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JohnnyJohnson's Replies
Also, wouldn't Olivia have heard that Brooke Morrison told law enforcement that Tim was with her that evening? I mean, Olivia had to know that Tim needed an alibi that night, too, and she never found out that Brooke vouched for him? She really was oblivious to the world around her. Same thing when Anne Briscoe had that witness who saw the stepfather with a younger pretty boy who could identify him. I mean, couldn't Anne have just shown the witness a picture of Tim for confirmation? And Olivia would have heard all about the gossip and known it was Tim who met with the stepfather at the diner. Olivia was a fool. And LOL that she at least knew to breathe when she needed oxygen!!! She did seem pretty slow.
The cop was sort of necessary though for the whole plot to work. He could control the evidence at the crime scene, and convince the DA not to press charges against Rob Lowe. It just seems a little messy to have that newspaper photo of them together from the previous season (or whenever it was).
I'm not sure why you are being so antagonistic, theref. An autopsy would show that his genitals were mutilated, i mean that blood came from somewhere so he was clearly cut, and if she took the surgical scalpel with her it would be a curious thing where the scalpel went. He was tied up at least twice and would show marks of two separate rope marks on his wrists, also on his neck from the first near hanging. He was also tased several times which tend to leave marks. He was thrown into the bathtub which would show early stages of trauma and subcutaneous bruising at that point even if not externally visible. The neighbor saw suspicious enough activity to venture on over, and a young girl with a bleeding cut on her forehead answered the door and claimed to be his niece and wouldn't let her see Jeff. There were different phone calls that can be documented to Janelle and possibly her friend, so Janelle would tell the cops that she received a cryptic call from a female telling her to come over. A typed suicide note? (not very convincing) Evidence of a gun going off because that bullet went somewhere. Plus toxicology will show the presence of whatever substance the girl gave him. Nevermind his online communication with her which will be studied by computer forensics. And he was seen in public with a girl matching her description by the neighbor at the place and time agreed to in said online communication. And she might think she's a wiz at cleaning up all evidence of her there, but she did bleed and under flourescent light with luminol, what with all the blood marks all over the house it would reveal a struggle with blood everywhere. Blood that was attempted to be cleaned up, not really something a suicidal person would do before jumping off his roof. What else?
Are you seriously trying to refute this mountain of evidence that this was more than just a suicide?!?! You crack me up, and clearly know nothing about forensics, obviously. Go back to school, doll.
Nicolas Cage was "okay...." in it. He at least didn't ruin the movie like he did in Peggy Sue Got Married. He was still a bit weak in Moonstruck, but was otherwise serviceable as the loser little brother. It didn't call for too much, thank goodness.
The ONLY thing? Laura was so damn stupid I'm sure she made a point to have her phone and address listed. Starting an LLC is not difficult and if they were so concerned about anonymity, they could have bought the house under an assumed name for their LLC. Also, it is helpful for liability issues.
I was also waiting to see how the husband was involved. Otherwise, why bother even having him for the short time he was there? This movie was a joke.
Yeah, I noticed that too. They didn't realize that the orange cat that was eviscerated wasn't the gray cat they owned? Quite an obvious error to me, but I own a gray tabby that looked just like Fred. I immediately saw the difference. Maybe non-catowners wouldn't pick up on it?
He's pretty though. The movie would have been much better if he had to strip once or twice. I wasn't sitting there watching this movie for his acting ability, that's for damn sure. The script was ridiculous though. Six men are trying to kill him and his family, and he's repeatedly calling his shrink asking him if he should defend himself or kill the baddies? Huh? That's not how anti-social PD is or how lithium works too. You don't have a personality change if you miss your pill every four hours either.
I wouldn't mind a sequel if he wore less clothes. I like a brooding hottie with psychopath tendencies. lol
I took it as he couldn't get an erection. It sometimes happens in a relationship. But I think the director was trying to show that Clive was thinking more about Aniston at that moment and couldn't perform or he was saving it for her. And some women don't mind if the husband can't get it up all the time, there are other ways to please her. I'd shove his damn head down there and put him to work, for instance.
