MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
REGARDLESS, it doesn't change my values that a flashlight, that I constructed and programmed in "imitation feelings" and put a face on it, is nothing more than my machinery I can tear apart and build a bridge out of if I want to. this isn't changing. agree to disagree
the best response is
[drops mic]
walks off to thunderous applause
did you know black guys are generally better at football and basketball than white guys? can you admit DIFFERENCES exist? Like, at all? hahahahaha When multibillion dollar sports profits are on the line, you go with the BEST, not equal colors, not 2nd best or close enough. do some very basic research, dumbass. peoples are not equal. we're different.
oh my god they are in the news all the time.
some guy just got out of prison after like 25 years of false rape accusation.
and a couple other cases in the past 5 years.
what about Ke$ha? her highly famous producer had to molest her several times, yet not any of the other hotties he produced? Weird coincidence it was the exact same timing right after she wanted to get out of a contract with him? yeah, weird, huh.
i read a local story of a girl that said her boyfriend raped her. he got put away for a very short time while they sorted the case out. after release (like two months), he got with her and secretly video taped a conversation with her, where she confessed she lied, was just pissed at him, and wanted to get back at him, and then they had sex again ALL ON TAPE!!!
I'm not victim blaming, I'm saying there are times they are NOT victims, and it should make everyone think twice.
meh... bottom line will ALWAYS be: we're very sexual beings. always were, always will be, no legislation is ever going to come close to touching this fact.
ever been out to any bar, ever? hahahahaha
I've had drunk women GRIND on me without permission - NOT on the dance floor, just while I sat at the bar. and the butt pinch was actually me.... she pinched MY ass without permission - we'd just met.... guess I should sue for the torment it brought me, huh
i dont know such things... but if it were me, I would say something about it at the time or the next day, not 30 years later when the #metoo movement happens. talk about coat tailing.
"Oh... NOW I can claim that guy that pinched my ass at the bar is a sexual harasser". Great precedent there.
no, a time machine would be helpful. I dont have a mind needing changing. I think nothing of this, it is not a part of my life, im just speculating other possible options. I dont know, no one knows
I see her getting paid NOW....
none of really know what went on back then. You don't know, I don't know... we'll all never know the truth.
I see what you did there
because you don't like MY opinion? thats not a good way to run an interesting discussion. :D
I'll let the law decide things, not morons online trumpeting social justice.
Luckily, in the past, no woman has ever lied about anything to get paid. So, this could be the first time, and set a new precedent. ;)
I still wonder why it is so odd for us to accept that a hot 17 year old wanted to get some action? MANY kids are no longer virgins well before 18 - even if the "LAW" forbids it. That's probably closer to human nature than our laws are, and now that I am deviated so far off this topic, I shall bow out. :)
Your Honor, I object! defender is speculating with suppositions!! :)
since I wasn't there, I don't know any of it, either way.
BUT, I believe in "Innocent until proven guilty" not "guilty until proven innocent" which is the now Social Justice way.
Let me postulate another possibility. Maybe this is all being done for money. If it's not, why don't they "taylor swift" it and sue for $1 ?
And look what she got? A bag of money. Exhibit A.
you read the word "different" as "subhuman"?
interesting. very interesting.
our laws know best. :)
especially when they support conclusions like this one:
"let's presume, with zero evidence, all she says is true.
that is how it works these days."
Ban everything! Ban ban ban! That'll teach everyone. :)
ok, so we don't really know what happened, just hearsay. got it.
I truly didn't know if we had any details about the situation. sounds like we don't.
so, let's presume, with zero evidence, all she says is true.
because, that is how it works these days.
i know many very successful black people.
why does it work for them? they get the same 24 hours a day as all black and white people get
maybe things simply fall where they fall and exist how they are.
should we tell the loins to stop eating the hyenas? whales to stop eating fish?
nature doesn't evolve into "Equality of OUTCOME", like, never.
maybe our racists lives are simply what they are because that is how it happens to work.
not saying it is right - I, personally do my best to love everyone - not right, but is what it is.
so hard to change, and probably never will change, because it is not something that CAN BE Changed.
Like lions and whale dinners.
also also, I'm fine with us agreeing to disagree.
we have become pretty circular here.