joej2923's Posts

How many teams should be in the USA college football playoff? Part Two Observations (spoilers) Richard the Lionheart was not GAY! Suck it Grosskreutz! Woot! Let's go Brandon! The initial narration and opening scene were too negative towards men! Vote this guy out! I can't believe he pardoned a murderer. Jump kick man has been identified. Did the prosecution know his identity? I don't know which prosecutor annoys me more... Binker or the fat guy. Do we all agree that a skateboard can be a deadly weapon? This dotard interrupted the Rittenhouse trial. Let's go Brandon!!!!!! Anybody have any bad concert crowd experiences? Save the gingers! Hollywood has race swapped another iconic ginger character! Ahmaud Arbery Case Discussion. Should the McMichaels and Mr. Bryan be found GUILTY? I'm tired of CNN analysts constantly saying that CRT is not in the Virginia schools. Rittenhouse is a hero who should be acquitted! Was the $88M DOJ settlement for the SC shooting victims too generous? Home printer/scanner recommendations? Season two thoughts (spoilers)