MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
I'd recommend "Stranger Things." It's a good show :).
Are you aware that the financial collapse was a long time coming, partially from the policies of BOTH Slick Willy AND G.W. Bush. He also did not help the country recover. It recovered slowly without his help, in spite of what Obama was doing, following terrible economic tactics invented by a con-artist from England. He also did nothing to help anyone outside the Federal Government get jobs, and even had his minions FAKE the numbers. If you want to blame anyone for our boom-bust cycles, blame the Federal Reserve and FDR for removing the Gold Standard in our money. It's because of those two bad ideas that we're having financial problems. You also cannot spend your way out of debt like most Liberal politicians love to do with money that isn't theirs, it doesn't work.
I know you love Obama and see him as the Messiah, but he's anything but. He could care less about you and every other idiot who voted for him, while he's away on vacation on YOUR TAX DIME, laughing at succeeding at the biggest con job America ever had done to it.
Wow, you really didn't read what I wrote, did you? Go back and re-read the first paragraph. I never said that I voted for him because he amused me. It's the fallout of his Presidency that amuses me, especially after watching what was happening to America between 2008 and 2015.
Um, actually she has played girlfriends, not wives, for the most part. It's called type-casting. It's one of her strengths as an actress, but it's also limiting for a lot of actors, because they can't find as many jobs within just one area of acting.
Nancy is gonna have to learn that she doesn't wield as much power as she THINKS she does. She can lie, cheat, and steal her way to the top, but in the end, she will always lose, even if it looks like she's winning.
To be honest, I don't watch SOTU's no matter who's president, [and I might watch it on my own later online,] though I was really motivated to not watch them when O'stinko was president. I remember sometimes accidentally stumbling on him doing a SOTU when channel-flipping, and then said "Oh look, it's Bath-House Barry--" *click*
I'll be honest and say that I didn't vote for a saint, and I'm surprised anyone would think that I view President Trump that way. I voted for a warrior that could fight back against the establishment, and boy did we get one, and it really burns them that they can't bribe or get rid of him.
Nothing has pleased me more than to watch him play the media and the elite like violins, and it's been especially entertaining that he's ripped off the false masks of neutrality and civility from their lying faces. Their insanity and petty, childish behavior has also been laid bare for the world, and it finally lets you know whose side they're on, and it's not the American people. There were many of us who had suspected this stuff for years, but we didn't know for sure until 2016, when the election blew up in the leftist elite's smug faces. They're still throwing a tantrum and foaming at the mouth, revealing what they're truly made of.
We have lots of fun discussing it at Def-Con News.
At the rental place we used, they had a special room, and according to what I was told, you either had to show an ID to the clerk and have them go get the smut you asked for, or they would accompany you into the room and let you pick. Being a little girl in those days, I didn't even know of that room, or after I got into jr. high, I learned about that room from my brother, and how nobody under 18 or even 21 was allowed in there. I think by then I knew not to go near any adult movies, so I stayed away from that room or ignored it.
Not surprisingly, my brother and his best friend attempted to sneak in a few times to look at the tape covers (being teenage boys that had crazy hormones and a desire to break rules) and succeeded at least once or twice before the owner of the rental place wised up to them, hehe.
Yes, I remember them. We used a smaller, less well-known video rental store in the town I grew up in. It was a 5-minute drive from my house, and was right next door to the drugstore. I loved going there. Every time we went there were always new videos to look at. You walked in and it felt a little bit like a bookstore, with all the shelves everywhere. The video tapes to rent were each put inside of plastic cases that would be kept at the store while you took the tape home in a temporary sleeve.
There was a limit to how long you could keep it [obviously], and you could pay for different time lengths to rent. The price of renting was usually much lower than buying video tapes in those days, hence why many people rented. In fact, it wasn't much different than checking out a book at the library. (Incidentally, our local library also rented out tapes, but their selections was much more limited). If you were late in bringing the video back, the rental place would call and remind you, and you had to pay a late fee for each day the rental tape was late. Eventually, if you damaged the tape or failed to return it, you had to pay the rental place the price of the tape, and they probably would put you on a list of people not to do services for later. This place we used also had a warning poster by the exit door that showed precisely why you should not leave plastic video tapes in hot cars on a summer's day. The poster had a real tape that had been melted by heat attached to it, to show they weren't lying.
Blockbuster was much more formal than some of the rental places we used. Every rental tape/video game/DVD we rented had a sleeve with their blue and yellow brand name on it. Their rental places also doubled as stores, and you could buy cheap toys, a few glossy photo books, and even snacks. The trouble was, Blockbuster was more expensive with their rentals, and people often only went to use their services because they were the only rental store in the area
Well, there is a movie genre they watch for, but I don't wanta write it here. It's filthy.
I forgot to mention those two things: VCR's eating tapes, and time limit.
We actually only had one VCR do that, and it was a small TV/VCR hybrid. After refusing to give up 2 or 3 tapes, and me having to rescue them, I'd had enough and just used the screen part of it. That was around the same time we were beginning to change over, but it was a gradual one in the mid-2000s. That same tv was used to watch tapes or DVD's from a hybrid player that could play either one. Heck, that thing was great in the fact that you could use it to record stuff from VHS tapes over to blank DVD's :D. Such machines are rare now.
