MovieChat Forums > JohnnyJohnson > Replies
JohnnyJohnson's Replies
I am an intellectual Gordy for sure. But I would have been close to Chris and would probably say I'd be a Chris as an adult, but still definitely a Gordy.
I felt that Redfern made a point to be noticed leaving on the boat (the speedo would draw attention) and that would be his alibi if he had to immediately come back to get help. But yeah, it made more sense if he intentionally brought someone with him so that person could see the "dead" body, though what if Myra got off the boat and saw that it was Christine? Possibly could have been written better.
LOL. Now whenever anyone calls her Babette it's cracking me up. Kind of like this movie needs a drinking game and you have to take a swig whenever they say that completely unrealistic and hilarious name! I mean, why couldn't they just have named her character "Charlotte" or something??? ROTFL.
OMG, thank you! I just started it, and I think Matt Settle used to be a cutie, and then she said her name was BABETTE???? Who comes up with these names? I'm good with different names, lots are really interesting and cute, but dang, Babette?!?!? It's just started but if Settle turns out to be the serial killer, I will be pissed. It seems so obvious. Hopefully I'm wrong. But giving the lead character such a ridiculous name doesn't give me hope for this flick...
She looks more like Gaby Hoffman's prettier sister. I also get a Katie Holmes vibe from her too.
No wonder he joined that cult. He knows he was responsible for their deaths.
I agree. Also, she married this guy after JUST meeting him and seven months later she's delivering a full sized infant? Come on, something was way off with her. I would have been worried for my brother about her too and would have said as much.
And that elder black woman at her FUNERAL decides to trash Lucy??? And say that her shoplifting is the reason she stopped babysitting her kids? Which was really what was causing the strife between Ian and Lucy because Ian ended up with the babysitting duties. All because this woman saw Lucy shoplifting..... some woman that lady was...
I didn't read the book but are we sure that Lucy intentionally killed herself? Those anti-anxiety pills back then were lethal and many accidental deaths resulted from them, especially when combined with alcohol. Even Bee was getting messed up on those pills. I felt badly for poor Lucy, as messed up as she was.
When the friend showed up and was shot at, that's exactly what I thought too. CALL THE COPS. Don't get out of your car, and then start investigating the house. No lights on, things are a mess, so I wouldn't be like "James? Kristen? You okay? Where are you?" I'd get out of that house and call the cops. Oh well, it became a joke of a movie and I''m not sure who lived or died, and frankly I didn't care. They were too stupid for words.
Really... NO. I felt that James was involved. And the fact that the two "victims" were straight out of a slasher flick where they were the two dumbest people ever and deserved their fates. Nope. Not scary, and tedious.
What I want to know is how much was he paying for rent? Were utilities included?
But think about it, the changeling lived in an orphanage and then was shipped over to Switzerland until he turned 18. Are we to think he did or did not communicate with his new adopted father during that time? Was he told to never say he was adopted? He would have been around six years old when he was adopted, which is first grade, are we really supposed to think he had no recollection of his life before being relocated to Switzerland? I don't believe that. He clearly knew he was adopted by a rich widower and would inherit his fortune and so he went along with the evil scheme. That's why Joseph killed him in the end. He was complicit with his adopted father.
That's what is so funny about this right-wing propaganda. A 2009 Harvard study used credit card subscription data to rank states per capita to measure pornography consumption, and Utah was at the top of the list. The preacher spouting anti-porn bs is probably the biggest consumer of porn in his church, that is, when he has time between raping young girls.
Yeah, how totally unrealistic. If his team mates saw him watching it they'd be asking what the website is. Not call him names and make fun of him.
Absolutely. And the funniest thing is right-wing states are the largest consumers of porn. It's all hypocrisy. The more "religious" someone says they are, the more perverted their minds really are.
Sure, whatever. I was inspired by the death of Kurt Cobain to write a story about a young girl growing up in an upper class town in England. It has nothing to do with Kurt Cobain or his death, but it was "inspired" by him. Kind of like this movie and the actual Texas Killing Fields.
I watched a good documentary on the actual case/s and this movie has nothing to do with it. Yes it was "inspired" by the actual case, but why call it the Texas Killing Fields when the real TKF case is totally different? It was a waste of time. And hard to really follow. Oh well, 1 star out of ten for me.
If you recall in the original movie, Cliff rescues Tracy when Tracy screams because Duncan is in her apartment. He runs back up the stairs, gets to her door, it's deadbolted, and in a matter of seconds he picks the lock open to get inside her apartment. The pick is left in the lock as he runs into the apartment (and mysteriously isn't there as he is leaving, but oh well). He knows how easy it is to unlock a deadbolt with the right tool.
If you recall in the original movie, Cliff rescues Tracy when Tracy screams because Duncan is in her apartment. He runs back up the stairs, gets to her door, it's deadbolted, and in a matter of seconds he picks the lock open to get inside her apartment. The pick is left in the lock as he runs into the apartment (and mysteriously isn't there as he is leaving, but oh well). He knows how easy it is to unlock a deadbolt with the right tool.
That mullet was the scariest part of the movie!
I saw this in the theater when it came out, and I vaguely remembered a gay vibe in it, especially when Mike was at home in his tighty whities. There was also that scene at the boathouse when Mike stroked Tim's face and got nose to nose with him to the point I thought they were going to kiss. I just rewatched it tonight and came on here to see if anyone had commented on a gay subtext, because 36 years later it was unmistakeable that there was likely a gay subtext. It makes more sense to the plot of why Mike hated Olivia so much. Sure, Olivia rejected him, and she was worth hundreds of millions, but Mike was at the heart of it acting like a jealous boyfriend of Tim. And maybe the two lovebirds had an inner competition as to who could "win" her, since Mike tried his best to woo her at the beginning, and it was clear Olivia preferred Tim over him. Even the stepfather was giving me gay vibes, which is even funnier. I'd love to see it remade with this trio of gay men plotting to kill her and split the money between them. Olivia had the perception and astuteness of a slug and had no clue of her surroundings and would have been the perfect victim. And all the while Rob Lowe is being laid by all the main characters! lol. This was a really good film noir for the 80s, I forgot how good it was. But it would have been even better with a more obvious gay component.