the group pi$$ing scene

I don't know about you, but I've done the camping/hiking thing when I was younger just like it's shown in this movie except that there was no mountain climbing, but no one ever did or ever suggested, that a group of boys start a gay pi$$ing contest together. all of us in the group relieved ourselves alone and out of sight. If they went as far as to direct a scene of a group of boys competing to see who's pi$$ would reach the log, then they should have added and directed a scene of them taking a group dump together and wiping themselves with leaves.


The same thing happens in Bushwhacked with Daniel Stern. There's a Girl with them in that one. She keeps her back turned some yards away while the guys recite a song they made up about the occasion. The big difference is that they're on a cliff with their leader and they all accidentally piss on Jon Polito's head.

They call me the Mayor, 'Cause I spend all my days here


What about them all high fiving afterwards! Gross!!!


Then they get done and start high fiving Kevin Bacon. I get you're already dirty being in the woods but I wouldn't want to be slapping hands with someone who just was grabbing their junk. I'm not even a big fan of shaking hands these days. Unnecessary gesture where you have to touch someone's hand that you have no idea where it's been or when it was last cleaned.


I'm only reading this comment in early 2021 - can only imagine what you must think of shaking hands and high fiving now!


You can tell that scene was shot after the fact. I wonder what made them want to include it?
