Who does this?
Makes a trilogy with no roadmap from the start?
shareGeorge Lucas
shareLucas was not involved in the making of this trilogy Martoto. Do your research
shareYeah he was. He provided a treatment of where a sequel trilogy might go if he was still involved. Lucasfilm developed and adapted those ideas but not in the way he wanted. So he chose to stop being involved.
Lucas did not work to a plan for the original trilogy. The only plan he had for the prequel trilogy was. Show Republic turning into Empire and show Anakin turning into Vader. All the rest was made as he went from film to film and not planned.
It can be said Lucas had no roadmap from the beginning. Star Wars is obviously a self-contained story (he never intended to make all those family connections and what not, that's just some crap he made up once the movie became uber successful). But I'm willing to bet anything he had a roadmap for the prequel trilogy.
shareHe only knew that the Republic would become the Empire and Anakin would become Vader. Nothing else was "planned" or "roadmapped" in the prequels. Lucas even admits it in the commentary that he found he had to set things up in TROS which really should have been handled sooner. (He just hadn't thought of them yet).
shareI don't buy that ANH was self-contained at all. Yes, the Rebels won, but Darth Vader got away. It WOULD'VE been self-contained completely if Darth Vader was blown up along with the Death Star.
It's like Halloween, Michael Myers gets up and runs away because "evil never dies." There's no rational reason to follow up either Star Wars or Halloween with stories that turn the whole thing into a soap opera.
shareIdiots. Losers like Kathleen Kennedy. The kinds of people that never saw any of the Friday the 13th franchise
shareWell, in fairness... depending on whom you ask, there was a roadmap for the sequel trilogy. It just happened not to gel with Rian Johnson's vision of making one of the most beloved characters in film history a worthless bum who died pulling a prank, so out the window it had to go.
shareRian Johnson should be HANGED for his crimes against Star Wars. F off if you don't agree.
Based on what I've heard on Clownfish TV (and several other channels on YouTube), Disney has a habit of buying up franchises in the hopes of getting more money out of it (greed), but then they have no idea what to do with the franchise once they have it. Instead of hiring the same people who originally worked on it, or people who would know what to do, they hire idiots from their own worker pool, and the franchise dies a horrible death.
In the case of "Star Wars," it was because Kathleen Kennedy just wanted to become famous and make money; despite the fact that she doesn't know jack shit about producing films, running a movie studio, or heading up a movie company. She just wanted the fame and glory, and for people to worship her horrible feminazism, rather than actually hire people who knew what the F they were doing. It was all about her, never about the fans. Even worse, she hired wimpy, uncreative Beta males like JJ Abrams (who hasn't had a real creative idea in his life) and Ruin Johnson (who placed top of his class in the Johnson School for Asshole Movie Directors) to set things up for the sequel trilogy.
Sounds about right.
shareGreedy-corporate people who just look at this property as a cash cow and nothing else.
shareBack in 1977 when the original was released, I read about 9 movies total he was planning for and writing. It started with episode four, as we all know.
I doubt the new stuff was his ideas but he had ideas.
I heard the 9 movie stuff too, after the movie was a blockbuster. Nobody expected it to do as well as it did. The one bit of foresight Lucas had was securing marketing and licensing rights for toys and what not. Say what you will about Lucas, he was a very smart guy. His first two features, THX1138 and American Graffiti are each, in their own way, radical movies. Star Wars, I believe, was his attempt to tell a story of revolution that children could understand. And then...money took over Lucas' mission(s) in life.