JohnnyJohnson's Replies

I believe it's on "Barbra Streisand: The Third Album". She was much younger then, and her voice really changed in the late 60s/early 70s (you better hope your first Broadway show is a star maker, because all those performances can ruin or significantly change your moneymaker voice) I think the point was to cast O'Neal in a totally unlikely role. He was just coming off Love Story and was always cast as the stud. So for him to play a seemingly sexless nerd was supposed to make the audience go "Huh? Why is Ryan O'Neal playing a nerd?" Kind of like in the movie when he asks "Why did you pick me?". And Barbra answers the question everyone including Howard wanted to know: "Because you look good in pajamas!". I took it as an inside joke. There had to be a scene of unsexy/sexy Howard in his underwear. That's what the audience wanted to see, not his comedic talents. But I thought Ryan O'Neal did the comedy above average. That's why Bogdanovich next put Ryan in the brilliant Paper Moon. He did comedy very well in that movie. I just watched it, and unbelievably I tracked each bag with each person and it all tracks correctly. After the car chase you can't tell, but up til then I knew who had the documents, jewels, and rocks and Judy's. I came on here to find out why Barbra started pestering him. I guess she thought he was cute or something. Definitely! I mean, why was that cow allowed in the group??? I felt so bad for that guy. But wouldn't he need to bring a partner along? Otherwise someone is left dry. Thank you. I felt the same way. Like, when is SOMETHING going to happen? I grew up in the burbs, but my childhood wasn't as angsty and empty as those kids. And parents have affairs, big deal. I felt like this movie was trying to "say something" and be philosophical, but it was just one long boring mess. Well, there was no one left alive except Neal, his female assistant and the cop. The ending was a letdown. Yeah, I picked up on that right away. She reminded me of a drag queen I'd seen before. That bothered me too. Major suspension of disbelief. I don't see how it was possible to get from the inside of the house and get back to the backyard plus hit his head with a stone. What a disappointing ending. You could say it jumped the sharks a couple of times. The first being Winoka and the introduction of Albert. Then James and Cassandra. And the death knell was when Pa and Ma left and the Carters moved in. Well, to be fair, BOTH were prisses in their own way. Mary was more in control, take charge and by the rules. Laura was just a shrew for whatever reason. PMS 30 days a month? Maybe he was already (probably) married? Not just him being there, but also with a damn RIFLE!!!! That goes beyond stalkerish level. How so? I don't see the conflict. The judge determines MarcSinger is legally dead, so the insurance company pays out to Kate. MS wants her portion too and takes her to an already buried grave somewhere, and the insurance guy Kate was crushing on shows up out of nowhere and shoots MS and they bury him in the grave and then run off to Venice together. Hilariously bad. Seriously, this is about a serial killer and the last fifteen minutes was listening to a preacher sermon and then a lengthy bible study. What the actual F? Let's get back to the serial killing because there's only been one dead body. They should have started her out with long blonde hair so that she could have her real hair for the rest of the movie. Yes, it was baffling that she didn't alter her appearance in any way. I'd imagine if she she'd follow directions and not contact her sister except when directed that she'd have not been so easily found. And putting her in a small area where she would stand out as a newbie was a dumb idea too. Somewhere like Miami. This flick was irritating in so many ways, starting with the lead character. And we'd all like to see JB's peen flying out a window! Funny thing is that I always mistook Craig Wasson and Bill Maher. At least when I just watched it, I knew it was Craig Wasson and not him, and thought CW was kind of a cutie. That's funny, because the critics destroyed this movie and called it "Footloose on Bicycles". It was Bacon's first movie after his hit Footloose. It was universally panned.