MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
Sorry, wrong movie.
I hate to say this, but we just witnessed what a horrible fanfiction that had millions of dollars wasted on it looks like. If you want to blame anyone for this, I can provide a list.
George Lucas - for selling out to Disney
Kathleen Kennedy - for allowing the films to be poisoned by feminazism and SJW crapola
JJ Abrams - for allowing his buddy Rian Johnson anywhere near this film and telling him "do what you want with it"
Rian Johnson - for making this horrible pile of crap of a film
Lol, very true. After a few viewings, it gets tiresome to wait for your fave movie or actor get an award, and sooo many commercials! It gets soooo boring and annoying! We quit watching when "American Beauty" won best picture.
Everyone was asking when the year 2000 came, "Where are the flying cars?" Instead we had a silent tech explosion and got better internet and cheap cell phones just 2 years later.
Or having to save someone's life from peril and getting a life-long friend afterwards.
Oh yeah! On tv, the kid who runs after a cat or dog and gets in trouble never gets punished or killed because of it. Or worse, kids on tv get away with not listening to their parents. That isn't true in real life by any stretch of the imagination.
Two of the biggest lies about human nature I have seen on tv while growing up were these:
1.) When someone "wins" an argument, the other person does not stand there, looking stupid and stunned, and allow you to walk away. In real life, they follow you, not wanting to admit they had lost, and demand another round.
2.) Friends do not just fall out of the blue and stick to you loyally for life. Too often I have seen in tv, video games, and movies, where a person just happens to show up and become friends with the protagonist for the rest of the show or movie. In real life, you have to put effort into it, and chances are, most people are jerks who do not appreciate kindness or a long-term relationship with someone who doesn't offer them anything material out of it. Most people are LUCKY if they find even ONE decent person who can be friends with them.
The problem is, she made a large part of her base angry by saying rude and insensitive things about the majority of people in this country, so they went and bombarded her next movies with bad reviews in retaliation. I hope she likes being a short-lived celebrity. They're among the sadder cases.
You can take any word in the English language and call it "offensive," it's all the rage in this time of madness, and you never know what word will set people off each day. Perhaps "teapot" or "mandrake" will be tomorrow's offensive word of the day. Or it'll be "carpet" and "sadness" the next. I recall the word "mob" was also treated like a cuss word one day on the news. There's no telling with thin-skinned troglodytes these days.
Read up on it:
It was never about free rights. It's about becoming a protected class that gets preferential treatment at the expense of everyone else, and hurting our children along the way.
The only things I liked about it were the costumes and sets, and even those are flawed. I can't watch the film after the scene where Cleopatra says goodbye to Caesar, before he goes to the senate and is murdered by his own people. The film just goes downhill after that.
I heard when Elizabeth Taylor watched this at the premier, after it was over, she went to the bathroom and threw up.
Now, if you want an more interesting story, read up on the making of the film. It will all make sense when you hear how epic and chaotic everything was behind the scenes.
I get tired of having the Gay Agenda shoved down my throat every time I turn on the tv. It seems you can't watch a single tv show anymore without one of them on there, and I don't like it. They're not gonna change my mind, and it's made me want to give up ever watching cable again.
The World Wide Web became available in 1994 by phone line, and everyone and their dog was using it by 1996, where were you?
Very true, though I will say that some things have not changed, it's just the methods people use to do them have changed, such as finding your way around a new town, moving, buying a house, buying a car, getting married, having kids. A lot really hasn't changed, save for the WAY we do it.
What really bothers me is how we're all reminded by the internet that society has gotten dumber. People don't have to work as hard to learn something, but not everything they learn is useful or accurate.
One thing I plan on teaching my kids someday, is how to appreciate how we used to do things, and how to do some stuff that many parents have forgotten to teach their kids, like critical thinking, writing cursive, studying all the stuff they leave out of school, how to read a roadmap and get out of being lost without help from a cell or GPS, how we used to do stuff before the internet, how we communicated in the past, etc.
Even the early 2000s were better than today. I swear, life was far better back before Farcebook and Twitwad.
Excuse me, I grew up in the 90s, thank you. I liked it better back then because people weren't obsessed with politics and tv shows were better. We also were going through the Disney Renaissance, so there was an awesome new movie nearly every year, and we didn't have queers and liberals taking over everything and dictating to us how to live back then. The 90s were great!
The term "Millennial" refers to people who were born between 1980 and 1997, and were teenagers or pre-teens by the time the Year 2000 came about. I think you're referring to Generation Z and the iGeneration, kids who were born after 1996 and never got to experience the world without the internet.
On the other hand, AOC has been kind of a gift to the Republicans, despite the fact that she is supposed to be the Democraps' last hope. Everyone sees how dumb and delusional she is, and their opinions of her party sink so low that they are bound not only laugh at her and her party, but even less people will vote for them in the next elections.
I mean, who wants to vote for someone who steals jobs, thinks attorneys and lawyers are two separate types of people, can't even name the 3 branches of government, and thinks "farting cows" are the enemies of humanity?
It's a big fat farce. A large portion of it doesn't even have anything to do with "green energy." It would also put MILLIONS of people out of work, which would cause mass protests and rioting. Maybe even lynchings.
First off, almost nothing has been done to improve solar, wind, and other "clean" energy in the past 40 years. To this day, solar panels can only absorb visible light, whereas, if they could absorb other areas of the electromagnetic spectrum, then they could be just as useful at night to gather the energy we need. Ground-based windmills have also proven not to be reliable as sources of energy, because even in the windiest areas of the US, wind is not steady. A better solution would be those special balloons with fins on them and wires connecting them to a transformer station on the ground, and they can give off radio signals as well as have warning lights on them to steer small craft away. The wind at higher altitudes is MUCH steadier and could provide 3x as much energy as our ground-based wind farms produce.
As it is now, none of those sources produces the amount of electricity your average American uses in the US currently. In fact, our chief sources of electricity comes from nuclear, coal, and natural gas plants.
Cortez doesn't know anything about where the electricity for her darling, expensive apartment comes from, nor does she have a clue about economics, where much of our pollution comes from, how much we produce compared to other countries, or what the consequences of her stupid deal would bring about.
It was so absurd, it was laughed out of the House the moment it was presented. She even had to take it down from online and claim that Republican pranksters had been the ones to post it, she was so humiliated by people's reaction to it.
I can't wait for this moron to quit her job.
Yeah, I mean, when my generation gets old, who are we gonna blame? The Gen Z's or the iGeneration brats.