Libertarians trying to rewrite historian
The sad thing is this content maker is actually quite good when he sticks to non political history and lets the sheer historical numbers and facts lead to a conclusion
It seems here he had his conclusion, and decided to work back. hence why every single historian he cites and quotes disagrees with him. Instead he chooses to cherry pick, concentrate not he "socialist" aspects and ignore all the capitalist ones.
lets first be clear. The vast consensus of historians, economists and political scientists agree that fascism is a mix of some socialism and some capitalism. There is no real strong economic ideology behind it. Other than the service of the dictators militaristic goals and expansion.
As long as the panzers and guns got to the border, Hitler didn't care if it was "for the glory of the workers" or to let private business do their thing.
The author of this video TIk is an insane extremist. he has made such insane claims as
-"Corporations are syndicates, which are States, and thus Socialist. Again, I've been over this in the Public vs Private video, which is why I said to watch that if you disagree with me on the definitions"
-Using 2000 year old latin origins of a word to show that because private means one person and public more than one, anything public is therefore socialism
-North Korea is a democracy because "the states in charge". um wtf....
This is your brain on extreme ideology. whether its communism or its fun house mirror opposite, libertarianism.
the guy is a joke