MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
i don't know what country you live in, but Anarchy here in USA is like around .01%
sorry about your situation. our police do pretty good here.
weird. could have sworn I said WHITE girl in the title.... did it get edited out?
deleting the police... and who is in it's place? simple anarchy? that does not work which is why we created police.
I'm not sure you understand how society, at large, operates effectively.
You know people tend to take other people's things, right?
I bow to no man :)
wow. so much fail in each or your sentences, not even worth replying. :)
good luck in life. :)
One reply and I'm a "minion kissing ass"?
might want to have your preception checked by a medical professional soon.
meanwhile, since I dont do emojis....
does these actually work?? seem to :D
all true, whether we like it or not.
there could be something much deeper going on... things science hasn't classified yet.
I know I clash with other Alphas in a room even before I have truly identified them as such, its just a feeling. I'm more mature about that now, but I know other alphas feel the same way sometimes.
then there is the whole pheromone/dna design attract and repel stuff. pretty cool what goes on deeply behind our "Id"
"Troller is as troller does" - Forrest Gump
fully agreed. would be nice.
I was just stirring conversation. :)
not defending - but believe LESS in "social justice" as effective in legal matters, than our crappy law system.
yes, rich are above. but what are you going to do? TELL someone? :) like it would matter...
oh. i didnt know. :D
what the fuck are you even talking about? have a clue what the fuck I was even referring too?
Did you see ALL the spam posts that were removed already? no, you didn't
we don't. thought you should know
what? He's not convicted by our social justice of him???? How dare he.
maybe we let the REAL law deal with him in this system we've setup for so long to deal with such things, instead of hive mind, internet social justice
Movie chat is sliding lower and lower with this and criminals.
Most are here for movies, not news.
I wish they would fix this
It's a WORD, for fuck sake, not a nuclear warhead. What the hell is wrong with this planet now???
Sticks and stones, motherfuvkers!!! Grow a pair.
(Not the op, the world)
Every business on earth has corruption. Nothing new.
What have you got that is better than a police system?
Let's hear it.
Deleting police solves 1 problem...... and allows 7 million more problems.
Have you moved out of your parents place yet?
Serious question.
Yes. I think there is a thing in life where contention exists for no reason what so ever.
Ever just look at someone's face and dispise them without knowing them? As if you know they are a criminal or something? It probably a primal defense thing but I've never looked into it. In the past we'd probably steer clear of them or kill them, but now days that is less of an option. There are probably some studies that talk about it. Goes along side that standing bitch face issue.