MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > feminist schooling....

feminist schooling....

too long, didn't watch?
- women want to be treated fairly, like men... men were/are NEVER "fair". good luck with that.
- women want things this or that way. okay, go ahead and make it that way without men. except, we BUILD everything. Good luck with that.
- women want to be treated equal. UNLESS being hotter than the next gets you into the club free. self imposed double standard. good luck reasoning THAT out.

remove the blinders from your self hypocrisy and then we can have some dialog. good luck with that.


Women want equality unless it gets hard.


Especially if it gets hard!



- 123Guy wants to attract any woman at all with his shitty attitude. Good luck with that.


Not a fan of facts and truths, huh?
Suit yourself. :)

Did you ponder the OP for more than 1 second before replying? Doesn't look like it.


Honestly it took less than a second to recognise the same misogynistic ramblings from another malcontent with a chip on his shoulder. We’ve seen it a million times before and, frankly, it ain’t getting any fresher.


Called it: you're not into facts and truths. Just your cause. Good luck with that.


Facts and truths from randomGuy on a movie forum armed with a bullshit YouTube link as proof.

I think I’ll survive.


don't even want to use your own brain to evaluate the info for 2 minutes?

alrighty then. again: called it

why bother joining this discussion at all?


How cute. He thinks this is a discussion 😆

You honestly only expected supportive responses when you posted something as inflammatory as this on an open forum? Something that suggests that women who expect to be treated fairly are deluded? You’re the deluded one.


Inflammatory? Have you watched this video yet? If not, how can we even discuss it? If you don't like my paraphrasing, please watch the video and evaluate it yourself.
Otherwise you are just pecking at my phrasing, which doesn't cover as much as the video.

Yes it's a hot topic, yes, I worded it to provoke interest and conversation. But with out watching the video it's impossible to debate it earnestly.


I won’t be watching your video, not even if you paid me.

The simple fact is that sharing sentiments such as those in your OP is one of the main reasons we have less traffic here from much loved female forum members who are sick of seeing posts denigrating their gender and making them feel less welcome on this forum. I know this from speaking directly to women here in private chat. You won’t convince me otherwise so you can save your energy trying.


The exact people that could learn from this video why the world isn't working like they wished.




Both men and women want this kind of stuff to work better. Men are working to improve it, while apparently women prefer to simply bitch about it. Who's really helping? Again good luck with that.

If you change nothing, nothing changes. shocker.


“women prefer to simply bitch about it”

Oh the irony.


Women can do anything a man can do, only better. I read that somewhere. I think on ESPN's site, and they should know.


I dunno, but all those fat black guys, I bet that room smelled.


Feminism sold a pipe dream that American white men had it easy, and they did following WWII when there were plenty of jobs and only 1 employed per household. But flooding the market with 2x as many workers when the number of jobs was shrinking devalued labor.


Ah so that's why we're so eager for a WWIII. Imagine how easy getting a job will be after the war.


Only if it isn't here. During WWII every other industrial nation had its manufacturing destroyed so if you wanted something made, it had to be made in the USA. We were on a roll until Nixon and capitalists gave our manufacturing away to China. Now they are what the USA used to be. Now we literally can't wipe our own butts unless they sell us the paper. The Pandemic showed the folly of having everything made in China but profit is God.


Yeah, by WWIII I mean Russia vs the rest of Europe. It's King Kong vs Godzilla.

Let them fight!


"I hate women because none of them will have sex with me , like i am owed, but they will with other males"


again.... use your own brain to evaluate the provided information. or don't.

if not, you are not REALLY discussing the info, are you? just taking zero substantiated jabs at me. nice.

I provided the info - see it for yourself.


OK , lets take your first , er , brainfart:
women want to be treated fairly, like men... men were/are NEVER "fair". good luck with that.

When someone says that they mean that women dont want to be discriminated against because they are a woman.

Therefore your assement of " men were/are NEVER 'fair' " is completely nonsensical


this was taken directly from the interview in the video. she said she wanted fair. this was a real women, with real comments, not just nonsensical, but, of course, this is not the 100% view of everyone.

that's why I said its best to evaluate the info that has been provided. I typed up a super short paraphrase about the provided video. literally, in the first 1 minute of this video


I've watched the first 90 seconds.
The Woman says she'd like to be treated equally (as i suspected)
The "host" then starts on some completely unrelated bullshit about how life aint fair.

So basically I was right in my post above , because you were right in your paraphrasing.
The host is talking complete shit , and for some reason you're lapping it up and revelling that , in your deluded mind, this means women should know their place and are a lesser species than men.

How you get that from the complete nonsense the wannabe youtuber is spouting is beyond me , and no i will not be watching any more of the 30 min video.


I do totally understand. The video is too long and not of interest to you, so don't watch it.
Not bothering to absorb any more than a few seconds of it does not allow full understanding to happen.
Fair enough.
We can't really have a discourse about the very thing this topic is about.
Good day.


It's both silly yet fun to watch this part where the girl says she accepts his "opinions", while he repeated over and over it is not his opinion, but provable facts any one can look up.

Why do people today stop believing in facts? I see that in this forum too.
When did true real provable facts become a non measure? They are LITERALLY the only measure we should have and adhere to.


I suppose because often facts as presented are in opposition to our interests feelings perspectives opinions.
That does not make facts non facts though.
The world has become dipshit crazy without recognizing it.
Makes one wonder what ELSE the world seems as important or true with that crazy messed up mentality?

What's that phrase....

Facts don't care about your feelings


Is this your idea of a discussion? Replying to yourself after 8 hours of no one else giving a shit about your sexist crap?

Lol. Champion effort.


With no interest in this topic, why are you even commenting here?

I thought of an angle and posted it. Is this a crime to you?

Note: you started this with baseless insults, so I bit back. I've since settled, but all you want is fights?
Why would deserve my time? Think about it.


bump ha
