MovieChat Forums > Politics > TIL Clinton Decided Not To Arrest Sholom...

TIL Clinton Decided Not To Arrest Sholom Rubashkin...

... and Bush sat on his ass for almost 8 years before he arrested him...

and everyone knows that rest of the story: Obama sentenced him to 57 years in jail for employing and abusing 400 illegal aliens, including children, and Trump released him on the last night of Chanukah December 20, 2017...

So if we had to rank Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump just on the Rubashkin deal, 1 being the smallest turd and 10 being the biggest turd, I would give Trump an "11."


I have a weird suspicion that when Trump is elected next year, thn youll never hear about this again.


I have a weird suspicion that when Trump is elected next year, thn youll never hear about this again..

Well I guess he'll have to battle an entire year to do so.

Maybe "Operation Time Warp" is in full effect and we just don't know it yet.


Speaking of current events:

“This office has a successful history of prosecuting employers for violating our immigration laws, and today marks another step in ensuring that justice is fairly and impartially done, no matter the law-breaker. "

How do you think these guys are voting this election?


What position is Trump running for next year in Fed Pen ?
