MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Do you think RanB will accept this chall...

Do you think RanB will accept this challenge ?

I challenge her to go 24 hours without posting about her obsession with President Donald Trump.

This includes any other screen names that she may have.

Do you accept the challenge RanB? Can you fight your addiction and refuse to post about your obsession for just 1 day?

Because of your illness, I don't think you can do it


How do you know RanB is female?


I'm a male. BicD is just making a clumsy attempt at misgendering me in the vain hope that I will be triggered. Perhaps BicD will claim that I was triggered and this post right here is evidence of it. Meh.


Bud, go back and read her comments and the frequency in which they were posted. There have been times where she has been the creator of every post on the first page.

There is no way on god's green earth that a man with a cock between his legs would be so obsessed with another man and obsessively scour the internet every few minutes of every day to find something to post about him.

The question is...why do you think RanB is a male?


AmeriGirl26 is a man, this has been well established. I mean . . .the name alone . . .we get it already dude.

Also, way to show your colors by thinking that calling someone a woman is an insult. Yuck.


Changing the subject? How subtle... 🥱


You are probably the AmeriGUY, why else would you respond so fast?


I am not. But I already thought about you being RanB. Why else would you try to distract from that guy? Maybe there is only ONE single guy with severe TDS on MC? 🤔


You are more likely BicD with your response time, you both think women are icky.


"This includes any other screen names that she may have."

You already lost, RanB...


I'm not calling her a woman as an insult, I'm calling her a woman because she is a woman.

They need to stick to the kitchen and off of the internet.


I bet you wonder why you're alone and a virgin.


False - Its usually the misogynist that get the most tang.


Sure buddy.


I bet you wonder why your wife enjoys you watching her f*CK other dudes.



I'm divorced from my evil ex-wife so your insults means nothing. It must be uncomfortable for you being a virgin who's alone. Now go fuck yourself.


You're divorced because you got tired of her fucking other men, women and anyone but you.....while you watched.

hahaha Cuck.

BTW, was your ex-wife good looking? Do you have any photos


Despite what a jerk you are being, I do feel sorry for you. You must be in a lot of pain.


Sorry, unless someone drops a very obvious hint (like their name, or the way they talk, or they say they're female), my default image of most people on the internet are bland, masculine figures (like what you'd see on instructional signs) that slowly take on more detailed images the more I get to know them. Plus, the name RanB is about as feminine as a block of wood.


"Feminine as a block of wood". I like that. If I was a female, I would be ugly AF for sure hahahahaha.

My name is Randy and here is my youtube channel. I have been told on MovieChat that I was lying about this being my channel though.

The fact that some "self proclaimed conservatives" here want to misgender me is very amusing. I was born a male, a male I still am, and will be until I die. But some of the MAGA on Moviechat want to assign me a different gender. Would they dare do that to themselves? Does their trans-inclusion make them liberal democrats? :)


How will that work? What is stopping you from simply declaring that I cheated by using a sock puppet to post? You will just declare that I cheated.

Why are you so threatened by my posts?


I will take your word for it.

Can you refrain from your obsession for 24 hours?


I don't believe you. Shall I judge you the way you have judged me?


I don't give a fuck what you believe. You're a split tail who belongs in the kitchen and with the other girls in the sewing circle.

I don't for a second actually believe that you're a man but if you are, you are an embarrassment to your husband, family and adopted children...that need to be removed from your house.

You seriously have a mental illness and you seriously need to get some help.


Meh. You're like a broken record.


Kind of like your obsessive posts every 5 minutes of every day.

You have a mental illness and you need to get some help


This person really bothers you, perhaps you are the one with the problem?


Any time derogatory comments or claims are made about Trump, his supporters get all up in arms and make nasty comments about the poster of those derogatory comments. Anyone who calls Trump out either has severe TDS or has a mental illness. These Trump supporters have no other retort than to call anti Trump posters names. I guess the supporters get that from Trump himself.

What US President in the history of our country calls people names like our current President Trump does? Trump acts like a petulant child. There is not other explanation for his behavior.


Trump is a hateful bully so I suppose we should expect it from his supporters.

"Trump acts like a petulant child. There is not other explanation for his behavior." Honestly! The immaturity is embarrassing to me as an American. His supporters LOVE it which says so much about them.


[–] BicD (257) an hour ago
"I will take your word for it."

I will too. I trust ya.


Hell no, that would the same as Gollum trying to go 24 hours without saying "my precious"


Or Bender going 24 hours without saying "Ass." :D


That would be impossible, Trump's cock is in her mouth.


Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.


Shocking this clown is still here. I haven’t seen a post of there’s in years. Ignore list at least 100 deep.

Here for the occasional nugget of interesting info and laughs.

This will never come from Democrat party cult members like ranb.
