If that nutball from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, et al, gets their Socialist “New Green Deal” way....horse & buggy will be the main way to travel! We could use a mule, but no member of the bovine species could be used. Why? Because they fart too much resulting in methane gas! Since they are useless the elimination of beef is their goal.
For us common folk who are unable to refit our homes and vehicles to her standards our only option is a tent and a bicycle!
But, come to think about it....we could just keep going, enjoying the fruits of our labor and wait for her words to ring true. Her profound words of wisdom: “the world is gonna end in 12 years” if we don’t do her Green Deal!
Earth to AOC : Horses fart, too. Seriously, very little is going to change in 10-12 years so AOC might just as well relax. Now switch to alternative energy, food, living quarters over 100-150 years might be possible if we so choose. A complete conversion in 10-12 years is not going to happen without a LOT of violence.
I am so sick of seeing that damn mouth of hers everytime I watch the news! I wish someone would shove a sock into it! Good Grief! But, she’s the dems newest little darling, you know, thrills going up the leg and all that!
I think that some in the Democratic Party see her as a way to lure left leaning voters to the voting places who previously sat at home on Election Day. With their partners in the MSM I am afraid that AOC will have attention focused on her right into November of 2020.
I laughed out loud when she proposed "economic security for those unwilling to work" and wanting to make air travel obsolete. What, is there going to be a high speed train across the ocean?
AOC is a laughingstock in most of the political community, particularly among Republicans and less extreme Democrats.
Are you guys even aware of what she was doing before someone thought it was a great idea to use her as a mouthpiece for the real leftist nuts? She was working at a taco bar!
She is so stupid, she doesn't even know the 3 branches of the US government. Even SCHOOL CHILDREN know that! The only reason she's even involved in politics is because someone thought she'd make a great front-person. There's not a thought in her head or a word out of her mouth that is originally hers, and frankly, I don't know how anyone in her district could be so stupid as to have voted for her.
She apparently has also never cracked open a history book, because every stupid idea she is proposing is exactly what a number of evil empires used to dupe their own people into following the Siren Call of Socialism.
I'm going to tell you exactly why the "70% Taxing the Rich" idea is a scam. In our country, we use a "One Size Fits All" taxing system. So if you tax the rich out of 70% of their income, you're going to be doing the EXACT same thing to middle-class and lower-class people, and most of them can't afford to have 70% of their paycheck being taken away so that lazy-butts who don't want to work will get free government goodies. It failed in Venezuela, and it will fail here if anyone is stupid enough to try her scheme.
Here's another thing you should know about Dumbass Cortez: she grew up in one of the richest districts in upstate New York. She doesn't know anything about suffering or having trouble paying the bills, so why would she care about people who do live that way?
I have always found it fascinating that the people who advocate most for socialism are idiots who DON'T live in a socialist country, particularly if they live in a country like ours where they can hold onto their money and privately own property.
The following comment should wake a few folks up: “We've just never had someone who matches both our demographics and our politics," said Waleed Shahid, who worked on her campaign and is the communications director of the left-wing group Justice Democrats. "Bernie (Sanders) matches our politics, but he doesn't match our demographics."
As the saying goes: “Stupid is as stupid does”! What does this say about those who voted for her? Not much there in those “little gray cells”!
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez already has more Twitter followers than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, more interactions than Barack Obama, one of C-SPAN's most-watched congressional floor speeches of all time and a ubiquitous nickname that doubles as her Twitter handle — "AOC."
Normally I stay away from politics on this board, but AOC scares the bejeebies out of me due to the ignorant masses. She beat out a 12 term congressman! The young who have never earned a paycheck or if they have are smitten with wealth envy. Those that want the same things now which took their grandparents years to acquire. Those that want everything for free....the government owes me types. “Promising security for those that are unwilling to work.” as Padeen wrote.