MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies
123Guy's Replies
A lot of things in this version were cool Sci fi, like the ships etc
To make it cool and Sci fi like, perhaps
Some of us can
Not a fan of facts and truths, huh?
Suit yourself. :)
Did you ponder the OP for more than 1 second before replying? Doesn't look like it.
who invented the arbitrary number of 18 meaning anything?
didn't people start families at 14 in the past? marriage, kids, working in the fields etc
ever notice that some people are very mentally mature for their age, while other people simply never seem to grow up over their entire life span?
doesn't that sort of shred the ol' "brain hasn't matured yet at a specific number" thinking?
society is making up this arbitrary number based around a failing educational system that trains people to be factory workers in an age that doesn't need that. and THIS is how we decide who is adult enough?
so those people who were 14 to 16 working and raising a family in the past, were not "adults"? ...interesting...
as Kevin Samuels puts it, ALL women are after those 3% of guys that make big money.
guess how that balances out...
rich guys get their choice, and/or you compromise accepting cheating for your money bed.
so, 90% are going to miss out on a rich guy, and if they've played much of the field trying, we don't want that nasty shit.
you can get great sex from ANY women.
you can't get great wealth from just ANY man.
between YES, NO, and MAYBE, Maybe is the only one that accomplishes nothing
feels like with so many streaming options for potential films sales, everyone is jumping on the quantity over quality to get product out on the shelves (streamers).
sad times for finding GOOD films these days
i know what it did in the movie, but the prop looked like a modern 2022 portable projector
obviously she lacked the proper training about the shuttle decompression systems and did not want to risk interplanetary war with the Thorasticons if she did it wrong.
pffff what movie did you even watch??
You would have seen she had full use of the Obnosticator Dominion Time Space Detractificator, and she could have used that to have all the time in the world for the decsion.
This may sound weird, but maybe instead of you pushing your wish on every one, maybe you should just not look at it.
Agreed, and I'm in America.
I saddened there is a continued market for this.
Every time I think there is no way we can get any dumber than this, America steps up and says "hold my beer..."
OMG I just watched the new one, and it makes the 1984 version look like a fricking masterpiece!
in the 1984, the sets, the clothes, even the dated effects are glorious, and in the new one, they are fine but dull.
yes, dated FX never stand up, but what was shown in them was much more visually interesting that what is in the new version.
This is not a great movie, but it fits in more interesting things than the new one does, AND this completes a whole story, not a drawn out half of one.
I love women, yet almost never laugh at women comedians, but I keep trying them on. I know many other guys that feel the same way. We don't HATE them, they just are never humorous to many of us.
That said, the ONLY female that I have ever gone back and rewatched her specials a couple times now, is Ellen Degeneres. TRULY, not a fan of her AT ALL, yet her delivery and wacky twists catch me off guard and I find pretty funny.
I suspect this is all based on your basic sexist physics. Sort of in the realm of, we would USUALLY not have much confidence in a female mechanic. It's just how it is.
There were a couple others I saw on youtube - short clips - I laughed a little at, but they were very unknown names and I can't even remember them now. They were talking about sex and relationships (yes, again), and made some decent jokes.
we can't know
well, i don't even know what we're are talking about, and have moved on. I suggest doing that :D
awesome. Enjoy! :)
I'm sure I will watch the second half (in 10 minute segments) when it is on free streaming, just for closure, but, it's not for me. :)
most of the time, I'm seeking the wide variety of feedback, perspectives, and opinions from strangers. whether I believe it, follow it, or ignore it, is my personal option.
I already know I won't get others to change or even consider my points, but if it interests or entertains them, well, that's neat.
if anyone is like me, knows this is the internet, they won't care what I said 5 minutes ago. the ones who do are "cancellers": "You offended ONCE in the 5th grade and I will now forever hate you." wtf is that? that's a hypocritically intolerant moron is wtf that is.
let it go, move on. I have. :)