

I thought the words "clue" "no" and "danger" were a little off. The rest was pretty good. You sound a bit like someone from the southern part of the U.S.


Wow, thank you very much. Everyone else had said it's awful, I was beginning to lose confidence. I'm not trying to sound Southern though, I'm trying to sound General American.


By the way, great choice for a monologue. That was an awesome moment in a show full of awesome moments.


You know, for a long time I didn't even realize we in the U.S. HAD accents. Then I listened more closely to people from other countries talk, and realized that we all sound very flat and smooth, compared to them. You want a really challenging American accent, try talking like an East Texan xD. I don't, but I know and have watched people who do.

They don't say "hair," they say "HAY-air-uh!"
They don't say "iron," they say "ARN"
They don't say "you," they say "YEE-ooo"
And they don't say "everybody," they say "y'all"

My mom is a native of Ohio, and we always have cracked up over that accent too. Most of the time, they sound like your average American, save for a few key words.

They don't call their state "Ohio," they call it "Ah-HIGH-ah."
They don't say "wash the dishes." They say "warsh the deeshes."
They don't say "windows," they say "windahs"
And they don't say "pumpkin," they say "PUNK-in"

You can actually tell what part of the US a person is from if you listen to the different accents. An East-coaster will definitely sound different from a West-Coaster, and the Southerners are very distinct. In fact, if you want a good laugh, I mistook the Southern Accent for Australian as a child, when we went to Orlando Florida to visit Disneyworld, hehe.
