MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
I did this once on a "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" episode. If you haven't watched this series, (it's the fun 90s one, not that crappy horror-fest from Netflix), you might not understand what I'm gonna tell below:
Sabrina's best friend, Valerie, was Editor of the school newspaper in Season 2. However, Valerie is an extremely shy girl and lets people walk all over her. This caused her to make a very lousy deal with Libby, the bitchy Queen Bee of the school, to temporarily be Editor of the school newspaper for a week, in exchange for "helping" Valerie to ask a cute guy out. As you can expect, Libby didn't quite fulfill her end of the deal, and was a total jerk that week about what would be printed in the paper. She got rid of an article Sabrina wrote, mainly because Sabrina wrote it, but also because she claimed it was "offensive to cheerleaders." (Sound familiar, guys? They had this snowflake crapola going on even in the 90s! Just on a smaller scale!)
So Sabrina got back at Libby by offering to take the final prints to the copier instead of one of the helper students, and she magically changed the way the front page was set up. Instead of a picture glorifying how great Libby was as a cheerleader, it showed her in a pie-eating contest and getting all messy. (Turns out she doesn't like pie). Then Sabrina switched out the article Libby had written and put her own "censored" article in there.
One time, I was curious as to what the articles said, so I paused the tv at least twice to see what Libby wrote, vs. what Sabrina wrote. Libby's article was basically a lame gush-fest about everything she had worn that week. Sabrina's article was about the real reason students attended Westbridge High, in order to learn new things, meet new people, and make a difference. She also complained about how preferential treatment was given to jocks and cheerleaders ahead of all the other students. So you can guess who wrote the better article.
Sadly, despite having a magical advantage, Sabrina got into serious trouble for sabotaging Libby.
I don't think I'll be able to remember everything, but we always keep milk, fruit, vegetables, cheese, butter, condiments, juice, mixers and a little bit of booze, yeast, a few probiotics, pickles, a grease can, leftover containers, and bags of bagels.
Now if you want me to tell you what's in the freezer, I'm afraid that picture's gonna be inaccurate, because all I can tell you is what's visible when you open the drawer on the fridge, or the big freezer my mother's had for over 30 years. Both are annoying because my mother's organizational skills with frozen packages is lousy.
That was funny :)
Is this just a rumor, or is it true?
Oh that's easy. Young idiots who either know nothing about Star Trek or hated it because they have no class or creativity are making it. That's why they charge for the show. They knew a lot of the original fans would hate it, so they figured they'd milk the dumber viewers for all they had while the lead balloon went down in flames in less than 3 years.
There's a reason a lot of fans and former actors/writers/producers gravitated over to "The Orville." It outdoes STD in spades, despite not being a serious or an official "Star Trek" show.
Two reasons he pulled out of the Democrap part of the Presidential race in 2016 include these:
1.) The Democrap party knew he had no chance against Trump and plotted against him in favor of the Hildabeast.
2.) Our Socialist friend happily allowed himself to be bribed with a private jet, and now lives in a very expensive home with a fat paycheck every month. Does that sound like someone who advocates socialism to you? A proper socialist would live in a humble, spartan home and give the majority of his or her paycheck to everyone else.
I have yet to see the old fart live by the very political practice he keeps advertising to people young and stupid enough to listen to his lies.
I've heard rumors on "Star Trek Online" that it won't be much better than "Shit-scovery." So I'm not holding my breath on that.
Like I really want to watch a bunch of stuck up, self-important, expensively dressed JERKS glorify themselves on tv with awards that many of them probably don't deserve at all.
There are many other things that irritate me about these awards shows:
- the constant commercial interrupts: you get 5 minutes of show and 5 HOURS of commercials advertising things you don't care about
- getting bored watching people you don't know or don't care about getting awards, vs. the ones you do care about coming in last
- people getting awards for something you know for a fact would never get them an award if the judges weren't biased and bribable
- feeling disturbed when seeing your favorite actors fighting to stay coherent when DRUNK on stage
- getting turned off by the stupid political speeches being made by people who live in the Hollywood Bubble and have NO CLUE on the subject they're talking about
Suffice it to say, I avoid such tv events, and have experienced Schadenfreude in hearing how their viewership has dropped a lot in the past few years. The Little People have wised up and aren't gonna fall for Show Biz's crap anymore.
They aren't worth it. Usually these 3rd-world cesspool, banana republics work the problems out themselves, they don't need us there. It's about as easy as making the Middle East a peaceful place by asking everyone to stop fighting.
