MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

I was alive and stood in those record breaking lines for 4 hours with 100s of other fun, excited fans. and I am not a huge nerdboy either, just typical guy enjoying fun movies. yes, RETURN was when we knew George was done, by those stupid ewoks. it is flawed as hell NOW, looking back with 2022 eyes, but back then, when I was alive and watched it, it was THE game changer. Everyone is different and allowed to enjoy or not enjoy different things. i dont mean the TERM Incel is stupid... the entire concept is moronic. guys have to fight for sex. that is how it is. like it or not we are all animals, and that is how it works. Calling it out "Incel" should not even exist. Those guys need to STFU and work on their skills. :) We create a title/name/diagnosis for every little thing now, and it is just stupid. I drink a lot of soda.... I guess let's call me a SDS: Soda Dependancy Syndrome. I need help with that. Get me a self help book. Find me a doctor, some meds, a therapist. gimme a f-n break :) ok, I read it, it was fine as your average "bad news" article. There is nothing to comment on really, just more "news" of bad things happening in the world. Your summaries seemed spot on, like headlines for an article. This guy was obviously a whack job... as most people who murder usually turn out to it motivated by his sex issues? Sure, just alike every rapist. Yes, crime is bad. I agree, people doing bad things to women (and men) is... well, bad. I don't really see the point of this as a parody or mock of my post.... a post most are not actually reviewing for the content presented before bothering to think about it and comment. Again, that shows people just want to fight and argue. Please enjoy overusing the word misogyny and causing no change because of it. Until penis's and vaginas are bred out, nothing is ever going to change. Tall, strong, confident men will get the women, the losers get porn. And the women will all fight each other for highest supportive money. Welcome to life on Earth with humans. Deal with it. :) Prove me wrong. I should just make that line my signature. :D I may or may not read this link, but I will not SLAM people over it if I have not read it. I will say, when I first heard of "INCEL", it was the fucking dumbest thing I had ever heard of in my life at that time. It wreaks of some moronic, "ENTITLED" generational bull shit, by a bunch of pussified men - that's what you wanted, this is what you get. Enjoy reaping EXACTLY what you sow. It's called cause and effect, feminists. You want men to stop being men, THIS is the stupid shit you get to put up with: crybaby non men, that lack the proper instructions to grow a set of functional balls well enough to get the girl. The rest of us know how to get the girl: but working for it, earning it, FIGHTING for it. The way it always has been and always will be. Some of us are confident and strong enough to deserve mating. Those that aren't go hungry. Too bad. But dont blow shit up over it. fucking morons. The upside to this, is these plastic spined, sissy-men will not be reproducing. Thank god! And thank you women for not allowing them to. You know, and we all know, they don't deserve to pass on their genes. It's called "survival of the fittest" for a reason, and it ain't them. That said, now I will see if I want to read that article, and IF I DO, I will comment about it, and not the PERSON who posted it. Because this is about an article, right, not the person? Or is that not the case? Let me know, thanks "...if you can reach one person..." I'm so proud now. :) With no interest in this topic, why are you even commenting here? I thought of an angle and posted it. Is this a crime to you? Note: you started this with baseless insults, so I bit back. I've since settled, but all you want is fights? Why would deserve my time? Think about it. I suppose because often facts as presented are in opposition to our interests feelings perspectives opinions. That does not make facts non facts though. The world has become dipshit crazy without recognizing it. Makes one wonder what ELSE the world seems as important or true with that crazy messed up mentality? What's that phrase.... Facts don't care about your feelings I do totally understand. The video is too long and not of interest to you, so don't watch it. Not bothering to absorb any more than a few seconds of it does not allow full understanding to happen. Fair enough. We can't really have a discourse about the very thing this topic is about. Good day. Both men and women want this kind of stuff to work better. Men are working to improve it, while apparently women prefer to simply bitch about it. Who's really helping? Again good luck with that. If you change nothing, nothing changes. shocker. The exact people that could learn from this video why the world isn't working like they wished. It's both silly yet fun to watch this part where the girl says she accepts his "opinions", while he repeated over and over it is not his opinion, but provable facts any one can look up. Why do people today stop believing in facts? I see that in this forum too. When did true real provable facts become a non measure? They are LITERALLY the only measure we should have and adhere to. Inflammatory? Have you watched this video yet? If not, how can we even discuss it? If you don't like my paraphrasing, please watch the video and evaluate it yourself. Otherwise you are just pecking at my phrasing, which doesn't cover as much as the video. Yes it's a hot topic, yes, I worded it to provoke interest and conversation. But with out watching the video it's impossible to debate it earnestly. do you think the original star wars here was some kind of failure? unliked by the masses? I'm kind of missing your point. it sort of changed everything about movies since then. if some people didn't care for it, that's well and good, but this film was huge. game changing. SOMEONE out there loved it. I loved it at least 12 times in the theater. as did many others I knew. this was taken directly from the interview in the video. she said she wanted fair. this was a real women, with real comments, not just nonsensical, but, of course, this is not the 100% view of everyone. that's why I said its best to evaluate the info that has been provided. I typed up a super short paraphrase about the provided video. literally, in the first 1 minute of this video just the people alive back then, who made star wars the mega hit, theater game changer that it was. they don't matter now? again.... use your own brain to evaluate the provided information. or don't. if not, you are not REALLY discussing the info, are you? just taking zero substantiated jabs at me. nice. I provided the info - see it for yourself. don't even want to use your own brain to evaluate the info for 2 minutes? alrighty then. again: called it why bother joining this discussion at all? Why not? If a guy is not getting great sex WITH (not from) any woman he's in a relationship with, it is not the girls issue This perception boggles me. Why is pointing out how something really is about general women, called anti? It's just facts and truths. We're facing a newly created glut of confused, foot shooting women thanks to social media - AND EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS - but discussing it means anti women?? That logic is like if some one doesn't want to hear about something, that means they HATE it. This reasoning is insane. Called it: you're not into facts and truths. Just your cause. Good luck with that.