AmeriGirl26's Replies

There are dishwashers out there that can clean the plates in addition to sterilizing them, but they're expensive. I'm afraid most affordable dishwashers for us peasants do little more than sterilize dishes, forcing us to do initial rinsing and scraping off of food before putting them into the machine. So you'll have to get rich and buy a higher-quality dishwasher first. It's a shitty, overpriced Kurtzman fanfiction that was going to be a spin-off show, but Skydance bought Secret Hideout and told them to fix the dumpster fires they created, plus, funding was cut. So Secret Hideout was forced to cram everything they were going to put into Season 1 into this compact dumpster fire of a movie instead, and most of the money went to Michelle Yeoh's paycheck. Better just to call them what they really are: criminals. I'm mostly mad at him for what he did to the black community and the rest of the poor, because I got bullied by the grandchildren of those very people who started sucking off the taxpayer's teat two generations earlier. That, and the welfare system in America has been abused so badly that it's done a lot of damage to our country, far more than people realize. I also figured out, after visiting Johnson Space Center in Texas and Cape Canaveral in Florida, that NASA couldn't have picked two shittier places to set up Mission Control or to launch rockets. The heat and humidity of Florida make it a nightmare to launch rockets in general, and Mission Control is in a hurricane-prone area of Texas! Mom claims that LBJ demanded the two areas be built in his neck of the woods out of pride. All I'm seeing is an asshole that did everything he could to slow down the space program. If NASA had truly wanted to make progress in space travel, they would have built their HQ and their launchpad in the deserts of Nevada, where it's dry and clean, and not prone to bugs, humidity, hurricanes, or thunderstorms on a regular basis. And yeah, it was because of LBJ, that the Vietnam War lasted longer than it should have. Many people bought into the propaganda that it was to "stop the spread of Communism," but mom told me it was actually because of oil reserves off the coast of Vietnam. That, and they failed miserably to stop that "spreading of Communism." Had JFK lived, the war would have been ended much sooner, but LBJ wanted power, the CIA wanted to keep up whatever they were doing, and the military wanted to continue the flow of money. Oh yeah. You should hear how they treat black Republicans. They trot out all the racist, nasty names that they told everyone else <i>not</i> to call black people. Or they think black people are too stupid to get an ID to go voting. Or they think it's their duty to help people in 3rd world countries because they believe the people there are too stupid to do anything without the White Liberal Savior to hold their hand, with the cameras rolling. Hearing them melt down from black and Hispanic men voting for Trump in this last election was particularly entertaining and disturbing all at the same time, because it means they never actually cared about those groups to start with, and got nasty when their favorite cause pets ran off to the other side of the field because they couldn't take the veiled abuse anymore. Sadly the bastard lived before my time. You're right, the term "leftist" seems to suit them better. That, and I also find that it's always liberals that fall for the crap socialist snake oil salesmen try selling every few generations. I think someone in the past also warned that fascism or communism would come to America one day under the guise of "Liberalism," though I'm not sure who said it. Whoever wrote that article didn't watch the movie, because Julie never actually proposed marriage to Bruce Wayne. What happened was, that stupid reporter lady at the charity auction embarrassed the living daylights out of them by asking the couple "when they were going to tie the knot," when they'd only just started dating! Plus, you only see Julie in two scenes: the charity event that Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze crashed, and that fireplace room scene where she and Bruce are kissing, and he murmurs the name "Ivy," and Julie asks him about it. You can tell the relationship was going to go sour once that happened. There's a reason LBJ's grave is on my bucket list of graves to pee on. Well that explains a lot. The parent is as nutty as the kid, and properly brainwashed too. Don't be surprised if he cries about the kid offing herself in a few years due to buyer's remorse or divorce. Wow, creepy. Surely the trans community has made it clear that they don't support this and are against what this cell is doing, right? These "liberals" have more in common with socialists and communists today than with classic liberals. Some people would prefer to burn down the kingdom and rule the ashes, than let the other side win. Let 'em. Better for them to show how impotent they are and to scream to the heavens from their soapboxes than to run off and burn down cities while "peacefully protesting." I get angry at how disingenuous their preaching of "empathy" is, when in fact, the source of them "sticking up for the little guy" is not about them knowing what it's like to be in a similar situation, but to show off to others that they're the heroes for the underdogs of society. It gets even worse when you realize many of these fools with a desperate superhero complex, actually don't <i>like</i> the very groups of people they pretend to care about. You can see it in their script-writing in films predating 2014, where they had this "white savior complex" going on. That's a very liberal value, not a conservative value at all. Conservatives are more into teaching people how to save themselves, instead of taking on all the work and treating everyone else like incompetent children, and they would walk off into the sunset quietly once the lessons had taken hold. You'd never hear about it in the press either, and a conservative wouldn't complain that nobody noticed either. Liberals more than happy to point out Christian hypocrisy in America, for example, and yet never consider the fact that most charities out there are not run by secular liberals at all, but the very Christians they hate. In fact, unless they're rich enough to throw money at charities they pretend to care about for PR, liberals are some of the least charitable people you can imagine. I have a relative like that who's a chatterbox. Even when they take a breath you can't get a word in edgewise. Oh my God! :O Someone actually did that while texting to you on the phone?! That is <i>soooo</i> not okay! That's one of those "keep it to yourself" kind of things, preferably something you <i>don't</i> do when communicating with friends at all! Gross! Hah! If the CIA had their way, those files would <i>never</i> be released, because then America would find out that everything they had been told about the assassination was a lie. But since they know they can't kill President Trump (can't afford another civil war) they're gonna have to play nice for a change. I actually have a Wal-Mart near my house that is also near a black neighborhood, but to be honest, it isn't the black customers I have issues with primarily. It's the fact that the place is severely under-staffed (not many people want to work there, and I don't blame them), so often only 4 or 5 of the 10 cashier spots is open at any one time, and the lines get so long that some people have to stand all the way into the clothing sections. Even worse, that particular store has had issues with theft. Locals have told me that the reason 1/4 of stuff is now locked behind glass, is because there aren't enough security guards, and often the thieves are better armed than the security guards the store <i>does</i> have. I find it particularly annoying trying to get something as simple as laundry detergent, or nasal spray from a locked cabinet, and have to wait for an eternity because there aren't enough store employees to unlock the case I'm at. Parts of the store are also messy, and often look like they've been raided, particularly after the first Tuesday of the month. Gotta love what the War on Poverty did to make America so Utopian (sarc) It's possible if you got a VHS and tape player from England. I've heard of several Brits that were kids in the 80s who watched it on VHS.