Hmm. What is this?

So I tried watching ST Section 31 and 45m in in the 95m movie it’s very bizarre and just not sure what to make of it all.

Is this really Star Trek? What the hell happened man to Star Trek? How did anyone let it get ruined like this?

The lead actress is abysmally bad and the other characters around her were utterly laughably bad. Even cartoon version would be better. This was beyond anything ridiculous.

The only explanation is this is some kind of a spoof joke? What even is section 31? And the phase shift and parallel universe and what not was inane and insane.

They’d better kill off Star Trek right now completely. After the trash that was Discovery and below trash Picard I’m just aghast what has happened.

From stellar series like Voyager, TNG, original series and Enterprise and DS9 and Strange New Worlds for most part were all really cool epic Star Trek. It was so much fun and so well made with positive vision and just that shine on it.
This is unpolished…well.

Ugh. I can’t believe I wasted 45m even on this. Just zero stars.

I watched Star Trek Continues which is a fan made homage show and wow. It’s a million times better and true Star Trek.


It's a shitty, overpriced Kurtzman fanfiction that was going to be a spin-off show, but Skydance bought Secret Hideout and told them to fix the dumpster fires they created, plus, funding was cut. So Secret Hideout was forced to cram everything they were going to put into Season 1 into this compact dumpster fire of a movie instead, and most of the money went to Michelle Yeoh's paycheck.
