MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies

Terez's Replies

Gender isn't a social construct, Miyagido just threw out a line from a completely opposing ideology and claimed it was my own. Try your penis / vagina test again! Born with a penis that falls off and becomes a vagina. 1) It happens all the time. 2) You ARE obsessed with sex, you're denying this because it makes your argument fail to admit people can fall in love without sex. That people can be attracted without sex... that the world doesn't revolve around sex. Your entire argument is "I am a pervert, therefore everyone else is a pervert" and are ignoring the millions of asexuals on this planet. Plenty of people only want a romantic relationship without sex being involved, YOU don't because YOU are a PERVERT. Shut it TERF. Where'd you get that nonsense from, a TERF? There is Sex and there is Gender, they need not be the same but they exist none the less. "She" is a He, she was born a He and will die a He. "Conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine." It's normal for people to be born trans, just as it is normal for people to be born black, to be born with blue eyes, to have red hair. It's all perfectly normal. A Trans man is just as much a man as a Cis man is. You miss the point that it is entirely possible to be born without a uterus, even without CAIS. Your ignorance is that you know nothing therefore you assume everyone else also knows nothing. So what gender is it then? Male or Female. Born with a Vagina, has XY Chromosomes. Keep lying to yourself. I bet you still use smoke signals because iphones and the internet are scary. Science has evolved dummy. See how facts make you look like an idiot? It can be objectively measured and it has been objectively measured. Oh, why'd you start a new discussion thread with me down there? Your problem is that you're only reacting in this argument, so you don't grasp the nature of the trap. But I get that you want me to attack your "Not all X are Y, but most Y are X" argument. You clearly don't realize it's a logical fallacy. "I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. I believe that to be so obvious and undeniable a fact that I hardly think any hon. Gentleman will question it. [ John Stuart Mill, in a Parliamentary debate with the Conservative MP, John Pakington, May 31, 1866.]" Is the most classic example of this fallacy, that being that the intent is to claim a link between one group and another group without any evidence of there being a link. One of my favorite ways of showing this off is <b>"Not all theists are terrorists, but all terrorists are theists"</b> which tries the same antic of claiming correlation between terrorism and theism. There are no atheist terrorists, so with your "only women can have X" argument you're ignoring the first part which is that X isn't a determining factor for being a woman. Theism isn't a determining factor for being a terrorist. Conservatism isn't a determining factor for being a stupid person. For the same reason people use the race qualifier, the sexual orientation qualifier, the age qualifier, or any other qualifier. Because qualifiers describe a person. If we were talking about black people would your argument be <blockquote> "A black woman is a normal woman" Then why the need for the "black " qualifier? Like it or not, it's abnormal to be born black. </blockquote> <blockquote>A man for example born without a penis but has XY chromosones is still a man.</blockquote> So a genetic male that was born with a vagina and without a penis is both a man and a woman at the same time? Make up your mind. Are there only 2 sexes or are there more? You keep trying to claim these are only outliers, but have confused the issue that transgenders are outliers in themselves. No one is saying that this is the majority, this entire argument is over outliers. The trap is working quite well because you're clearly struggling against the implications. <b>You just admitted a MAN (xy chromosomes) can be a WOMAN.</b> Think about the implications. Here is a fun question for you, if someone was born with a Vagina and naturally (meaning no medical intervention) grows a penis, is that person a man or a woman? You don't know your developmental psychology, do you? Babies don't have a sense of self until much later in their development. The classic psychology test being that of placing a baby in front of a mirror and the baby believing its reflection is actually that of another baby. It takes a while for self-identity to manifest completely, but it doesn't change that these children were born who they are. Just like homosexuality is innate, gender is also innate. Explain this "diseased brain" theory. If another brain is structurally the same as a man's brain then it is a man's brain. You might as well claim that a penis is really just a "diseased urethra" since all men start off as women in the uterus and grow penises after being exposed to testosterone. No you don't. Men have had their penises blown off in war, something a little coward like you wouldn't know about, and they've functioned just fine without them. There is no need for the trans qualifier, cis women are normal women too. You're the third person to fall into the trap. So again, a woman who was born with XY Chromosomes and a vagina, is she a woman?