The situation would only change if THEY attacked us FIRST, and presented a clear and present threat to the US, and every tin pot dictator south of the border knows that's suicide. I don't believe they have what it takes to attack us, and they know what will happen if they do.
You're welcome. Our pastor held a sermon last year, explaining what Gnostic churches were in Biblical times, and what they actually taught, vs. the real teachings of God. It made me realize, as he spoke, that we have churches like that now, it's just, almost nobody knows about their historical predecessors or that what they are teaching is a modified and incorrect version of God's Word.
Now some of them are legitimate sects of Christianity, but they have lost their way over the years. Others were invented in America in just the last century. You'd have to study each and every one to see if they qualify as a Gnostic church or not.
Many of those are modern-day Gnostic churches. If you don't know what that is, look up "Gnostic Churches." It's not pretty.
And yet the gay community says nothing about them.
Yeah, but at least Meg Ryan is way less annoying in Sleepless, and has better hair. I hated her "I'm-too-good-to-do-my-hair-in-the-morning" phase back in the late 90s. It looked like crap.
While I'm not a fan of Ted Cruz, he made her look stupid when she one time put on a disguise, came up to him during some political event, and attacked him on his views of the gay community. He then told her what ISIS was doing to gays, by throwing them head-first off of roofs and how anything the Republican party does is minor compared to that, and she's like
I haven't liked her since they tried using her to steal Bobby from Rogue in that lousy "X-men X3" movie. Her only good moment was when she called the Juggernaut a dickhead, because he was one.
Painful to watch? I'd say it was the Brian Slug scene. I still cover my eyes after all these years.
The worst violence I've seen that crossed the line wasn't on the big screen, but the little one. Game of Thrones regularly crosses lines, and the violence is what they capitalize on. These include:
- stabbing a pregnant woman's belly first, and then killing her
- a number of rape scenes, though some parts were off-camera
- slicing people's throats
- crushing a man's eyeballs before crunching his skull in
- watching a very hated young king choke to death on poison
Frankly, the only thing they haven't done is murder infants, dismember them, and eat them in front of the camera, although mother! covered that. (note: I did not watch mother! for sanity preservation reasons).
You want to talk about messed-up casting with genetics, try Pinocchio and Emma!
We'll work with Emma first:
Sure, she looks beautiful with blond hair, and I can understand her having blue eyes and light skin, due to her parents, but frankly, chances seemed more evident that she should have had darker hair, maybe even black. It's extremely rare for a dark-haired parent (in this case, Snow White), and a blond parent (like Prince Charming) to have a light-haired child. It might have been due to either a genetic fluke, Snow's dad might have been a blond (did he have light hair?), or it could have been a result of her having ultra-light magic infused into her from being a Child Born of True Love, or the goodness her parents infused into her at the expense of Maleficent's child. I'm using Elsa of Arendelle as an example, because she came from a family of brunettes and redheads, and yet she is pale with platinum blond hair. It could have only been because of her ice powers. We'll never know in the case of Emma.
Pinocchio was an even sadder case:
You first have a child with brown eyes and curly, reddish-brown hair. I can get that, because of the reddish-brown wood his puppet self was made of. But to suddenly have BLUE EYES and STRAIGHT BROWN HAIR when you're grown up?! Where's the logic in that?! That has to be the WORST casting adult/child match-up I have ever seen! Either August should have had curly reddish hair and brown eyes as an adult, or they should have cast a boy with blue eyes and straight brown hair. Otherwise, that was a TERRIBLE job they did. Drove me crazy when I first saw the child version of Pinocchio.
Sorry, Anne, joining the Pixie Cut Club was a bad idea. You look much better with a minimum of shoulder-length hair. It didn't work for Snow White in "Once Upon A Time," it's not working for you either.
And yes, she is named for Shakespeare's wife, which makes me wonder if it's either a coincidence, or a stage name. She wouldn't be the first to use a historical woman's name in her line of work. Just ask Jane Seymour.
Once in a long while, it looks cute, like Alice Cullen's hair in the first "Twilight" movie. But other than that, it makes most women look like men with boobs.
Honest Trailers joked that it was a Westboro Baptist Church gathering, and I'd totally agree on that. I have been to many real churches, and NEVER have they preached like that, EVER. And if I DID find one that did that, I'd leave immediately and hope I never see that place again!