MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
More than once they've drawn political cartoons with her as a donkey. They didn't have to do much to modify her face.
AOC is a laughingstock in most of the political community, particularly among Republicans and less extreme Democrats.
Are you guys even aware of what she was doing before someone thought it was a great idea to use her as a mouthpiece for the real leftist nuts? She was working at a taco bar!
She is so stupid, she doesn't even know the 3 branches of the US government. Even SCHOOL CHILDREN know that! The only reason she's even involved in politics is because someone thought she'd make a great front-person. There's not a thought in her head or a word out of her mouth that is originally hers, and frankly, I don't know how anyone in her district could be so stupid as to have voted for her.
She apparently has also never cracked open a history book, because every stupid idea she is proposing is exactly what a number of evil empires used to dupe their own people into following the Siren Call of Socialism.
I'm going to tell you exactly why the "70% Taxing the Rich" idea is a scam. In our country, we use a "One Size Fits All" taxing system. So if you tax the rich out of 70% of their income, you're going to be doing the EXACT same thing to middle-class and lower-class people, and most of them can't afford to have 70% of their paycheck being taken away so that lazy-butts who don't want to work will get free government goodies. It failed in Venezuela, and it will fail here if anyone is stupid enough to try her scheme.
Here's another thing you should know about Dumbass Cortez: she grew up in one of the richest districts in upstate New York. She doesn't know anything about suffering or having trouble paying the bills, so why would she care about people who do live that way?
I have always found it fascinating that the people who advocate most for socialism are idiots who DON'T live in a socialist country, particularly if they live in a country like ours where they can hold onto their money and privately own property.
You know, for a long time I didn't even realize we in the U.S. HAD accents. Then I listened more closely to people from other countries talk, and realized that we all sound very flat and smooth, compared to them. You want a really challenging American accent, try talking like an East Texan xD. I don't, but I know and have watched people who do.
They don't say "hair," they say "HAY-air-uh!"
They don't say "iron," they say "ARN"
They don't say "you," they say "YEE-ooo"
And they don't say "everybody," they say "y'all"
My mom is a native of Ohio, and we always have cracked up over that accent too. Most of the time, they sound like your average American, save for a few key words.
They don't call their state "Ohio," they call it "Ah-HIGH-ah."
They don't say "wash the dishes." They say "warsh the deeshes."
They don't say "windows," they say "windahs"
And they don't say "pumpkin," they say "PUNK-in"
You can actually tell what part of the US a person is from if you listen to the different accents. An East-coaster will definitely sound different from a West-Coaster, and the Southerners are very distinct. In fact, if you want a good laugh, I mistook the Southern Accent for Australian as a child, when we went to Orlando Florida to visit Disneyworld, hehe.
Yes :). They were always there for me when growing up, and I have learned a lot from them. They're currently helping my brother and I train for our future jobs.
It does get boring after a while, if all you're seeing are blond, blue-eyed people all the time.
What made me mad was a Japanese girl who came to America and was in my drama class, and she actually assumed the only Americans in the class were the blond-haired, blue-eyed ones! And yet here she is, surrounded by students who are Hispanic, black, Persian, and whites who are not blonds with blue eyes! And 99% of them were born here in the States! I have light brown hair and hazel green eyes, but I am American, thank you. I really did not like that generalization :(.
I have the entire series downloaded on my computer :D
Playing Sims 2.
Research papers. It was the worst punishment about attempting to go to college in Illinois, because you needed English to pass, and none of the high schools give you the training to write such a paper before you graduate, and the colleges do next to nothing to help you figure out how to do it right. It didn't seem to matter what I did, or how many times I re-took the class, (although taking English with a drunken Ukranian moron professor one semester didn't help), I never could write the paper correctly, and envied classmates who seemed to do it with no effort. Even crueler, it didn't seem to matter what college you went to in the state, ALL of them required that you write research papers for their English classes. Even better, you couldn't research anything that made sense or was fun. It to be something stupid and uninteresting, like American sub-cultures.
My strength in writing revolves around stories, not dry, fact-heavy research that won't help me in my future job. And don't get me started on Bibliography. The Penguin Handbook is barely a help, and if it weren't for I would have never survived doing bibliography for my last two papers for speech class. The only reason I eventually passed English to get a degree of any kind, was because I took it at a university in Texas, so they had different requirements for what you wrote.
Jeff Goldbloom
Melissa Joan Hart
Mila Kunis
Basically people who can remember lines and play themselves, but they can't do anything else and their careers have suffered for it.
Liberty. I'd rather be the poorest person living in a society where one can enjoy a lot of freedoms, than in one where you are rich, but every part of your life is controlled, and that wealth and privilege can be taken at a moment's notice.
Actually, coming from someone who has an extensive memory, most people don't remember small details like that over the decades. I'm kind of a rarity in remembering a lot of details that people around me have forgotten over the decades. The only way I can remember how a person looks is if their face had a strong impact on me, which was how I was able to tell at age 13, that a baby-sitter who cared for me when I was 3 had not changed one bit in her appearance.
So it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for George and Lorraine to have gradually lost their memories of "Calvin Klein's" appearance over the years.
Oh! There's a part I forgot about that Gary Cole also did! I can't believe I didn't include it. He did the voice acting for Kim's dad on "Kim Possible!"
You're welcome :D
Yeah, that "Babylon 5" spin-off that didn't get the series it deserved.
There were actually a number of parts he's played over the years we liked.
- the dad in "Pop Rocks"
- that Tea Party guy in "The Good Wife"
- the captain on "Excalibur"
- my brother likes the dad he played in "Taladega Nights" but only because of the cougar wrestling scene
There are a few other parts, but I'd have to look them up in his filmography.
One of my friends said it was the most pointless movie she'd ever seen, and yet I still saw her wearing her own white T-shirt that said "Vote Pedro" on it. *shrugs*
I first heard about him from a commercial about "The Apprentice," around the millennium. At the time, I was a teenager, and was already disliking reality shows, so my interest in his show was very low. It got even lower when he was mean to the contestants and loved to say "You're fired."
But he was a different man in those days, so I don't think much on it. Plus, they had people deliberately act on those "reality" shows in ways they DON'T behave in actual reality. Just ask Gordon Ramsay.
I think the earliest I heard of her was jr. high, so that would have been 7th or 8th grade Social Studies class.
Here are some other symptoms:
- screaming at the sight of Trump
- turning into monsters the moment someone says something positive about him
- acting rashly and impulsively the moment they learn someone supported him
- getting out the banning/firing gavel when an employee (or member of a message board) turns out to be a Trump Supporter
- stewing, emitting steam from the ears, and gnashing teeth every time he succeeds at something
- throwing things every time he makes a tweet, any tweet, doesn't matter what he wrote
- taking every sin that the Democrap party has ever done and saying Trump does it
- blaming Trump for everything
- calling anyone who doesn't follow the Leftist Groupthink a racist and every other 'ist and 'phobe in the book
- dropping so many F-bombs that they lose meaning
- joining a "resistance" group and committing violent acts in the streets to protest "hate"
It's not as accurate for us because 4 different people with different tastes watch, so I often get recommendations that are nowhere near what I'd actually watch, no thanks to my brother watching anime, my mom watching cop shows, and dad only watching sci-fi stuff once in a blue moon.