When the guy first broke into the room, I turned to my friend and said "This might be a set-up". I had seen an SVU episode where this happened almost the same way except the couple would kill the cheater. Then the fact that HE was being blackmailed and not her. I again said "Why isn't she also being blackmailed, and if she's conning him, she needs to say the same thing is happening to her. After all, he got her purse and information." Then the abortion at SIX weeks??? Hmm, and it seemed when she told him it happened like weeks before, certainly not days! And why not get the morning after pill if you were raped four times or twelve times in one night? That's what I would have done.
The rest of the movie Clive did one incredibly stupid thing after another. I mean, he thinks his wife will be pissed that he went up to a hotel room and was attacked even before he had sex. Yeah, it would piss me off if my husband told me this. But with a terminally ill or needing a transplant kid, and seemingly everything is fine in the marriage, I'd have been pissed but wouldn't immediately call my divorce lawyer. But the 10K payoff and THEN the 100000K payoff, all my daughter's medical fund? I'd divorce his ass. He should have just come clean, maybe not at the 10K mark, but definitely at the 100K. And whether he did or did not F Aniston, I'd forgive him, but say that I now have a Get Out of Jail Free card now for whenever I want to use it if I want to have an affair. That would make him crazy, even if I had no intention of using it, it would keep him suffering and wondering when I'll ever use it.
So yes, the first time I thought it could be a con happened during the break-in. And I'm not a liar. The other twist about LaRoche surviving I didn't see, because I thought the cops said there were four dead bodies. The ending annoyed me enough that I didn't go back to check if I misheard him. And really, Jennifer Aniston was dreadful in this. 4/10
Especially when the attache case holding the money is straight out of central props. Who carries a case like that, if it doesn't have money or something top secret in it? At least put it in a normal looking suitcase or duffle bag.
And if he transferred the money to another bag, he might have found the tracking device.
Or Tony could have said that after Margot was taken away with her purse and key that he made another copy of the key and put it under the stair in case he locked himself out for whatever reason. Many people do that in real life.
Frankly, with a murder in the apartment, Margot's supposed key still in her purse somewhere at headquarters during the six months of the trial to execution, Tony if he had any sense would have changed the lock, especially since there is a question of how Swann got in. He should have wiped the slate clean, with a new lock, new keys.
Also, did anyone else notice that their door automatically locked upon closing? When Tony left the apartment that one time after meeting with the Inspector, he definitely just shut the door, and then a few minutes later the Inspector used Tony's key to get back in to the apartment. So Margot didn't even need a key to lock the door after Tony left for the stag party.
Interesting, because at one point, I think when Elmer was laughing, that I actually visualized Kramer. Maybe Michael Richards is a fan of this movie? I definitely saw Kramer in Elmer at that moment.
I had to laugh at her reviews, it was clearly from her stagemother and alter-egos. Even her "talent" agency went overboard on her on IMDb on her bio. Not going to put down a child, but she just wasn't a natural actor. Some have it, some don't. She wasn't AWFUL, but she pinged my "Bad Child Actor" bell most of the time she was on screen. Even when she was just speaking into a phone. And since she stopped doing any work after age 14 it was obvious acting wasn't for her.
I'm rewatching it right now. Haven't seen it in reruns so this is the first time since the early 90s. I'm surprised by the extremely poor acting of Andrew Shue and Grant Show. Was this their first acting jobs ever? They were TERRIBLE. So, I can understand how Andrew Shue never had any sustainable career. Grant is on Dynasty and he's a bit better, but still he's no great shakes.
More projecting from a MAGAt. Nice.
Beatty's hair really did look like a wig, as well as Christie's, Warden's, and Grant's. Also Fisher was definitely wearing a wig that looked so bad she had to wear the bandana to cover it up. Odd for a movie called Shampoo and about a hairdresser. Or was that the point?
Yeah, when I saw the bows I knew it was a wedding. Who would put BOWS out for a funeral? Unless it's Donald Trump?
Right? Couldn't they just say UNDERPANTS???? It was so annoying. Panties sounds so stupid in court. And creepy. It reminded me of that Seinfeld episode where he was trying to talk dirty to his girlfriend and said something weird like "Are those the panties your mother laid out for you?" or such. Gross.