When Americans are so allergic to talking about race and the discrimination black people face in the country you know there is a really deep problem. The reaction to this movie is a symptom of that problem.
Black people are privileged in America. The "systemic racism" myth is pushed by liberals in order to generate sympathy for Black people and to give excuses to their failures. The low score of this "documentary" (which if done against any other group would be akin to "Der Ewige Jude") is proof that White people are sick and tired of bigotry and racism against them.
I (and other White identatarians like me) am not allergic to talking about race in America at all. We need to have a serous talk about race and racial relations. The problem is that we cannot have an honest conversation about race since just looking at racial issue in America from White people's perspective has been totally pushed out of the Overton window and all we have left is Black people's false and delusional perspective.
"Black people's false and delusional perspective."
This is why this show is so important. Whites love blacks until they have a voice and point out the systemic injustices they face in the country. Whites likes blacks docile and quiet...like slaves.
There are no systemic injustices against Blacks. There are systemic injustices against Whites. For the past 65 years, all we've heard is the Black perspective on race, while the White one has been totally suppressed. No wonder war against racism has been a total failure. It hasn't been waged honestly.
What white perspective on race? Whites never face discrimination for their race or are made conscious of it in the country. This is the definition of white privilege.
Blacks in America live at the expense of White people. They commit most crime, most likely to live off welfare, are privileged by affirmative action and diversity quotas, have the racism card, have their exclusive interest organizations which whites are forbidden. Whites are demonized by the media and education system and are becoming a minority in their own country.
The discrimination of Blacks is mostly a myth designed to cover up Black failure and to the extent it exists is a result of Black behaviour.
The problem is that this show is not attempting to have a discussion in good faith. To do that you have to have to have people with multiple perspectives, and a film maker that is at least attempting to be objective.
When you choose a narrative, and then go out and find a bunch of people that agree with, you are just pushing a narrative, and nothing productive is going to come out of it. It’s just race baiting.
It would be like making a documentary about the black experience, and getting a cast of white supremacist to discuss it. And when people criticize it, you simply that if you have a problem with it, when you are the problem. It’s bullshit and people are tired of it.
The show had to be in this format because anytime blacks try to have a conversation about this subject people throw a fit and cry about "woke" or whatever. This is the only way blacks can truly be heard in America.