differ from yours, as dumb as that is.
But, yes, I was covering far too much ground, trying to point out the over all arc of all this: we are all hypocrits, will never admit it, and continue doing things BOTH ways: criticize it publically, then get back to PornHUB

Prude was perhaps used as a poor example here. To many, I could be called a prude too for my monogamy. My version of prude was just example made for running down public opinions of sex stuff, and, although I admit to not being a professional debater or even good at discussing anything, maybe I could have choosen words better there, but, that is not my way, whilst flinging away to get down a stream of consciousness.

Respect for sex is a fantastic thing. if anything, I wish there was a lot more of it. alas, that is not the world we live in. if it was, whores singing about wet ass pussy would not exist for 11 year old girls to listen to on YouTube and act out, maybe not even comprehending what it is about. :(


I'm going to state the always enjoy sex and women enjoy it about 30%. Thats why there are hookers.


is that imbalance unfixable? any ideas for a solution to that?
is that imbalance causing all of these issues?


well men could get better at sex.


I have been told I should teach that class. It's TRUE! Men would get so much more out of it with just a little learning. I'm talking delivering multiples, quivvering, yalping, uncontrolled shaking, crying, clinging. Just got to put in the time. Am I right, ladies??

Realistically, maybe women giving in too easily and fighting each other over the fertilization rights is ruining the curve? I feel sticking with ONE, instead of swiping the field, makes boths sides much, much, MUCH happier. Alas, that seems to be a time gone by the way side with bumble, tinder, etc fast food "Dating"
