MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
They'd have to get past our guns first.
I'm merely thinking from a judicial standpoint, not what I would have wanted our law to actually do. The only true marriages are between an adult man and an adult woman. Everything else is just a farcical joke, done only so the couple in question can get the insurance normally granted to straight couples. They don't really care about being married most of the time. Most gay civil unions are transactional anyway, particularly between some of the more volatile lesbians and the more promiscuous gay men. Some don't even make it to the 6-month anniversary before the moving truck shows up in the driveway.
Yeah, I'm particularly angry the CIA was responsible for that slime getting into the White House and getting away with all the shit he did. If there was ever an ex-president I'd happily watch get executed, it's him. The Clintons and Bidens could join him too.
Oh yeah! He played what apparently is a very old, Democrap trick to get around the will of the people. Ann Coulter talked about it in one of her articles, how ever since the 1960s (maybe even earlier) Democrats figured out that many of the policies they wanted to implement would never be accepted by the populace. So the way to get around that was to have their stupid pet laws go through the courts, where they could sway judges into ruling the way they wanted, <i>without</i> the people's consent. (Remember, they think all voters are too stupid to know what's good for them). There are multiple events from the past 60 years supporting this, including many unpopular laws that were struck down by the people voting, but were made into laws anyway because a judge could be bribed to do what their backers wanted instead of actually upholding the law.
Or Bender going 24 hours without saying "Ass." :D
Sorry, unless someone drops a very obvious hint (like their name, or the way they talk, or they <i>say</i> they're female), my default image of most people on the internet are bland, masculine figures (like what you'd see on instructional signs) that slowly take on more detailed images the more I get to know them. Plus, the name RanB is about as feminine as a block of wood.
It's true. They're breaking international law by crossing our border with no papers, no appointment, no authorization at all. It's interesting that every other country in the world gets away with reinforcing their borders, but when the US does it, we get flack for it. What gives? We don't have issues with LEGAL immigrants. It's the law-breakers we have issues with.
To be honest, the Supreme Court had no business deciding what could constitute as "marriage" and what wasn't. It makes about as much sense as them legalizing abortion for the entire country in the 70s. They are there to deal with the big issues, not anything that involves family or reproduction. That has always been a <i>state</i> issue, and should have remained that way.
But then again, the brown queer in the White House was more than happy to push this ahead to mark his presidency in 2015...
I would have to agree. I read that book and loved it (probably the <i>only</i> Newberry Award-winning book I'd ever read in school that I actually liked), and everyone in my 4th grade class thought the movie was dumb and a very poor interpretation of the book.
Remember, this society of the future had artificial standards of what was "beautiful," (meaning, people who had been surgically altered and their brains messed up), what was "ugly," (basically normal people), and "special," (people who had already been made "pretty" and turned into elite soldiers).
How do you know RanB is female?
Does this answer your question?
No. It was mostly ground battles and very little substance. Villeneuve also messed up the Fremen really badly in the way they were portrayed, inserting modern-day politics into the dialogue.
He had the northern Fremen doubting the prophecy and calling everything into question, he wrote the Fremen in the southern hemisphere of Arakkis as being fanatical and violent, and everyone kept questioning Stilgar's decisions on everything.
Chani was about as charming as a pile of dung in the desert. There was almost zero chemistry between her and Paul. It took me a few minutes in one scene to even figure out they were having sex, because it was about as romantic as hiding in a bunker in WWII.
They didn't allow Alia to be born, and sped up the timeline of the movie to 8 months, and Alia is reduced to talking through Lady Jessica while she's still pregnant. So instead of toddler Alia being a badass and taking out the Baron near the climax of the movie, they let Paul do it instead.
The scenes on Kaitane were really cheap and boring, and they picked a very plain, boring actress to play Princess Irulan, and put her in the most severe, ugly, armor-themed costumes you could imagine. And they totally wasted Christopher Walken's potential to be an interesting Emperor, and made him dull and boring as a ruler.
One of the dumbest scenes in the second film was the arena scene on Geidi Prime, where the planet supposedly orbits a "black sun," which for no scientifically logical explanation that can be given, bleaches out all colors on Geidi Prime so the world looks black and white to everyone on the surface (impossible, by the way).
Honestly, I was not impressed at all, and angry at the story choices made in this movie. It's worth seeing once and never again.
They're pandering to idiots overseas that can't understand American-style story-telling that's beyond bad writing and explosions.
Yeah, finally someone dethroned "Star Trek V." Someone should call Kurtzman and congratulate him on outdoing Shatner in terms of peddling shit trek.
There are dishwashers out there that can clean the plates in addition to sterilizing them, but they're expensive. I'm afraid most affordable dishwashers for us peasants do little more than sterilize dishes, forcing us to do initial rinsing and scraping off of food before putting them into the machine.
So you'll have to get rich and buy a higher-quality dishwasher first.
It's a shitty, overpriced Kurtzman fanfiction that was going to be a spin-off show, but Skydance bought Secret Hideout and told them to fix the dumpster fires they created, plus, funding was cut. So Secret Hideout was forced to cram everything they were going to put into Season 1 into this compact dumpster fire of a movie instead, and most of the money went to Michelle Yeoh's paycheck.
Better just to call them what they really are: criminals.
I'm mostly mad at him for what he did to the black community and the rest of the poor, because I got bullied by the grandchildren of those very people who started sucking off the taxpayer's teat two generations earlier. That, and the welfare system in America has been abused so badly that it's done a lot of damage to our country, far more than people realize.
I also figured out, after visiting Johnson Space Center in Texas and Cape Canaveral in Florida, that NASA couldn't have picked two shittier places to set up Mission Control or to launch rockets. The heat and humidity of Florida make it a nightmare to launch rockets in general, and Mission Control is in a hurricane-prone area of Texas! Mom claims that LBJ demanded the two areas be built in his neck of the woods out of pride. All I'm seeing is an asshole that did everything he could to slow down the space program. If NASA had truly wanted to make progress in space travel, they would have built their HQ and their launchpad in the deserts of Nevada, where it's dry and clean, and not prone to bugs, humidity, hurricanes, or thunderstorms on a regular basis.
And yeah, it was because of LBJ, that the Vietnam War lasted longer than it should have. Many people bought into the propaganda that it was to "stop the spread of Communism," but mom told me it was actually because of oil reserves off the coast of Vietnam. That, and they failed miserably to stop that "spreading of Communism." Had JFK lived, the war would have been ended much sooner, but LBJ wanted power, the CIA wanted to keep up whatever they were doing, and the military wanted to continue the flow of money.
Oh yeah. You should hear how they treat black Republicans. They trot out all the racist, nasty names that they told everyone else <i>not</i> to call black people. Or they think black people are too stupid to get an ID to go voting. Or they think it's their duty to help people in 3rd world countries because they believe the people there are too stupid to do anything without the White Liberal Savior to hold their hand, with the cameras rolling.
Hearing them melt down from black and Hispanic men voting for Trump in this last election was particularly entertaining and disturbing all at the same time, because it means they never actually cared about those groups to start with, and got nasty when their favorite cause pets ran off to the other side of the field because they couldn't take the veiled abuse anymore.