MovieChat Forums > Terez > Replies

Terez's Replies

No you aren't. You're evading the question because you know I'm right. A woman who was born with XY Chromosomes and a vagina, is she a woman? I see you're admitting I have a valid point. Not all people are born cisgender, statistical outliers exist and just because most people die from falling out of a plane doesn't mean all people will die. Just because most people are born cisgender doesn't mean no people are born transgender. I ask you again, because I set up this trap intentionally. A woman who was born with XY chromosomes and a vagina, but no uterus... is she a woman? Do you have a point, or is this a concession that I'm right? I'm not a lesbian, but I'd date a trans man. So I go back to CAIS, a woman who was born with XY chromosomes and has no uterus. As a man, I wouldn't expect you to understand anything about the female body. <blockquote>What is more degenerate, a man who has embraced the fact that he was born with a male mind inside of a female body. Or a man who looks down upon women as hunks of flesh for the fucking?</blockquote> This entire thread is about whether being a sexist piece of scum is more degenerate than letting someone be who he wants to be. You're defending the "being a sexist piece of scum" side with the argument that <blockquote>What is more species-preserving? That might be the least degenerated thing... </blockquote> You've admitted to being a sexist piece of scum. That has been your whole argument this entire time. Actually, I pointed out what is a genetic male who was born without a uterus but was born with a vagina and breasts. Click the link. Most people who have CAIS identify as female, so the question to you is now whether someone who never had plastic surgery but was born with a vagina despite XY chromosomes is male. Right... women exist purely for men to ogle. It is her body and having large breasts actually causes serious pain, but no... as a man you get to decide what she can and cannot do. She got breast reduction surgery, many women do... the breasts are a another useless organ that don't have any effect on your ability to function in the real world. Pervert. As the article states, the study has been debunked. Most of those suicides are from phobes like you who harass and attack trans individuals just for being trans. Your obsession with your genitals is absurd... Am I to believe that you would rather die than lose your genitals? That if you had testicular cancer you'd say "no, I need those..." This entire argument is about why people mucking with their genitals is not comparable to people mucking with organs that actually have a use in day to day living... trying to insist that keeping your genitals would prevent you from living a normal life indicates you have way too much obsession with them. Actually, men have working milk ducts. Men can lactate, men account for a small percentage of breast cancer cases. So, a woman who was born with XY chromosome pairs, male or female? Oh? Please explain how homosexual children keep popping up in the households of conservative families then. Please explain why gay conversion camps never worked. If people aren't born gay then why would they be gay in countries where it is a death sentence to be gay? You're treating women as if they're meat to be delivered, that has nothing to do with enjoying sex, it has everything to do with believing you are superior to women. Ergo, you're sexist. No one wants to be raped. The issue is that your entire premise of having sex with a person who would clearly be disgusted by you requires rape. Are you trying to claim that what makes a woman a woman is being born with a uterus? But your arms and legs have actual USE in society. Not having genitals doesn't prevent you from doing anything other than having sex. The fact is that he has a male brain, it can be objectively measured and determined to be male. If his brain is male, then he is male because we are our brains, not our bodies. You can have a romantic relationship without sex. My entire point is that you're obsessed with sex and seem to think that the only reason people get married is so they can have more sex. Sex and Romance are two very different things. Intimacy and Sex are two very different things. His wife fell in love with him despite having a male mind, it is his mind she loves not his genitals. There is no way he'd want to have sex with you, "spite" fucking implies there is no consent. It's obvious the only way you'd get to have sex with Elliot Page is if you raped him.