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What Happened to Dealing with Illegal Immigration?

From the triggered snowflakes at National Review

"Trump promised to deport every single illegal immigrant residing in the United States and, if necessary, to create a special federal force to do that. That hasn’t happened"


It Isnt brought up, buy trump took a lot of money away from Mexico.

If they didint pay directly for illegal immigration coming through their country...they are paying in other ways.

Trump signed a long time ago that you cannot come to the u.s if you already pass through other sanctuary countries

The carvans have stooped because of this ,.but are forming again to test Biden if he wins.

Trump used tear gas; biden will hand eveyone cell phones.


It isn't brought up because it isn't true.

That's OK. Stephen Miller's got a secret plan to fix everything... next year...


If you have time Google Obama getting rid of the term 'returned'....

Basically before Obama anyone caught directly at the border was labeled a returned.

Obama got rid of the term return and ordered anyone caught at the border be labeled under deported.


{Google Obama getting rid of the term 'returned'}

This is called a "link":

In this "link" (which also happens to be an official government document, not some blowhard journalist's biased interpretation) we can see that in September 2016 there were 19,828 Border Patrol Agents, and in September 2019 there were 19,648 Border Patrol Agents.

Here is a link from a retard journalist:

That journalist writes that one of the things Trump has "done" is "ordered the hiring of 10,000 new ICE agents and 5,000 new Border Patrol agents." He does not say that today there are not 10,000 new ICE agents nor 5,000 new Border Patrol agents, and he doesn't say that there are in fact fewer Border Patrol and ICE agents than there were 4 years ago...


I'm bumping this post in 2024 because another post I made about the same issue, the link disappeared.

Now the link is back in all its glory!


"in September 2016 there were 19,828 Border Patrol Agents, and in September 2019 there were 19,648 Border Patrol Agents."



Here's an idea. Let's put business owners and others who provide comfort to illegal aliens in prison then the crisis at the southern border would be solved overnight.


It hasn't happened because Melania and her chain migrant family is still here!


Thats true but it always works out naturally,
