MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies
Terez's Replies
Your point? Americans couldn't be nattered to pronounce their own state names by their original influences, overtime everything becomes bastardized.
Americans just love calling nations different names other than the name they actually call themselves. All because Americans are too fat and lazy to learn how to pronounce a foreign name.
Humanity is a disease though.
Someone call Diana Ross and tell her that The Supremes are promoting racial prejudice.
Why are some Americans stupid enough to blame everything on Donald Trump, as if America is the center of the world? Guess what, there are anti-maskers outside of America too, there are nations that never passed mask mandates because no one wanted to wear them like Sweden.
The problem is that it IS deniable, things that appear on camera don't always exist in real life. The reason task forces exist to study these is because we KNOW they're false readings and we're trying to figure out what is actually going on.
When are the stupid humans going to learn that UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, UFOs are simply anything that appears on radar or is sighted by the military that appears to be flying and is unidentified. A crashed weather balloon makes you all go crazy.
What do humans produce, other than death and destruction? Biodiversity has gone dramatically down since the human mistake happened and where other creatures (like beavers and bees) produce wonders to help the ecosystem humans demolish it and leave nothing but ashes. This world is going to die all because of humans.
Remember, dogs are domesticated wolves that were selectively breed until women could stuff them in their purses and deprive them of any physical activity. Of course our own livestock were created specifically for our consumption, we have no regrets to separating a mom from her babies because "they're not humans" just like we have no regrets separating a black person from his tribe because "slaves aren't humans".
Whenever humans want to do something horrible and inhumane, we claim "they're not humans" so we can do it.
Just look at the world today, we're quickly preparing to wipe ourselves out along with everything else in existence. Nuclear bombs at the ready, climate change is surging, and no end in sight to the population crises. We deserved COVID-19, human scum is irredeemable.
What proof do you have of your human centric claims? Humans don't have a sense of morality, but other animals do. Other animals don't go around spreading pollution like the cancerous humans do. Other animals live in balance with each other, humans are the only animals that actually attack themselves because they don't agree with the fact that some animals are born in the wrong body. Humans suck.
Homosexuality isn't increasing in frequency, it's always been there. The difference is that you were never aware of it because homosexuals had to hide from bigots like you who would murder them for daring to have sex the "wrong way."
There has never been a successful "treatment" for homosexuality, because there is nothing to cure. People don't need to be diagnosed as homosexual and be forced to conform to your version of reality, you are the one who should be diagnosed as homophobic and be forced to conform to the reality you actually live in.
So to summarize, because you're the only person in the world, you conclude that your experience is evidence that all women and all men act the same way. Makes perfect sense, if only you were the only person in the world.
So UK actors should speak American because Americans are too xenophobic to hear any accents other than American?
Well, Netflix did put soft core child pornography up last year, calling it "art." I'm sure plenty of people were disgusted with the service and left as a result.
Then please explain where the first gay came from, and how in a world without television gay people have always existed?
Homosexuality isn't a recent phenomena, it's been around so long that it is even mentioned in your bible.