It's true, VHS tapes were limited in how long they could record based on the length of the film reels inside. I remember seeing inside one and noting the two reels of film, similar to older movie cameras and smaller cassette tapes. There were a few incidents I had as a child of crying because I was taping some kiddy show I liked, and the tape ran out of film and the recording stopped. I also remember my parents owning a few "epic" classic films that required two tapes, such as "The Sound of Music," because the movie was too long to put on just one cassette. They remedied that in the early 2000s, but by then, everyone was buying DVD's and it was a short-lived victory for the VHS industry.
But I would like to point out that even DVD's have their limits, they're just bigger. Case in point, our Lord of the Rings Extended Edition sets. I don't know why it takes two discs to watch 4.5 hours of film, but that's how they're set up.
That was precisely why DVD's were designed the way they were. So you couldn't record on them easily, and they are protected from people attempting to copy them using dvd-players now. They literally forced people to either buy the disc, or buy the film itself online and download it on a large file. That, or you watch it on a streaming service that you pay for each month. Either way, the movie companies still make money.
The only way you can get movies for free now is either as a gift from a friend; or through torrents, and even then, it's illegal, and they have a branch of the FBI that deliberately watches for such sites so they can crack down on them. They aren't always that good, but just be careful if you do use a torrent for some unknown reason.
Are you kidding? First off, Kristen Stewart is basically Hayden Christiansen with tiny boobs. Second, Honest Trailers nick-named her "Fish-Face," due to her staring stupidly up at her co-star with her mouth hanging open all the time. I can't STAND it when characters do that. Second, the guy playing Edward didn't do a very good job either. He made Edward out to behave like an emo goth without the black clothes and eye makeup, whereas the Edward in the book was playful and clever, though even he brooded once in a while.
And yeah, there's probably a lot of B-rated horror flicks that take place in forests with inexperienced or talent-less actors involved, but that's not the point of this thread.
Aw man, that was my childhood. I'm an 80s baby, so my childhood was in the 90s, and we used video tapes all the time! Heck, we loved recording stuff off of tv so we could watch it later. I became an expert at pausing the VCR so the machine wouldn't record commercials, which is one reason we LOVE watching older tv shows on streaming now :D. No commercials.
I will admit that our oldest VCR was noisy, and I really did not enjoy having to wait a few minutes to rewind the tape when we were done watching the movie or tv show that was on it. But then again, that was how things were done in those days.
There was actually something that was [kind of] illegal that we used to do back in the days of renting tapes. My parents found out a trick of running rented tapes on one of our tv's using one VCR, while recording it onto a blank tape with a second VCR that was also hooked into the tv. We saved a lot of money on movies that way, hehe.
It's true that video quality wasn't always that great, and tapes aged badly compared to DVD's. It wasn't unusual for us in the 90s and early 2000s to get out an older 80s tape that my parents had recorded some HBO movie feature on, and to find the picture was fuzzy, sometimes there was a line through it, lighting would slant off to one side, or there might be the dreaded static in the middle of the picture.
One thing I really don't miss from those days were the commercials on the pre-recorded tapes. Most sensible people fast-forwarded on those, but I thought it was a requirement to have to watch them (being a kid, I didn't know better) and I would get bored often, or be reminded just how old the tape was.
After spending over 18 years with DVD's I really don't miss VHS tapes. I especially haven't missed them since we got DVR.
Let's see.....
- Love Boat (pilot episode)
- Cheers
- Jeopardy
- Wheel of Fortune
- Troll Hunters
- a little bit of National Geographic's Mars show
Not a bad week, considering I was under a lot of stress to catch up with my studies. I spent a week on a cruise and missed a week of school, so it took some extra work to catch up. Oh yeah, the cruise was why we chose to watch "The Love Boat" and "Cheers," because they were available on the tv in our staterooms.
She has really bright blue eyes. And I get the feeling they designed her ponytail so they wouldn't have to glue two weird "elf" ears onto the actress's head every time they were filming her.
There's actually a film called that?
I have a good one for that ;)
Avengers: Infinity War - "Big purple man steals stones and gets away with it"
Thank you for pointing that out, I'll fix it.
Are you kidding? I'm 32 and people mistake me for a teenager! It helps if you're short, have a high voice, and a very young-looking face.
Um, are you aware of just how large such structures would be? We have trouble moving space shuttles and aircraft carriers, never mind an entire CITY on gigantic treads. You really need to study the physics of movement and kinetics. The math alone would warp your brain, never mind what it would actually take to move an entire city across land. It's a huge waste of resources and extremely impractical, particularly when dealing with natural barriers like rivers, gorges, and mountains.
First off, such a city would be limited in how many buildings it would have, how it would be set up, and how many people and resources could be carried on it. Second, the fuel consumption would be astronomical.
If you're thinking of floating cities, you really don't seem aware of just how limited our technology truly is, even in this age. We haven't really invented hover-technology yet, and even water-based tech is still limited. The closest you can have to a floating city is an aircraft carrier, and even having those is a huge investment in resources, which is why only the navy has them.
There's a reason I did not watch this movie. It was so ridiculous that you could only enjoy its wacky concepts while drunk or high.