MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
I'm glad it wasn't anything like BTTF2's future. Who wants to live in the 80s on steroids with bad fashion and Biff in charge?
I always thought Mother Gothel was pathetic as a villain in this film. She was a full-blown witch in the original story, and yet in this, all she's got for magic is a crappy, 3-day youth spell, and gets what she wants through lies, trickery, and emotional abuse. If we wanted that from a villain, we could always watch "Cinderella" again.
No, you're not the only one. She totally has the body of a 13 or 14-year-old. I think they did that so she'd appeal to younger girls, but frankly, I don't think it was necessary. There are plenty of tall, properly developed Disney heroines that are popular among little girls, even today.
I think, based on what we saw, that some tore each other apart in the battle, some got burned alive by the fire, and the few survivors ran away, never to be seen again.
You came to the wrong movie if you wanted that.
Get in line, people have been complaining about that for years, and they are in the minority. I didn't even know that cartoon existed until a few years ago.
No, it wasn't just you. Scar showed that he had terrible leadership qualities once he got what he wanted. It's one thing to trick idiot hyenas that will take a handout whenever possible. It's another to rule as a short-sighted despot over a kingdom that was used to its leaders being kind, benevolent, and competent.
Scar's evolution from being a "charismatic" villain that could woo foolish hyenas into doing what he wanted, and then doing a terrible job ruling isn't much different from how many dictators rise to power. They use lies and empty promises to get what they want from supporters who don't know anything about them, and then once they have the ruling power they wanted, they eventually screw over everyone, including the people who helped them along the way.
It's unrealistic and a big fat farce. There's a reason they took it down from online and claimed Republicans forged the online version to humiliate AOC. The entire thing was laughed out of the House due to its very poor planning. Part of it doesn't even have anything to do with "green energy" and everything to do with enslaving the poor with lies.
Ooooh, I like you. It's nice to see someone who isn't a drone saying "Orange Man Bad" and can actually see things as they are :)
No. Why would we invade one of our most important allies in the world? That's stupid and a betrayal of epic proportions.
It's a lame movie and a costume porn-fest, but I can explain why it's getting so much attention.
1.) There have been a few cases of monarchs being gay in the past, but they were not common, and usually kept their madness a secret. In order to get heirs and satisfy their (97% percent hetero) subjects, they typically would have a proper consort that was the opposite gender and the right class, and have a few heirs with them. But in secret, they would have one or more same-sex lovers and carry out their bad lifestyle more freely.
I wouldn't say homosexuals were burned at the stake, but they were looked down upon by mainstream society and often shunned or even killed by the mob if they were commoners that were caught in the act. Burning at the stake was mostly reserved for witches. Nobles and royals could get away with it because they could bribe people working in the justice system, or their peers looked the other way and would snicker. They would also be as discreet as possible, and only certain friends (who might also be gay) would know about it. It was serious business to get rid of anointed sovereign just because of their sexual orientation, and most got away with it, save for Edward the IV (who was gay).
A rival king took the throne from him in the middle ages. He was imprisoned, and later executed. The new king demanded that no mark be left on the body, so his men executed Edward by having a red hot iron poker stuck up his anus. His screams were said to be heard all over England.
2.) That has to do with these lame attempts some movie-makers have done to try and make historical stories look more hip and interesting for the younger crowd. It fails miserably, does not interest most teenagers, and makes all the history fans squirm.
3.) That relates to the above reason.
4.) Depends on the person and who would allow them to do that. Usually only cowardly men slap women. A proper gentleman never lays a hand on a woman.
5.) Keep in mind that much of Show biz is not about who's the best actor, or who's the best singer. It's all about popularity among the snooty higher-ups. They don't care one whit about normal, everyday people who would watch their garbage. What we peons in society love is irrelevant to them. All they care about is our money in ticket sales. What the Academy lacks in taste, they make up for in their lack of class.
30% of Hollywood is represented by the Velvet Mafia, maybe more. They LOVE having people just like them in film, and they go NUTS when they see actors portray them in a positive or sympathetic light. Any time you want to win an Oscar, play someone who who is attracted to the same sex, or someone who is crazy.
It's one reason those "awards" and "honors" you hear about are pretty close to worthless in the real world, because they are.
And just so some people can't get away with deleting this, I'm copying and pasting it in digital storage so that you can't fully erase it. It's a pity when certain people get mad when told the truth.
Of course not. She's like every one of those fake environmentalists that lives in the city and has no idea how the world outside her bubble works. She's also a hypocrite, and would gladly secretly backtrack on the cows when it wasn't convenient to abolish them anymore. She wants her electricity and electronic goodies like everyone else, and doesn't think for one minute what getting rid of all the favorite targets of green people would actually mean for her, as well as everyone else.
Nothing would please me more to see her sitting in an expensive house, all alone, with the power shut off because the solar panels ran out, and she's got angry protestors who used to work at the coal and gas plants on her front lawn.
It's true, I remember watching this and reading the book, and then when I saw previews for the "reboot," I wasn't impressed, and heard it was a huge flop, despite having a new story and being as PC as possible with the cast. They really never learn from their mistakes in Hollywood.
Omg! :o I was gonna say that!
I'm getting tired of them showing religion in a bad light ALL THE FRICKING TIME on this show, or claiming that spacefaring societies turn away from religion by the time they've reached the stars. While it's true that Seth MacFarlane is an atheist, I find it insulting that he generalizes advanced societies' views on religion the way Gene Roddenberry did in that horrible episode "Apollo" in TOS, or how the entire series of "The Expanse" mocks it or belittles it.
I mean, first you've got the Krill, who are the chief villains of the show and follow a violent religion that claims no other races in the universe have souls, and gives them a convenient excuse to conquer or kill non-Krill races.
Then, you've got a high-level Union officer (in the same episode that talks about the Krill religion) claiming that when a society reaches an advanced, spacefaring stage, they rely less and less on religion or give it up entirely (which annoyed me a lot).
Then there was that "Brigadoon" planet (as my friend on Discord calls it), that erroneously worshiped Kelly for several millennia (in their time frame) and turned violent because of it, until they advanced (at super-speed) and gave up religion across the planet.
Not to mention that one gigantic ship that had an entire biosphere inside of it, and the society in there had degraded to a brutal theocracy that refused to believe in anything outside of their world.
Finally you got that recent episode where the people were extremely zealous about their local astrology and actually ASSUMED that Giliacs were born violent and dangerous, whereas the authorities seemed more dangerous by comparison than the inmates at the Giliac camps.
As I recall, there was at least one society in the "Star Trek" universe that worshiped energy beings inside a stable wormhole, and they weren't violent or xenophobic. Just ask any Bajoran. Why can't they have an alien society join or be part of the Union that's like that?
Seth MacFarlane is delusional if he thinks most societies dump religion the moment they get technology advanced enough to travel in space. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few astronauts that practice something, even if it's not Christianity.
Oh GOD I'm so glad! It was one reason I was upset when Alara left in the episode "Home," because they still had that gross "elephant" guy in charge of security. Thankfully, they did not keep him.
And thank you for letting everyone know what you were made of. Enjoy the flies.
A special book from the 1830s called "In His Steps" that one of my great-great grandmothers owned :D I also have a silver Liberty Coin ring my great-grandpa had made for is sweetheart (my great-grandma) in the early 1920s.
Does she even realize that the methane cows produce does not come from their anuses? It comes from their mouths. They burp it out.