MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

Do you remember when fiction wasn't so lazy? I do too. Man, those were good times! Plots were interesting, actions were interesting, stories were complete and not hoping for sequels.... Shame audiences are so dummed down to expect random powers from super heros in the nick of time, they've forgotten writing could be good. They cut it short after they get married because they don't have to be attractive any more. do you have a VR headset? I deep sixed privacy by fully deleting my facebook acount, made a new one with nothing in it, and I don't use it to LIKE anything. I tried HORIZONS again last night, and found more adults in it. I would GUESS that facebook gives out headsets to employees to allow them to use the metaverse freely whenever to make it seem more popular. Of course you aren't. :) Is a mistake thinking this show would be made for the old fans. They'll make it for the current "I'll watch anything" people. Just noise. Content filler, with known ip. i've played wiht alpha worlds and all the similar... its all cool, but feels like a limited niche interest for just certain people. not the world changing vr verse zuckerburg is peddling so sounds like responders here also have no interest in it as well. I kind of wonder who IS interested in it? I mean, besides all the 12 year olds with VR QUEST 2s they got for christmas. all i hear is squeaky young voices in it. like 95% of the population in "metaverse". I literally know 8 of my adult friends that have VR... I have never "met" with any of them online ONCE, in over a year of ownership. that's got to be telling of what people's interests are. even the people that already own VR are not participating. not hanging out and having meetings, just gaming. I have not even gamed with them. yes they like me, but VR is no priority on any level for them. sadly, it will make millions BECAUSE of the controversy. only thing we should all do is ignore it, not support it. and every horror movies glorifies blood letting violence. so? yeah, I couldn't even make it through. hop skipped to the boring/typical ending, it was free, but I still want my money back I'm having a hard time staying WOKE up while watching it, if that's what you mean. zzzZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzzz Nor I yours. Good day. :) learn this: Life can be easy, even fun! NO! Digitally clean up the original, bring it up to todays standard, upscale to 4K, maybe fix the FX with CGI, boost the audio mix and put in theaters again. fuck all the reboots i dont care yes... made by us, just like a flash light. other than sex, we are not even remotely close to creating real living life from organic cells, just wanna-be programs, that can only immitate. I agree we can disagree. :) what a well thought out reply to my proposition. I'm stunned at the depth and clarity. thank you for changing my mind, internet stranger. hahahahah as if.... NO ONE is going to read any of it. whats the point of posting an encyclopedia to read around a silly little internet discussion? i posited a possible alternative, not gonna change anybody's mind. in they movie they are welcome to call it "conciousness", that's fine. Really, it just ACTS alive, so it matters not what I think about anything. The movie can tell me he acts alive... i get that, but now that I am older and smarter, I realize he is just programmed.... which is what my entire OP is saying. movie says he's alive, fine. I watch and enjoy. Deep down I know he is just a programmed flashlight. I felt really really bad when he was crying being dumped in the woods the FIRST TIME I watched it. It broke my heart. Now, I understand why that worked on me, and I know better. -- which is the point of my whole discussion. don't fall for this shit, man. its all just programming. like a car, a tv, a computer, or a smart flashlight, or, coming soon a sex robot, or personal friend android