MovieChat Forums > Politics > So is Europe being taken over by Islam o...

So is Europe being taken over by Islam or not?

Last year when Chip Roy made comments in America about UK being taken over by Islam, he said an unnamed US congresswoman said "so what" when he talked about it.

So um... I just need to clarify from our liberal intellectual superiors.

Is my country not being taken over and I'm "paranoid"?
Or is it being taken over and we have to "deal with it"
WHich one, A or B?

Don't you need to keep up with that kind of countries other places are, in order to know the specific ways America is "offending them" or whatever?


I think this dude drank the fluid in his Magic 8 Ball


Me or who, or what?

There's lots of (alleged) dudes here. You have to let us know who you insults are for, grandpa


"incoherent" is not a river in Egypt


so were you were talking to me... or not? Captain Wheelchair


Do you mean Islam is taking over Christianity?

Most people in the UK (at least where I live), don't care what faith other's have. I'm white and raised Christian. I've not been to church since I was about 7, I dont believe in God and I don't know any other person who goes to church. I don't care if we are being taken over by Islam.

I care that people respect each other, which most people do. The ones who don't get all the publicity, everyone else is just getting along with each other ... but that makes boring headlines.


Europe is the capital of London.
