MovieChat Forums > L1 > Replies
L1's Replies
I have a weird suspicion that when Trump is elected next year, thn youll never hear about this again.
He actually came out and said he was tired of people politicising.
How do you feel about Trump?
its a theatre! A theatre of war!
F..K that guy man.
Thats true but it always works out naturally,
They stand on their high horse with cum on their shorts.
We dont watch tv
I think its a demonic posession that comes from sin and being a child of the lie.
Me too
You just have to see it!! You go below animal dude! Stop saying the 90s were great, they werent.
Hes playful. Hes alpha! Hes young!
And he has a lot of followers.
They just shrivel and tehy stop mattering.
Thats it
The pain is a lesson and its visceral.
Are you sure thats gonna pan out well?
"Thank you" remeber that?
shes a sly fox who has seen them all.
Beautiful classy and the soul of our nation, this is the inspiration we need for our country.