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daveyh's Replies

pity you don't see the one in The Last Crusade. In fact you've got to pause it to even see him outside the plane if he wants to try any rough stuff, tell him I aint no band leader I thought Sonny was one of the people who got off the boat, hence he didn't have to paddle out there. Almost all, if not all, biopics do this and it's annoying. Normally I can reconcile it by thinking that if they hadn't made a blockbusting movie about it, I wouldn't be looking into the story in the first place. But when I already know the story (as I did when I watched The Keeper) I just get p****d off when I'm watching. "that never happened...that never happened....why aren't they showing such-a-bit......that never happened...."etc And I refuse to watch Bohemian Rhapsody because from what I've gathered huge chunks of it are completely inaccurate. Thanks for those facts about Invincible - didn't know that. I also felt the "love story" with Elizabeth Banks seemed a bit contrived, not to mention unnecessary to the story Agreed. It's just a lot of "in jokes" and giggling among themselves (rather like how most radio talk shows have become now). Just my opinion, but I think after he became a household name during 2002/3 Peter Kay did go off the boil quite significantly for a few years - not sure if the acclaim went to his head or if it was the pressure/expectation or if he was surrounded by sycophants and yes-men, or maybe he just struggled without his previous writing partners, but I imagine this commentary was done around the time he was writing Max and Paddy, and if this was his attitude during that time, it's no wonder that show was such garbage. That said, some of the comments during Leonard kinda enhanced the enjoyment of the episode, and as stated above, Eyes Down was OK in parts too, but they're the exception - it's a pity they didn't do what a lot of series DVDs do and just have commentary on selected episodes, because commentary on every single one can be a bit much. Actually, maybe just an intro to each episode with a couple of 'behind the story' type facts would have done. I can't make 99s with f*****' crunchies recently watched this for the first time in years - the prom banner in the corridor says something like "no dancing allowed" or "dancing strictly prohibited" - is that a reference to Footloose? Also, this may be more trivia than subtle reference, but the football coach plays Brendan Fraser's dad in School Ties, another high school football movie, albeit set in the 50s not sure you'll still be on this site after 5 years, but, "senor just ruined my perfect see-son". I didn't get it either. Austin would often follow up a line by trying to spell it out or trying to make a word play on it and then would get stuck half-way through, so maybe it was just another variation on that i thought the whole exchange between Future and Papa Doc in the indoor parking lot featured the worst lines in quick sucession this. The "German" line - which had to have been improvised as Lickety only called him a Nazi a minute earlier, and to link that to his "worm with braids" appearance was superb. The "how could 6 d#s be p#s" was both hilarious and a response to Lickety's taunting about them jumping him 6 against 1. And "wickedly split lickety" has the added bonus of being a tongue twister, performed with such ease and confidence that it makes a mockery of the earlier "choke artist" claims. So yeah, all that plus ending it by mooning, I'd say Rabbit won those comments about Papa Doc's lines all being pre-rehearsed - I hadn't even thought about that but yeah - they only time we see him rap is at the beginning and most of his stuff sounds generic or pre-prepared - the only thing vaguely improvised/relevant-to-his-opponent was about him looking like Cris-Cros even though he didn't look that much like them. So as stated above, when MC Bob mentions it, Rabbit realises that he'll have some pre-written (either by himself or maybe even by other members of Free World) lines about him and wont be able to deviate from it, so just goes first and pre-empts it all. But even if he'd mis-judged it and Papa Doc was able to ad-lib some new stuff, the knockout blow was Cranbrook. If he'd just dissed his appearance or clothes or whatever, maybe Papa could have tried to come up with something to flip it on him, but exposing him as a fraud to the entire shelter - there's no coming back from that. And I love how "his real name's Clarence" gets a bigger reaction from the audience - and from Papa Doc himself - than the Cranbook reveal ha ha! agreed. It's better to fast forward through that part - or better still, stop watching at the end of the "star-gazing" scene. The story's pretty much run its course by this point and all that comes after are a couple of annoyingly contrived conflicts to stretch the run time a bit. "was she supposed to ignore him at work? not socialize?" well said It's funny what happens when you watch it a few years later. I'd now say that they just had chemistry as friends, which Tim mis-took for something more. There was never anything to suggest that Dawn was physically attracted to him - she just enjoyed spending time with him. And as someone above has said, she could sort of have her cake and eat it by having Lee for her physical needs and Tim for her emotional and intellectual needs. And then the christmas special/finale changed all that. this, plus the individuals doing the lending aren't personally going to be affected if they don't pay their loans back (ok, ok, everyone gets affected when the recession hits, but you know what I mean - it's not like the individual mortgage sellers are lending their own money) - as long as they meet their targets and get commission, that's all that will matter to them. as earlier posters have stated, the men in suits may have been there because of shots being'd think they'd send a SWAT team instead...maybe they were there and off-camera? Anyway, if we are going to accept that Nash was arrested on the spot after stating that he'd handed in a falsified document, then it wouldn't make sense that Greg Buel wouldn't have been arrested too seeing as he'd have been the one behind the forgery plus the construction firm he worked for went bust during that time and didn't pay him for one and half...can't remember if they said weeks or months..... so without expected income during this period and with other bills to pay, it stands to reason the 3 months worth of payment wouldn't be saved i've only seen this once and even then I missed bits of it, but in addition to seemingly facing no consequences, wouldn't Greg Buel also get to keep all the money that Nash had been earning because he was holding it for him until there was enough to buy back the old house? Or was that plan scrapped and that's why Nash tried to move his family to that big house? If my initial assessment was correct, though, it would mean that in addition to being arrested at the end, Nash wouldn't have seen a cent for all that work he'd done late to this discussion, I know - I only saw this movie last night. This has been asked a couple of times on this thread - The reason he didn't use one of Carver's many empty properties was because it would have meant his mother knowing who he was working for. Once ginger-beard came after him at the motel, though, the pretense was up anyway - actually, shortly after that, he did buy a nicer house, only for his mother to complain about where the money came from and how this was the home of someone else who'd been evicted and it was their old house or actually I'd say his mother was the irrational one, but if he's spent his whole life being told that THEIR house is the most important place in the world and that the family should NEVER leave it, no wonder he's so set on moving back there and makes such bad decisions in the process. So the alternative was what the original thread suggests - move to a nicer motel or other short-term stay....although by this point his mother's so angry about the fact that he'd been working for Carver on the sly that I think she'd have refused that too and would have gone to Tampa anyway, and as someone's already said on here, moving before the ginger-beard incident would have meant further disruption for his maybe it's not as irrational as I initially thought! I'm only reading this comment in early 2021 - can only imagine what you must think of shaking hands and high fiving now! That something else was something like " was the before you told everyone to vote against me..." I never got that either. With this and the talk of rush parties, would that mean that Enid had been at the same undergrad college as Elle? Or are there some deleted scenes from 'freshers week' or parts of the script that were not filmed?