MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Women who think they "deserve" a rich gu...

Women who think they "deserve" a rich guy

To provide them with the type of lifestyle that they are worthy of, as a beautiful woman.

Are they insane? How can you be entitled to the wealth of someone else?


as a troll thread, i think you've done better than this. not your finest hour. c-/d+ effort.

as i was told on my 5th grade report card, 'you must try harder. apply yourself.'


The OP is fucking worthless.


I agree. I can very much appreciate the free speech and leeway mods give us around here, but blatant trolling should be nipped in the bud.


New material needed 🥱


Yeah, man. I, like, totally know what you mean. Them women are a greedy bunch. Women are only good for staying in the kitchen to cook us men food, and birthing our babies. Don't forget that we expect them to do our laundry and slave themselves in cleaning the bathroom. But, like, other than that, what purpose are they to society?


What would you even know about women when you hate sunshine, people, and root for the extermination of humanity?


root for the extermination of humanity?

You know that was a joke, right? I also brought up how the world should end before aliens come and torture us.

I have to wonder if you're aware my comment above you responded to is sarcasm.


Only a complete lowlife would attempt a shallow joke when genocide is occurring. This is how I see you:


So any war comedy that was released in the 30s and 40s are made by lowlives?


I like making my own food and I've never wanted kids but if she'll run a vacuum she's in... I got tinnitus and the sound causes me displeasure.


Are they insane? How can you be entitled to the wealth of someone else?

Next thing you know they'll be giving it a name, like taxation.


Governments are isane, man!


Taxation is theft. Rich people should be able to sit down and negotiate a fair contribution.


That would be an improvement, because under the current tax laws, they usually pay diddly-squat.


is this clit commanders alternate account? lol


i think i deserve a rich girl who'd pamper me


I think you are getting this persona mixed up with moviebuff. You should try on a different one.


And you think you're entitled to a beautiful woman, to provide you with the sex life that you're "worthy of", and are angry because they want men with more to offer.

I really don't see the difference.


you can get great sex from ANY women.
you can't get great wealth from just ANY man.


"you can get great sex from ANY women."

ummm.... no?


Some of us can


Well, it's not like you get the opportunity to be picky about it.


Why not? If a guy is not getting great sex WITH (not from) any woman he's in a relationship with, it is not the girls issue
